Ravenclaw Common Room



  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Happy Monday Ravenclaw - and welcome to a new month! Hmmph - I just realized that I blew the food challenge for today already! :sad: I made the mistake of telling the candy bowl keeper in the office what candy I was looking for one day last week. This morning there were 4 pieces on my desk! :grumble: I gave 2 of them away, but by mid-morning I had eaten the other 2 without even stopping to think about it!! Oh, well... tomorrow will be better!

    Enjoy your day!
  • brittlynn07
    brittlynn07 Posts: 386 Member
    Hey everyone!!

    The weather here is crazy! I'm supposed to meet with my trainer in about an hour so I hope the weather doesn't get any worse. I think I'm going to do some crunches before I go... Hope everyone has a great rest of the day where ever you are.
  • Matchamatcha
    Matchamatcha Posts: 158 Member
    Woops, guess I missed the part where we were posting our weights on the thread this week, serves me right for not reading backwards a few pages like I should.

    So my April starting weight is (STILL!) 59kg / 130.07lb. Sigh. It's been over a month and no change. To be honest I need to be more disciplined with myself. Gotten lazy. So I've decided to turn yesterday's food baby into this week's Zig-Zag in an effort to jump start my weight loss again. Haven't zig-zagged my calories for a while, but had some success with it in the past so hopefully that runs true again.

    Good luck for April Ravenclaws! :smile:
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 441 Member
    Whew. I've had a busy week so far, with some extreme highs and some pretty big lows mixed in. I'll post about some of that later, but for now, just wanted to recap the challenges that I saw posted:

    Exercise: 50 core exercises a day (these can be any combination of crunches, planks (maybe 10 seconds = 1), supermans, bicycle crunches, etc..., whatever you want, just work that core. And you can split them up throughout the day. One OWL for each day completed).
    Food: Try to resist a legitimate craving (in other words, when those snacking/munching cravings come up, resist it! -- if you make it through a day without giving in to a not-so-good-for-you snack craving, then you earn your OWL)
    Spirit: As always, post!

    And, as promised, I've put together a sheet to show how we did in comparison to the March goals we set at the beginning of the month. The list looks short, but that's because it's missing anyone who wasn't with us at the beginning of the month to set a goal and anyone who didn't update their last weigh-in. If I didn't see an updated post in the common room, I just used the final March weekly weigh-in. It includes what the actual weight loss goal was for the month, what the actual loss was, and how close to that goal our housemates got. Overall, great job with those losses!

  • Ladybezoar
    My April Starting Weight is 249lbs and my goal is 240 lbs. I started Power 90 yesterday and I walk on the treadmill daily so I am really trying.
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 441 Member
    My April Starting Weight is 249lbs and my goal is 240 lbs. I started Power 90 yesterday and I walk on the treadmill daily so I am really trying.

    Nice! That's definitely a strong effort. Sounds like you're heading in the right direction!

    This is my week to start really getting into workouts. I think I might exercise after work tonight in our work fitness area. Taking clothes to change into, so hopefully I can keep my motivation up long enough to follow through with it. :)
  • hollyg123
    hollyg123 Posts: 79 Member
    Hello everyone! I need to get a scale for my house, what scale does everyone suggest?
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,038 Member
    Resisting a craving for chocolate RIGHT NOW!!!!! I just kicked my own a** on a run and then Ripped n 30 and I so so so want something sweet right now, I'll pop a few grapes and that should squash the craving- or at least curb it enough that I won't give in!!!

    50 bicycle crunches yesterday and today- notice I'm avoiding the plank like the plague ;)
  • brittlynn07
    brittlynn07 Posts: 386 Member
    Hey everyone! The weather here is crazy! It looks like it's about to get bad so I'm not going to stay on here too long. I'm about to go do some crunches!!
  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    Well, I resisted some cravings yesterday, but today is another story... went out to eat tonight and indulged in all of my favorites, although I discovered it wasn't really all that high-calorie, so I should be able to work it off in a day or two. Now it should be clear sailing for awhile with no food-focused events. I've been doing much better in making smart choices when eating out, but this was a really unique souffle restaurant, and there's kind of no point in going unless you're going to eat the souffles...

    @brittlynn07 - you don't happen to be in Texas, are you? We had tornado central where I live this afternoon - kind of scary with the tornado sirens going on and off - definitely threw off my plans to squeeze in a mini-workout before I went to dinner... all's calm now though, thankfully :-)
  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    Hello everyone! I need to get a scale for my house, what scale does everyone suggest?

    I've been happy with my Taylor body fat + BMI scale - it goes in 0.2 pound increments, and doesn't seem to fluctuate. I've tried the body fat readings and they seem pretty reasonable (at least compared to the values I got from a professional who did it for us at work), but I usually just use it as a scale.
  • ahubacek
    ahubacek Posts: 135
    Happy Tuesday! Hope everyone's week is less wet and stormy than mine (that is, of course, unless you really want wet and stormy). I've been trying out new workout routines and the "easy-do-it-at-home-no-equipment-required" one I tried yesterday totally kicked my butt. I'd forgotten how much squats hurt the next day! I'm decided to try and work it into my routine three days a week until it get's easy and then move to the harder version. Of course, I thought I'd give myself a day to recover (stairs to my office this morning we not fun!) so I went to zumba and the new song is full of squats! But I muscled through.... (pun only slightly intended)

    On the plus side, one of the guys who was leaving the cycling class before my zumba class thought I was the instructor! :blushing:
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Hello Ravenclaw! Everyone's stories always give me a smile. You really are a great bunch of people! For those of you in the Dallas area - stay safe! Your weather was wicked today!!

    I had a rotten munchie day today. I'll have to do better at resisting my cravings. But, I have done pretty well with the core exercises. Crunches are a lot easier than they use to be - so that's progress in the right direction!

    Gotta run - homework to do. Keep up the good work everyone!
  • LordBezoar
    LordBezoar Posts: 625 Member
    Happy Hump-Day, Ravenclaws!
  • hollyg123
    hollyg123 Posts: 79 Member
    Hello everyone! I need to get a scale for my house, what scale does everyone suggest?

    I've been happy with my Taylor body fat + BMI scale - it goes in 0.2 pound increments, and doesn't seem to fluctuate. I've tried the body fat readings and they seem pretty reasonable (at least compared to the values I got from a professional who did it for us at work), but I usually just use it as a scale.

    Thanks! I will have to look for it!

    Today I did 30 crunches with 70lbs of weight on the machine. Oh my it was tough!
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 441 Member
    Hello everyone! I need to get a scale for my house, what scale does everyone suggest?

    I have the "Eatsmart Precision Plus Digital Bathroom Scale with Ultra Wide Platform and Step-on Technology, 440-Pounds" -- I copied the title because there are a couple like it, but it's my favorite. Easy to weigh on, accurate info, consistent, and it gets excellent reviews, both for the scale and their customer service if needed.

    There are many good ones out there, though :)
  • CivicSista
    CivicSista Posts: 459 Member
    I'm new :) Just wanted to say hello.

    Is there a sheet about the challenges and such?
  • sundancer1966
    sundancer1966 Posts: 478 Member
    Hi, i have been away for a long time, will you Ravenclaws forgive me for my absense?
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Welcome to the new Ravenclaws and welcome back sundancer! Lottee or Kelly will get the new house information to you as soon as they can.

    I'm having a pretty good day today - although I failed at the food challenge. Again. :ohwell: Just wanted to stop in for a quick hello - homework over lunch always throws me off! Have a great day Ravenclaw!
  • brittlynn07
    brittlynn07 Posts: 386 Member
    I hope everyone is having a good day. Hopefully I have time to run to the store today so that I can make a healthy lunch for tomorrow cause I'm almost out of everything!

    @srp2011- I am in Mississippi... Luckily we didn't have any tornadoes yesterday. It was just lightening like crazy! And yes tornado sirens are definitely scary... we had that a lot around this time last year!