Ravenclaw Common Room



  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Wow! Saturdays are really slow around here! Where are all the Ravenclaws? We're getting ready to watch Titanic to mark the 100th anniversary of the ship's sinking. We decided to try to time it so that they hit the iceberg in the movie at about the same time they really did hit the iceberg 100 years ago - that's 11:40 pm GMT -3. That's pretty nerdy, isn't it? :blushing:
  • brittlynn07
    brittlynn07 Posts: 386 Member
    @azsuzi- I think that's an awesome idea and yes I am a major nerd! I mean I am an engineering major haha

    Today has been kind of hectic. I just now got to where I can sit down and relax. I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Wow! Saturdays are really slow around here! Where are all the Ravenclaws? We're getting ready to watch Titanic to mark the 100th anniversary of the ship's sinking. We decided to try to time it so that they hit the iceberg in the movie at about the same time they really did hit the iceberg 100 years ago - that's 11:40 pm GMT -3. That's pretty nerdy, isn't it? :blushing:
    And an update - we managed to time it perfectly!! When they were logging the time in the movie, we were at the same exact time - 100 years later. That little detail somehow made it all the more moving. May they rest in peace.
  • Matchamatcha
    Matchamatcha Posts: 158 Member
    You guys, I finally started losing again! :happy: :drinker: After like... 6 weeks? of no loss I've lost half a kilo and I'm down to 58.4kg. I was so happy I actually did a little victory dance. My "internal injuries jeans" (sitting down or eating was dangerous in those things) that I bought a couple of weeks ago, are now just tight-fitting, not painful.

    And congratulations Kelly on reaching Onederland! :smile:

    @MomofJandA - I completely know what you mean. I've realised that I have very little ability to judge my appearance objectively. It doesn't matter how many people tell me I look good. Some days I think I look good and others I just see flaws. I try to find something I like about how I look and focus on that.

    Something to think about - when I look at other people, and what makes them attractive: it's not so much how good looking they are, or how slim they are, it's presentation and personality. And confidence. I think there's really a lot to be said for faking it til you make it.
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Weighing in today with a 1 pound loss. Yesterday I was showing a 2 pound loss but I was a bit lazy about my food choices and snacking, and the scale has no sense of humor. This morning my hubby decided to make eggs, sausage and pancakes. HOLY COW!! Nearly 800 calories for breakfast! Guess I need to get off my butt and burn some calories today!

    Have a great Sunday everyone!
  • hollyg123
    hollyg123 Posts: 79 Member
    Hello everyone! I am getting ready to make Spinach and Kale Chips so I can have salty snacks to nibble on when I get the craving. :)
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 441 Member
    And an update - we managed to time it perfectly!! When they were logging the time in the movie, we were at the same exact time - 100 years later. That little detail somehow made it all the more moving. May they rest in peace.

    It is nerdy, but in the very best of ways :flowerforyou: And I can imagine it really was moving in the moment, too. It's hard to even comprehend it, isn't it?
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 441 Member
    I've been pretty hit and miss with activity in the common room lately, but hopefully I'll find my way in here and nestle up on a couch to have a chat more often.

    I got the job promotion that I wanted (yay!), so I'll be spending this week getting things tied up in my old role and hopefully start moving my things over to my new office. The good news (I hope), is that I'll be on a regular schedule, and I'll have my evenings and weekends off, so maybe that'll make it easier to be more consistent here. :)

    As for house business, I haven't seen any posts recently about our new prefects or challenges - is that right? If we don't have any yet, I'll use Bron's awesome lists for suggestions and get some up for us ASAP. Hope you're all having a great weekend! :)
  • hollyg123
    hollyg123 Posts: 79 Member
    I've been pretty hit and miss with activity in the common room lately, but hopefully I'll find my way in here and nestle up on a couch to have a chat more often.

    I got the job promotion that I wanted (yay!), so I'll be spending this week getting things tied up in my old role and hopefully start moving my things over to my new office. The good news (I hope), is that I'll be on a regular schedule, and I'll have my evenings and weekends off, so maybe that'll make it easier to be more consistent here. :)

    As for house business, I haven't seen any posts recently about our new prefects or challenges - is that right? If we don't have any yet, I'll use Bron's awesome lists for suggestions and get some up for us ASAP. Hope you're all having a great weekend! :)

    Congrats on the promotion!
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    I got the job promotion that I wanted (yay!), so I'll be spending this week getting things tied up in my old role and hopefully start moving my things over to my new office. The good news (I hope), is that I'll be on a regular schedule, and I'll have my evenings and weekends off, so maybe that'll make it easier to be more consistent here. :)

    As for house business, I haven't seen any posts recently about our new prefects or challenges - is that right? If we don't have any yet, I'll use Bron's awesome lists for suggestions and get some up for us ASAP. Hope you're all having a great weekend! :)
    Yay Kelly - congrats on the promotion!

    I haven't seen any prefect announcements or challenges posted for the week - I just realized that! It would be great if you could post some for us! :flowerforyou:
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 441 Member
    Congrats to our Prefects from last week: brittlynn07 and LadyBezoar! Very nice job with your challenges!

    Also congrats to our highest weight loss % from last week: _gwen!

    Since it's so late, I'm going to post our challenges rather than having our prefects decide (sorry!). Hope these work for everyone:

    Food: Soda Challenge! Replace at least one soda (or other sugary drink/coffee/other liquid weakness) per day with an extra cup of water. For each day you do this, you earn one OWL!
    Exercise: Incorporate the activities from this living room workout video each day for some extra fitness minutes and toning work using nothing more than your living room couch: http://fitbie.msn.com/fit-life/?videoId=61b382a7-4f0f-4f1b-9447-06da610a9a7c For each day you include these exercises, you earn 1 OWL!
    Spirit: Post!
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,038 Member
    Hey Ravenclaws!!!
    Just signed up for my first race of the season (and the first one since ankle surgery in December). Its the Susan G.Koman Miles of Hope 5K- my mom is a stage 4 breast cancer survivor so it is close to my heart. My personal goal is to finish in under 28 minutes (my slowest trail run time from last year- although its not a trail run). I looked at last year times and the first place female finisher was at 19:10. I feel like I'm pretty good at a 8-9 minute mile, but there's no way in hell I can ever see myself running a 6 minute mile- so I'll just continue to try to beat my last time ;-)
  • CivicSista
    CivicSista Posts: 459 Member
    I hurt myself the other day, so am going to do a lower impact workout today. Happy Monday!
  • ahubacek
    ahubacek Posts: 135
    Happy Monday, Ravenclaws!

    My work schedule this week is almost normal (only two long days of travel) so I hope I'll be able to make better food choices and even have some time for the gym. My knees are pretty swollen from Friday still but I'm thinking about going to a yoga class tonight for a full body stretch to start the week off right.
  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    Hey everyone!

    Things have been crazy for the past few days - I'm on vacation and had to finish up things before Ieft, then spent a day in airports because of a canceled flight, but I finally got to my destination - yay! Getting lots and lots of exercise, and there are lots of healthy food options. Tried a new exercise class today - DRUMS ALIVE - if you ever see it, try it - it's cardio centered on banging on thoe big fitballs with drumsticks, with music - lots of fun!

    @Kelly - congrats on your promotion!!

    @momofJandA - good luck on our race! When is it?

    @Matcha and azsuzi - congrats on getting the scale moving!
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 441 Member
    I hurt myself the other day, so am going to do a lower impact workout today. Happy Monday!

    Ouch! Are you okay?
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 441 Member
    Hey everyone!

    Things have been crazy for the past few days - I'm on vacation and had to finish up things before Ieft, then spent a day in airports because of a canceled flight, but I finally got to my destination - yay! Getting lots and lots of exercise, and there are lots of healthy food options. Tried a new exercise class today - DRUMS ALIVE - if you ever see it, try it - it's cardio centered on banging on thoe big fitballs with drumsticks, with music - lots of fun!

    Awesome! Sounds like a blast - glad you're still going strong even on vacation. :D
  • LordBezoar
    LordBezoar Posts: 625 Member
    HI! DW & I had a crazy weekend and I came back sick so... today is my Monday. Happy whatever today is to everyone!
  • datenshi
    datenshi Posts: 840 Member
    Hello All,

    I love Harry Potter and watch one of the movies pretty much every other week. I nearly gave a fangirl squee when I stumbled onto this group. I have to say sheer genius to the Headmistress for combining the world of Harry Potter with MFP in such a clever and seamless fashion.

    I look forward to interacting and sharing my journey with you all and learning about your journey’s too.

    Take care,
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,038 Member
    srp2011- race in Sat. 4/28

    Need to get in more calories tooday- but getting blood work done in the afternoon and have to be "fasting" OMG I'm starving- maybe I shouldn't have run this morning, but I figured dinner would be "bad" so I wanted to bank those calories- we'll see what happens- I know I'm eating something as soon as the blood is out of my arm though!