Ravenclaw Common Room



  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,038 Member
    I broke my scale . . . seriously- its broken, says I weigh 1lb, I step off, get back on and it says i weigh 185lbs- both are wrong- really wrong. I don't know how I, my husband, or one of the kids did it, but its done, which means I have to get a new one tomorrow. Its killing me that I couldn't weigh in this morning-

    had my race this morning- 5K in 26m30s, so about an 8:30 mile, which is okay. I didn't place or anyhting, but I keep reminding myself that I had ankle surgery less than 5 months ago. the goal was to finish and I did- respectively.
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Just wanted to pop in and say that I can tell my "bloatyness" has gone done. I have cut out drinking beer since monday. :) Many of you don't know, but I work in a beer bar and we can drink beer shots while working. I haven't had a drop of beer since Monday night!
    I'm excited to get on the scale on Monday....

    That is all- enjoy the weekend.
    @CivicSista - I quit drinking when I got pregnant and after I had my son I found that as soon as I drank a beer, my hands, feet and sinuses would start swelling. I would feel miserable - all bloaty and headachey - I apparently have a sensitivity to something in beer that triggered a reaction. I decided that feeling good was more important to me than getting a buzz, so I haven't had beer in nearly 20 years. Can't say that I miss it either... :drinker:

    @momofJandA - congrats on your race! You've come a long way since your injury!!
  • datenshi
    datenshi Posts: 840 Member
    It was a beautiful day and I went for my first hike of the season at a nearby Provincial Park that has a LOT of steep hills. I have to get a new battery for my HRM so I can have an accurate reading for how many calories I burn next time. If my legs and knees aren't killing me tomorrow I will probably go again. I will have met that OWL for exercise in two days...lol.

    I hope you are all having a great weekend!!!

    Take care,
  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    Ooh I'm jealous of all the great exercise people are doing- hiking, races, zumba - great variety! i definitely get in a bit of an exercise rut, as am trying to keep up my running after finishing C25K and am also doing 30 Day Shred as have tried it three times but never actually finished it... Got in some swimming today though which I only do about once a week so at least that's a bit different. Happy Sunday Ravenclaws!
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,038 Member
    Using my weight from Thursday because I don't have a new scale yet and when I do it will be afternoon and I like morning" naked no drinking or eating yet" numbers better than afternoon numbers. 125.5 so .5 away from my April goal . . . but I did log 1516 minutes this month in exercise!!!!! my goal was 1350 so I met and exceeded THAT goal.
    While we're talking about goals here are some May goals:
    weight: 123
    exercise minutes: 1450
    measurements: .5 inch from waist (so 29)
    1 inch from belly (so 33)

    On a completely unrelated topic . . . some SOB broke into my garage last night (ok opend the door which wasn't locked but still), went into my car, dumped everything out of my purse and stole my money and credit card!!! GRRRRRR . . . we live in a really good safe part of town so aren't as hypervigilant about security as some (we lock the house doors at night but the cars aren't locked and obviously niether is the garage which isn't attached to the house)- but still!!!!!! Credit card is already blocked- I'm just so pissed off.
  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    Hi Ravenclaws,

    Haven't had a chance to post in a few days - my mom just moved from PA to TX to be closer to me, and she arrived Friday, so things are crazy here. Friday wound up being a terrible diet day (got stuck at Applebee's for dinner, and if you don't eat chicken/beef or spicy foods, the choices there are extremely limited). Thankfully Saturday was better (IHOP has a shocking number of healthy options, and yes, these restaurant choices are mother-driven). This is going to be a huge lifestyle transition - I haven't lived in the same state as my mother for 30 years. She's not living with me (she's in a retirement community), but at least for now she expects to see me daily... it's a bit stressful, but thankfully I have MFP and all my buddies to help keep me focused on eating well and exercising.

    @momofJandA - sorry to hear about the break-in - that's terrible! But congrats on your race - I wish I could go that fast :-)
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Happy Sunday Ravenclaw! I have some devastating news - I finally signed up on Pottermore and was placed in Slytherin :noway: AAAHHHHHHH!!!! :brokenheart: At least all of you know that I'm truly a Ravenclaw!

    So, I'm down a half pound this week - that's 2 pounds this month after 5 months of no change! I changed my goal setting to lose a half pound a week and it seems to be working - plus I haven't dipped into the candy bowls at work for 3 whole weeks! I've been sorely tempted, but I've stayed away :drinker:

    So for the exercise goal this week, if I do 5 minutes of exercise each day it will be 35 minutes more than I did last week! I did absolutely NO exercise last week :blushing: It was crazy busy and by yesterday, all I wanted to do was sit on my butt - which is exactly what I did!

    So, off to tackle the homework again. It's almost over... it's almost over... it's almost over...

    Oh, yeah - goal for May is 151. See ya!
  • rosesquelettique
    rosesquelettique Posts: 38 Member
    Oops! What kind of Ravenclaw am I? I completely forgot about my OWLs!
  • korkster
    korkster Posts: 181 Member
    Hey Ravenclaws.

    Went with my friend for a 7 mile walk. She jogged... I walked. And that was a good workout. I pulled something behind my right knee, and it's really tight. Would have been good if I had stopped there. RIGHT after the walk, we went to zumba. I was so tired and exhausted I was all over the place. And now I hobble everywhere I go. I'm at work right now but I had to take the elevator. My leg said "no f-in way I'm going up there". This time I listened.

    Last night my mom and I made a veggie meal. Bell peppers, mushrooms, onions... it was very good. And then we put steak on it. You know, like icing to a cake. That counts, right? :wink:

    I think my EOM goal for May is going to be 277. It's risky, because I didn't make my goal this month. But all of this exercise should be good. I feel like I'm off the plateau (for now).
  • stablesong
    stablesong Posts: 224
    Hey everyone! I had a nice rest day Sunday, and tried to eat well. I had a bit of tummy trouble earlier but I can't figure out why. Everything I ate up to that point was stuff I eat everyday! But I'm feeling better now and anxious about my weigh-in tomorrow. I hope everybody gets a great start to their week tomorrow!
  • datenshi
    datenshi Posts: 840 Member
    I went hiking again today and brought my daughter this time. Afterwards I took her and my son to the driving range for their first experience with golf. We all had a blast. My legs are sooooooo sore but I am hoping to go hiking again tomorrow since I have the day off work.

    I hope all you Ravenclaws have had a fabulous weekend!!!!

  • CivicSista
    CivicSista Posts: 459 Member
    I ate like poo today, and I know it is going to reflect in my weigh in, oh well theres always next week. :(
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,038 Member
    pulled out my old old scale (because the obsession with the scale is really something I NEED to work on and I swear I am but not weighing in since Thursday is truly killing me)- can I just say I don't know why I stopped using it (other than the fact that it is old and not digital)- it says I weigh 121- oh yeah that's why I stopped using it . . its not correct :ohwell:

    I talked to a friend yesterday (also a runner) who jokingly said I couldn't shave 45 seconds off my time for the next race- 2 weeks away. So . . . because I'm me and will kick my own a** just to prove him wrong that's the new goal. I'm not really sure how my legs can move much faster or how my heart can beat any faster without exploding . . . but I WILL do it!!! Gotta love him (he knew if he said it I would do it- his way of motivating and pushing me)
  • LordBezoar
    LordBezoar Posts: 625 Member
    We got back from Vegas at 12:30 this morning, so I was kinda late to work today and feel exhausted... rawr.
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Hey Ravenclaw. Trying to find an acceptable snack to fill the day. Our cupboards are pretty bare right now and I didn't have anything to pack for a filling lunch. I don't get home until after 9:00 tonight, so I've got to find something to keep me satisfied - I refuse to visit the office candy bowls!

    Have a great day everyone!
  • korkster
    korkster Posts: 181 Member
    Sue, as I always do, I recommend celery. Just can't go wrong with that cruch.
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 441 Member
    Gooood morning Ravenclaws!!! :flowerforyou:

    Forgive this post if it's a little too cheerful... I'm working on 2.5 hours of sleep.

    Last night my co-workers and I went out dancing (sort of). It was a lot of fun AND I stayed within my calories! Even when we went to that diner that had chicken and waffles. :glasses:

    I joined Ravenclaws because my friend Sandra was one and she said you guys are awesome. I stay because you guys ARE awesome! I'm not moving.

    5 extra minutes of exercise a day, huh? Well, my co-worker invited me for a 7 mile jog tomorrow. I think she's trying to kill me, but perhaps this is a sign to join her. Afterwards I'll pay her back by taking her to zumba. :laugh:

    Guess what?? I LOST! YIPPEEEE! :drinker: I'm down another 2.4 or something, and it feels great. But, that could be a lack of sleep.

    I remember when I still had that 55+ pounds on me. I wasn't going hiking (which I LOVE), I wasn't dancing, and events like going out with co-workers wasn't even considered (or offered). It's only been a few months, but my life is so much different than it was when I started. And I think a lot of that comes from the group support here. So, THANK YOU! :bigsmile: :heart:

    This whole post made me smile. So, so happy for you! Congrats on your new life! :D
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 441 Member
    Wow, I've been absent for a while! Sorry, guys! Glad to see so many happy posts on here, though! I'm getting my information updated, and I'm happy to report that I had a loss again this week (I've been cycling back and forth for a bit).

    Happy to be back, and I hope you're all having a great week. :)
  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    Evening all! So, my friend and I started couch to 5k in February, and finished it just before my Easter holiday (as we missed a fair few sessions for holidays, school events etc). We then decided to carry on and train for 10k, as a general target to meet before I leave Thailand in July. It was all fun and not very real. Well today, THIS *kitten* GOT REAL!!!!! WE signed up for a 5k race next Saturday (not too bad, I've done 5k several times now, I know I can do it even though it's tough), and, a 10k in the middle of June. Whaaaaaat?! That's really soon! I agreed in a minute of madness, signed up, and now, hahaha, I've got to do them! Think I am a bit hysterical! Any race advice from your proper runners? momofJandA?!
  • brittlynn07
    brittlynn07 Posts: 386 Member
    Happy Sunday Ravenclaw! I have some devastating news - I finally signed up on Pottermore and was placed in Slytherin :noway: AAAHHHHHHH!!!! :brokenheart: At least all of you know that I'm truly a Ravenclaw!

    I got placed in Slytherin too! I don't understand how they determine that.