Ravenclaw Common Room



  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 434 Member
    Hello Ravenclaws! I'm Linda, I'm 22 years old and I'm from the Netherlands. I would love to join you guys! I really admire Ravenclaw for its intelligence. I would really like to start contributing to House Points and add my OWLS etc but I don't understand just yet :)

    Yay! Glad you found us, Linda! We'd love to have you, and I've sent you a message with some information on the House Points and the OWLs. Hopefully it'll get you moving, but if you have any questions, jump right in and ask. We'll get you pointed the right direction. :flowerforyou:
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 434 Member
    I was not so good. I had a big hunk :( It was still within my calories though so hopefully it isn't as horrible as it could have been.

    In case anyone missed the name similarity, this is DW, who has also decided to join up.

    Awesome! Welcome to you, too, Ladybezoar! :) Do you want me to resend the info to you about the weigh-ins and such, or do the two of you have it covered then?
  • Ainsprid
    Ainsprid Posts: 25
    Lord and Lady Bezoar, it's so cool that you are doing this together. Losing weight/getting fit together is much more motivating! I think you both did great with the food choices.

    I should introduce myself too. I'm Linda, I'm 22 years old and I'm from the Netherlands. I got serious with weight loss in December 2011 (it was actually before Christmas instead of after). I cut out all cookies and crisps and started counting my calories, first with Noom, now with MFP (much better!). I joined a gym in January, and restarted outdoor running 3 weeks ago. I'm training for a 6.6 km run April 20. I'd like to do 2 BodyPump classes every week and 1 BodyBalance or yoga class, but I work 4 days a week (I'm a secretary!) for which I travel 2 hrs 30 mins daily. I also love to hulahoop! I can't do any difficult tricks yet, but I can do some simple things like catching the hoop and hooping in the other direction.

    Right, I think that's enough for now, feel free to ask me anything, I love making friends :)
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Wow! I'm really excited to see so many new faces! That always seems to re-energize the rest of the house. :happy:

    momofJandA - I'm really sorry I gave you my cold. Hope you feel better soon. :flowerforyou:

    Have a great day everyone!!
  • Ainsprid
    Ainsprid Posts: 25
    Nice to meet you azsuzi! :happy:
  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    Wow, love seeing all the new faces and the energy!

    @Ainsprid - I'm a runner too - currently mainly 5Ks but I think I;m going to move up to some 5M - 10Ks - also, need to get back to the BodyPump classes, maybe next week, and yoga when I can catch the class I like. No hulahooping though :-)

    @momofJandA - Feel better soon!

    I had a NSV of sorts today (the S has not been as V) - I decided I needed a new strategy to deal with eating out, which I do a lot, so I'm trying to focus on the company and conversation, rather than the food - I really go out to eat for something to do, or when I'm traveling for work, so it doesn't need to be about the food. So, I tried it tonight and I was perfectly content with a turkey burger salad and water, rather than a burger w/ bun and fries, focused on the people I was with, and didn't feel at all deprived. And I'm meeting a friend for lunch tomorrow - we always go someplace fattening, but I picked a place tomorrow with lots of healthy options. It may not work every time I go out, but the more often I can make good choices when I go out, the better.
  • Ainsprid
    Ainsprid Posts: 25
    Wow, love seeing all the new faces and the energy!

    @Ainsprid - I'm a runner too - currently mainly 5Ks but I think I;m going to move up to some 5M - 10Ks - also, need to get back to the BodyPump classes, maybe next week, and yoga when I can catch the class I like. No hulahooping though :-)

    @momofJandA - Feel better soon!

    I had a NSV of sorts today (the S has not been as V) - I decided I needed a new strategy to deal with eating out, which I do a lot, so I'm trying to focus on the company and conversation, rather than the food - I really go out to eat for something to do, or when I'm traveling for work, so it doesn't need to be about the food. So, I tried it tonight and I was perfectly content with a turkey burger salad and water, rather than a burger w/ bun and fries, focused on the people I was with, and didn't feel at all deprived. And I'm meeting a friend for lunch tomorrow - we always go someplace fattening, but I picked a place tomorrow with lots of healthy options. It may not work every time I go out, but the more often I can make good choices when I go out, the better.

    That's cool! I really want to run 10k, it would be a real victory for me. The 6.6km run I'm doing in April will be the farthest I've ever run. Exciting..

    Lol the "S has not been as V" really made me laugh when I got it. Focusing more on the place and on who you're with is a great tip for me too! I go out for dinner with my boyfriend every Wednesday, and I'm always over my daily cals goal.

    Oh and.. You should really get a hulahoop ;) it's fun! I never hooped as a kid, and the first couple of times I failed so bad, but now I'm getting good and it makes me feel awesome 8)
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 434 Member
    @Ainsprid - I really might actually have to buy a hulahoop now just because you've got the idea in my head. I used to be pretty good when I was younger, but since then, I haven't done anything any closer than the Wiii hooping, lol.

    @srp2011 - Love the idea of focusing on the company. I forget that sometimes, so I might just pick it back up this weekend when I go out to celebrate a birthday with some friends :)

    @Weezieishness - I'm extreeeeemely lucky that my drive to work is only about 5 minutes, so I can't imagine having to drive an hour or more for it. I'll keep my fingers crossed that you work out your apparating idea sooner than later ;)

    @Ladybezoar - Sometimes it's good to cheat a little and treat yourself. Sounds like you even managed to fit it in, so that would make it a pretty successful day in my book. :drinker:
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 434 Member
    **House Business**

    Since we won't be using our spreadsheet just for this week, please feel free to start posting your information (weight, OWLs) this weekend in the common room. I'm hoping to post a really simple chart to see how close each of us got to reaching our March end of month goal -- hopefully it will keep us motivated to see how well we did!
    Also, *everyone* please start posting your April starting weight and your April end of month goal here in the common room this weekend as well so that we can be ready for the new month!
    And last, but not least, congratulations to our Ravenclaw Quidditch Captain (highest % lost) and Head Girl (most House Points) for March:

    :flowerforyou: Quidditch Captain: KnitChick89 (3.78% loss!)
    :flowerforyou: Head Girl: TwiFan5 (1795 HPs!)

    Well done, both of you! TwiFan5 will also be our candidate for the overall Head Boy/Girl competition between the houses as well. Yay for representing us! :)
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Contratulations to our Quidditch Captain and Head Girl! Great job you guys! :drinker:

    This week has been a total bust for me. I've managed to log my breakfast and lunch most days but then the day gets so busy that I never log dinner and other snacks. So, I don't have a clue about my sodium for the week. Also haven't had time to try any new workouts - so no owls there either. :ohwell: At least I've earned 7 owls for spirit - 'cause I love dropping in and saying "hi" to my Ravenclaw friends!!

    Have a great Friday everyone!!
  • Ainsprid
    Ainsprid Posts: 25
    Lol same here Suzie! I have no idea what my sodium intake is like, but I guess it's worth taking a look especially if I can earn OWLS with it! Haven't tried anything new either.. But I deserve points for some spirit right?

    Kelly, just go and buy one! You won't regret it, it's too much fun :) I really don't care that I burn calories by hooping, it's just fun fun and so addicting!

    Tomorrow I'm getting a new haircut, it's been the same for a while and I want something new and sporty but still girly!
  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    Congratulations KnitChick89 and TwiFan5 - you're inspirations for all of us!

    Ainsprid - you've inspired me to pick up a hula hoop if I see one, LOL

    Scale finally started going in the right direction again today :-) Went to lunch with a friend and stuck to the new 'food isn't the important part of the meal' plan, and had a lovely, light stir-fry with brown rice - felt so much better than if I stuffed myself with a heavy sandwich - I think I'm starting to like this new way of eating out :smile:

    Now, off to bed so I can get up early for a race in the morning!
  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    Hi all! Long time no speak!!! Some House stuff- well done to Brittlynn07 and srp2011- our prefects for this week! Watch out for their challlenges for next week being posted in the common room soon!

    Lovely to see so many newbies, I will try to catch up properly soon, let me just put it like this... NEW ZEALAND IS MY FAVOURITE PLACE EVER - I NEVER WANT TO LEAVE!!!!
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    I am SO jealous Lottee!! While I was sick, I watched the Lord of the Rings and then my son and I watched all of the extra features showing how they made the movies and a lot about the New Zealand sets and locations. It looks like such an amazing country. I hope that some day I can do some travelling - and NZ will definitely be on my list of must-see places to go. You are such a lucky girl being able to travel like you do!!

    Happy Saturday Ravenclaw!! This will be a busy weekend of studying and essay writing. One more month of classes - then a couple of weeks off and then MORE classes. Alas - the life of a full time worker trying to complete a degree two classes at a time!

    Have a great weekend everyone!
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,035 Member
    Last day of March . . . . on to April we go.
    March 31st weight: 127.5 (-2lbs this week- I guess being sick pays off in some ways) -3.5 for the month
    OWLS: 10
    HOUSE POINTS: 120 - that sucks but I am feeling better so I promise to kick A** next week

    April Goal: 125
    April House Points Goal: 1350
  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    Thanks Lottee! So glad you're having a great vacation! I think for our exercise challenge this week, we should focus on our core. It's so easy to neglect this area, but yet it's arguably the most important area to keep strong, and a weak core can contribute to all kinds of other problems, like back pain, or injuries doing other sports. I've become very aware recently of how weak my core is, so hopefully this week's challenge will me get in the habit of integrating core exercises.

    So, the challenge is: Do 50 core exercises every day - these can be any combination of crunches, planks (maybe 10 seconds = 1), supermans, bicycle crunches, etc..., whatever you want, just work that core. And you can split them up throughout the day. One OWL for each day completed.
  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    Oh, and on a personal note, I ran a personal best today in my 5K and finally broke the 30 minute mark! I eeked by, at 29:59 and got first place in my age group :drinker:
  • Ainsprid
    Ainsprid Posts: 25
    srp, I love that I inspired you to get a hoop.. Let me know if you have one, I might have some tips and tricks for you to get you started! Also, congrats on setting a time below 30mins! I have yet to do that.. I'm just not so fast lol..

    So how do I log my weight for end of March? Just in the spreadsheet, or can I simply post it here instead? Because well, I have the link to the doc in my message inbox but I can't copy it on my mobile..
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 434 Member
    March EOM weight: 202.2
    OWLs: 7
    House Points: 45 (boooo...)

    April EOM Goal: 198 (ONEderland!!!)

    And I'm stealing this idea for my own as well:
    April House Points Goal: 900

    Off to a busy weekend, but I hope you all have an amazing one yourself! :)
  • korkster
    korkster Posts: 181 Member
    Good morning, Ravenclaws!

    I can't believe it's Saturday already! Nor that I slept 12 hours last night. I started off so well this week, but I got slammed by work around Thursday. I'm going to have to work the weekend, and I overslept so I missed zumba. :( On the bright side, the exercise bike my mom ordered came in, so I thought I might give it a try while I watch TV. :)

    On an even BRIGHTER side, I weigh 293 pounds today! Those little bits of exercise I was able to squeeze in earlier in the week paid off. I've also notices that my step count on a normal day has picked up. Here are my stats:

    Weight: 293.0
    Sodium: 4
    Exercise: 2
    Spirit: 4
    House Points: 59
    Goal for April (EOM): 285.0

    I didn't quite hit my goal for March, but I came close. It seems like my body needs the exercise on top of lowe calories... I've entered *that* phase. I'd like to shoot for 10 pounds loss, but I have a feeling it will really depend on how much time I give to exercise.

    I do have a mini-rant/question to discuss. For the past 2 weeks, the calorie counter says that it needs to re-adjust my calorie intake because I've lost more than 10 pounds. I say, "sure, adjust" and nothing happens. Same calories as before. Is this broken? Why does it keep doing this? *grump*