Ravenclaw Common Room



  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 441 Member
    Thanks for the challenges, ladies! Carbs and arms - we can do it!

    And Sue, I know you've been having trouble getting to your goal, but I think this is your month. You got this. You can resist those cravings! Lol.
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement Kelly! I want to find a way to work the chocolate into my day so that I don't feel like I'm being bad for eating it. The only problem is that I'll start with allowing a reasonable amount of chocolate, but before I know it, I'm going back and mindlessly taking more. :grumble: I think that I am a true chocaholic and I might not be able to break the addiction without rehab! :laugh:

    So, I'm getting ready to go for a bike ride (first of the season) and then off to run some errands. Have a great Saturday everyone!
  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    Hi Everyone! I haven't had a chance to check in the past few days - busy trying to get stuff done before vacation (still a week away, but I can't wait!). Did well in my 5K yesterday - not a PR but I got 2nd in my age group, but today my calves are absolutely killing me, to the point that I'm hobbling around like a little old woman. I decided I was probably overdoing the running training, so I'm going to try to work in more non- or low-impact exercise this week (can't wait til the pool opens, that is a great calorie burner, although then it gets too hot to run...). Didn't do so well with the OWLs this week - I fell down on my own ab challenge, though I did get them in several days, but really didn't pass up many cravings :-( Oh well, love the challenges for this week - I've been trying to build up my upper body, especially those bat wings, and carbs could use some work too!

    @Lottee - your vacation sounds absolutely amazing! (except for that skydiving part - I've never understood people flinging themselves out of perfectly good planes :tongue: but glad you lived to tell about it!)

    @karinane - wtg on the 5K! That is a great time for your first race, with asthma to boot! That first race is great to give you a target time to work toward beating, and they'll get better from here - enjoy :-)
  • korkster
    korkster Posts: 181 Member
    Hey Sue,

    What if you did a portion control for the chocolate? I bag veggies every week so I have something to munch on during work. What if you bagged an acceptable amount of chocolate, and let that be your munchies for the day? See other chocolate floating around... tell yourself it's not as good as what's in your bag. And only bring one bag with you per day. That way, whatever calories you set aside for chocolate you have and make sure the chocolate is good.

    We did this during girl scout cookie season and it worked well. Instead of eating the whole box, we ate just our bags. Made the cookies last longer and satisfied our cravings.
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Thanks for the suggestion Korki. I wish I could say that would work for me, but I've tried and its like a switch in my brain is turned off and I mindlessly reach for and eat more before I know what I've done! I read an article this morning about "gateway foods" - basically, once you eat (or even think about eating) your gateway food, your brain sets off a chemical reaction that can lead to a binge. When I read this article, I realized - chocolate is my gateway food. I am fine if I can stay away from it for about a month and break the chocolate cravings I have. But once I eat just one piece, over the next weeks and months I end up eating more and more and can't seem to control myself. And that lead to eating potato chips and other junk that I know are not in my best interest. I might try portioning out some dark chocolate and see if that will short-circuit the cravings... For anyone interested, here is a link to the article:

    So, weighing in today at 155 - same as last week, last month, last October - but I have to remember - it is 48.5 pounds down from a year ago!! :drinker: Have a great Sunday everyone - and happy Easter to all of you who celebrate it!
  • CivicSista
    CivicSista Posts: 459 Member
    Just finished my core exercises :)
  • blackhawkgirl91
    blackhawkgirl91 Posts: 223 Member
    Core exercises...ugh! Those will kill me! :sick: lol better get started....

    Hello, everyone! I feel bad for not being here for quite a while :ohwell:. It's hard to keep up with school being really busy right now. Six more weeks till summer!!!!

    I love the pre-package idea. I have a problem with portions and sticking to them. Especially pizza,chips, and chocolate, which seem to be my "gateway foods" if they aren't around, I don't crave them. When they are around or available, it KILLS menot to indulge in them and everything else around :ohwell:

    Hope everyone had a great Easter! :flowerforyou:

    PS: my numbers are a bit off for the weigh-ins because I got a new scale that's more accurate. I've still lost the same amount, but the numbers are unfortunately higher....
  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    Hope everyone has recovered from the Easter Bunny's visit yesterday! I'm happy to report that I overcame temptation at brunch and passed up several decadent items full of un-needed calories, stuck with the lower cal items (which were just as yummy, including a lobster omelet), and watched the scale actually go down today - yay!! :bigsmile: I may master eating out yet :drinker: Started on the arm exercises today - used the chin/dip assist machine and my arms are now noodle-like :tongue:
  • karinane
    karinane Posts: 36 Member
    Hope everyone had a good start to the week. I'm in for a cold and rainy next several days, but am in a good mood nonetheless. I'm feeling optimistic that maybe I can break out of my current funk and start really losing again. *fingers crossed*

    Going to do some arm exercises now. My arms are super sore from a new Jillian Anderson DVD that I started this weekend so this should be interesting :)

    @ srp2011 - Thanks and congratulations on your 5k! I definitely have the bug and am signed up for a 10k on the 4th of July, a half marathon in August, and a marathon in October. I by no means plan on running all of them (I have walked marathons in the past) but it is good to have the races to look forward to and to help motivate me over the next few months. Now I just need a bit of a thaw to help get me back outside. Spring in Maine isn't really that spring-like :)
  • brittlynn07
    brittlynn07 Posts: 386 Member
    So my arms are definitely burning right now! I met with my trainer tonight and we worked arms for a straight 30 minutes!
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,038 Member
    Good morning Ravenclaws! Back to work and exercise today- great run this morning followed by some Ripped in 30. Carbs seem to be under control and arms are tonight (I can't work them again after Jillian destroys them- she's a beast!)
    Let's get those House points in EVERY DAY ladies- every little bit helps . . . you and Ravenclaw
  • CivicSista
    CivicSista Posts: 459 Member
    Enjoying my tropical Shakeology and started to think about the challenge...

    I'm a newb so bare with me.
    OWLS are arm exercises, stay under carbs and posting

    Do we track this or does house head do it?

    Thanks so much!
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 441 Member
    Enjoying my tropical Shakeology and started to think about the challenge...

    I'm a newb so bare with me.
    OWLS are arm exercises, stay under carbs and posting

    Do we track this or does house head do it?

    Thanks so much!

    Each house member tracks those on their own. :) Basically, when you weigh in on the weekend on the spreadsheet, you'll have a column for OWLs, so you just enter how many you earned total. Same for house points. You track your points, and then enter them when you weigh in:

  • ahubacek
    ahubacek Posts: 135
    Hi frim New zealand! Eek, stil loving it, for anyone who wants to know, I have...
    swum with wild dolphins
    Climbed two volcanoes
    swam in three seas
    bathed in volcanic hot pools
    cruised through the fjords
    sky dived
    done a four day trek

    I'm horribly jealous, but so, so, so happy for you, too! I'm glad you're having a great time! We miss you, but you should definitely keep enjoying yourself! :D

    I agree with being horribly jealous! That sounds amazing.
  • ahubacek
    ahubacek Posts: 135
    Hello Ravenclaws! Hope everyone is having a great week. I ended up with a 12 hour shift yesterday with lots of running around so my food choices weren't great (I had a cinnamon roll and chai for dinner because my last venue was unexpectedly changed to a coffee shop...) But today is a more normal day and I'm heading to the gym after work. On the up side, all the running around this month has me off my butt!
  • Ainsprid
    Ainsprid Posts: 25
    I went away with my family this weekend. I had a great time really! But we celebrated Easter and two birthdays with plenty of food and drinks (and no time to go for a run) so I hope this week is better. Umm.. I doubt it though. It's my birthday tomorrow which means a high calorie weekend! I'll try and pick the healthy things!

    Didn't do well on the challenges either. I don't really enjoy doing exercises at home, and I didn't have the energy to go to the gym after work. I did resist a craving on Easter. We had yummy snacks but I decided I already had one the day before plus I didn't really need the food.. Yay!

    I'll try to go to BodyPump on Thursday or at least do something more than usual. As long as I can do my 6.6k run on April 20!
  • sundancer1966
    sundancer1966 Posts: 478 Member

    Glad to be back!! Easter was not as bad as it could have been. Saturday was also a not so good day. I am afraid of the scale.

    Hope everyone is doing well.

    I am back on track, and having a recovery week this week. My body is fried.
  • LordBezoar
    LordBezoar Posts: 625 Member
    Happy Tuesday, Ravenclaws!
  • hollyg123
    hollyg123 Posts: 79 Member
    Hello everyone! I've been absent and I'm sorry! Been doing my gym's HIIT class and it is kicking my booty.
  • brittlynn07
    brittlynn07 Posts: 386 Member
    Hey everyone!

    I hope everyone has had a great Tuesday! I started a new medicine last week and right now it is kicking my butt by making me feel so nauseous. I'm hoping that side effect will go away soon! It makes it so hard for me to make myself workout!:grumble: