Ravenclaw Common Room



  • brittlynn07
    brittlynn07 Posts: 386 Member
    I'm so glad that today is Friday!! So far I've done 100 min of exercise and 13 Owls so far!! Going to add to that today!

    @momofJandA- Have fun tonight! Hope your little girl has a good birthday!
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Happy Friday Ravenclaw!! My cold is finally pretty much gone, no classes or homework today, light workload at work, sunny and warm outside - who could ask for a better day?? Eating my salad of dark, leafy greens for lunch to put toward my food OWL, took the stairs this morning. Now, if I can go home to a peaceful house tonight, this will be an all-round good day. :bigsmile:

    Hope you all have a fantastic day!!
  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    Hey all! Just a quick one, am in Singapore, had a lovely day at Universal Studios, all the rides, shows etc, tired now though! Been on my fett for eight hours!

    Will keep trying to log through-out my travels as I know I'm not accountable if not, might not be popping in here as often though...

    Challenges for this week, courtesy of our prefects...

    Food: Sodium! One OWL every day you meet your goal

    Exercise: Add something new to your workout! Or, reintroduce something you haven't done in a while. One OWL for every day you do something which is new or hasn't been done for ages...

    Spirit: POST!
  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    Hope everyone's weekend is off to a great start! Lottee, sounds like you're having fun :smile:

    I ran a 5K this morning, with a finish time of 31:04 - it's my second fastest time, so I'm pretty happy about that. My goal is to break 30 minutes, but considering I went out last night and had a big dinner late (and was probably carrying around a few extra pounds because of it), and my training has been erratic lately, I'm not too unhappy. BUT, time to get serious - love the exercise challenge this week, since my plan was to get back to weight training - now I have extra motivation or no excuse, depending on how you look at it :tongue: Now, off to find some fruits and veggies for lunch, and some ways to squeeze in some extra exercise today!
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 441 Member

    Just as an FYI for everyone, since our inter-house challenges run for 4 weeks each month, this last week of March will be for intra-house challenges only.

    Naturally, we want to keep up all the good habits and still press for getting healthier this week (that's the goal, right?), but we won't be tracking our weight on the spreadsheet. On the other hand, please absolutely post your results in the CR thread next weekend so that we can see how you truly did compared to your EOM goals. I can even whip up a quick chart showing how close each of us got to our goal!

    Our first official April weigh-in will be the weekend of 4/6 through 4/9, and of course we'll have the new sheet ready for you by then. :)
  • brittlynn07
    brittlynn07 Posts: 386 Member
    Hope everyone is having a fantastic weekend so far!! Weekends are normally my hardest to stay within my calorie range. Today has been really good so far in regards to that. Now off to get some exercise in for today!
  • korkster
    korkster Posts: 181 Member
    Went down this week. I guess I am officially moved into 200-ville. Good start to the day, but it fizzled out after having to speak to technical service. Let's hope for a better day tomorrow.
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Hey there Ravenclaw. I had a very frustrating day - one of those days that I was eating everything in sight and not feeling satisfied with any of it. I'm not expecting a loss this week and quite possibly will see a gain. So here I go dancing on the 153-154-155 seesaw - up and down she goes... I hope to some day see 150 (that's been my goal weight since October!!)!
  • Matchamatcha
    Matchamatcha Posts: 158 Member
    Hey Ravenclaw, bit of a frustrating weekend for me. Got a bit of a stomach ache, and I didn't end up seeing The Hunger Games, which I *really* wanted to do. And just noticed on the chart that I haven't lost weight at all this month. Maybe the weigh in tomorrow will give me a better number than yesterday, but I'm not really holding out hope for it. I guess now that I'm in my healthy range I really have to be extra committed/vigilant about what and how much I'm eating. I don't seem to be losing weight as easily (not that it was that easy) as before.
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Happy Sunday! As suspected, my weight is up this week - 155.5. :grumble: It's my own fault and I know it. I must really try to do better or I will never reach my overall goal which is just 10 pounds away... It looks like the rest of you are seeing some successes though. Great work everyone!! :drinker:
  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    Hey Everyone! Hope you all had great weekends (or for those who started out with a frustrating Saturday, that things improved today). I went shopping for new running shoes today, and I'm hoping this will help with the tendoinitis problem I've been having - this has been overdue for awhile, and I haven't been happy with my current shoes since I got them, but I felt I needed to wear them to get my money's worth out of them - probably not the best attitude for the amount that I run - can't put a price on injuries, LOL. Now, I'm going to go run up and down some stairs to squeeze in some extra exercise - hoping to see some movement on the scale tomorrow morning :-)
  • korkster
    korkster Posts: 181 Member
    Hey everyone.

    Sunday was a much better day. Went to zumba. Was a little late, but I made it. Haven't gone in about a month because of other priorities and... feeling like sitting on the couch more. It was great. I'm glad I went.

    Also tried doing rock-climbing today. That was a failure. The footholds are too small to put that much weight on my poor toes. I may be under 300, but *just* under 300. Maybe after I lose another 50 I can try that out again.

    I *also* got running shoes. And in-soles. They feel great, and I found myself running to the house just because I could. I'm even thinking I could do a marathon in the fall. Just maybe.

    Sue, I know you're frustration. I don't understand why those boughts of hunger craziness comes on, but I've feel the urge before... and have given in (see cupcake). I keep reminding myself of the cheetah on the Discovery channel. They calculated his calories intake and burn on everything he did. Helps me remember that calories are supposed to serve a purpose, so if I'm eating them then I should *need* them, rather than want them.

    Hoping to squeeze in a run tomorrow. Have a good one!
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,038 Member
    Hey everyone . . . .
    feeling ugg today. Kids have a little cold/congestion thing going on which leads to not much sleep for Mommy. I don't feel sick but I'm definately run down and cranky. Didn't work out this morning (which always leads to more crankiness for me- I am addicted to the endophins I suppose) actually slept until 6 and then fell back asleep on the couch until 6:30- that NEVER happens. Students are annoying me today (a combination of little sleep/not exercising/spring break around the corner/ AND state tests being 10 school days away!!!!!!!! Oh well tomorrow is another day
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Hello Ravenclaw - and Happy Monday! I always seem to do better with my food during the week - something about being at home just makes me want to mindlessly eat :ohwell: As long as I can stay away from the candy bowls in the office, today will be a good day. Mondays I have to pack all 3 meals because I don't get home until about 9:30 tonight - but at least I can pack healthy stuff!!

    Tori - I have the greatest respect for teachers. My one child was enough to drive me over the edge some days. I can't imagine having to deal with 20 or more! Hang in there!!
  • brittlynn07
    brittlynn07 Posts: 386 Member
    Happy Monday!! I did really well with my food over the weekend which is a big accomplishment for me. I thought I was going to have to deal with a pizza party at work tomorrow but it turns out I have to go on an inspection so I get to avoid the temptation! :bigsmile:
  • korkster
    korkster Posts: 181 Member
    Got my walk/jog in! Only 17 minutes, but it boosted my steps by 2,000. So I'm happy there.

    Quick question on the excel sheet. Looks like March has another week... so where do we post our stuff for this week? Also, when do we need to post our goal weight for April?

  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 441 Member
    Got my walk/jog in! Only 17 minutes, but it boosted my steps by 2,000. So I'm happy there.

    Quick question on the excel sheet. Looks like March has another week... so where do we post our stuff for this week? Also, when do we need to post our goal weight for April?


    This week for March will just be for intra-house challenges, not the regular weigh-ins. Check back a page and you'll see a post on it that explains it a little more in detail - but good question! We're just going to post weights in the common room so that we can whip up a quick EOM comparison from your March goal.

    Oh, and you're welcome to start posting your EOM April goal any time you like. Might be easier to see how your weight shakes out for the end of March, but that's up to you. I would suggest maybe during the next weekend? :)
  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    Well, weigh in was a bit disappointing today - I wasn't shocked, but still, I thought ti might be down a little... but it wasn't up after the week before in Miami, so I guess I'm about where I would have expected to be, if that makes any sense. I did get to the gym to start some weight training today, so that was good - hoping this will help my 5K time. Dinner out tonight, not so good... but no more eating out for awhile, so I should be able to make some progress.

    Hope everyone's week is off to a great start!
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 441 Member
    Looks like we're only missing a few reports this week (yay! - thank you all for getting those updated):


    Hope to see you all updated soon - it's exciting to see how everyone is doing.

    I still seem to have a case of the over-munchies, but I'm determined to turn it around, so hopefully this week will be better than last.

    And Sue, hope you're able to beat your roller coaster demon soon. We're here to help if we can!
  • brittlynn07
    brittlynn07 Posts: 386 Member
    So today was not a very good day. I was at a paper mill for most of the day doing an inspection so I didn't get to eat lunch til nearly 4. By that time I was starving and didn't really care what I ate. We didn't have time to stop and eat somewhere so we ended up going to a gas station. And we all know there are not any good choices there. :grumble:
    I did happen to make it to the gym when I got off though so at least I burned some of the calories. Hopefully tomorrow is a better day.