Ravenclaw Common Room



  • LordBezoar
    LordBezoar Posts: 625 Member
    ungh.. So not motivated today...

    In other news, I need to name an apothecary. Any ideas?
  • datenshi
    datenshi Posts: 840 Member
    ungh.. So not motivated today...

    In other news, I need to name an apothecary. Any ideas?

    How about Ravenclaw's? :wink:
  • LordBezoar
    LordBezoar Posts: 625 Member
    I had considered that, but it kinda needs to be either a bit more generalized OR esoteric enough that people wouldn't connect the dots quite so easily.
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 441 Member
    Regarding Slytherin House - Maybe the group should take a look at why people aren't joining that house. A good way to start is to look at why people are joining other houses. Is it becasue of activity levels? Is it because of personal preference due to the films/books? Are they not as interested in the challenges offered in another house?

    For example I first joined Ravenclaw because I looked at the profile for each head of house to find who I seemed most compatible with and that was Kelly. One of the heads has a closed profile so I couldn't check that one. I used the sorting hat after and it just confirmed Ravenclaw

    Anyway, just a thought.

    Take care,

    I completely agree with what you said up there ^ and I know that Bron is looking into other ways to try to inspire participation with the group (or finding out why it might be lacking). I'm sure there are tons of different factors, but I had the same ideas as some of what you said as well.

    On another note, glad my profile helped persuade you to join and didn't run you off instead! :flowerforyou:
  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    Regarding Slytherin House - Maybe the group should take a look at why people aren't joining that house. A good way to start is to look at why people are joining other houses. Is it becasue of activity levels? Is it because of personal preference due to the films/books? Are they not as interested in the challenges offered in another house?

    For example I first joined Ravenclaw because I looked at the profile for each head of house to find who I seemed most compatible with and that was Kelly. One of the heads has a closed profile so I couldn't check that one. I used the sorting hat after and it just confirmed Ravenclaw

    Anyway, just a thought.

    Take care,

    I completely agree with what you said up there ^ and I know that Bron is looking into other ways to try to inspire participation with the group (or finding out why it might be lacking). I'm sure there are tons of different factors, but I had the same ideas as some of what you said as well.

    On another note, glad my profile helped persuade you to join and didn't run you off instead! :flowerforyou:

    I just looked through the Slytherin thread, and I wonder if that house attracts people who aren't as interested in the challenges, or aren't as consistent on MFP, because of the reputation of the 'real' Slytherin house? Like maybe that house attracts the rebels (and I mean that in a nice way, think James Dean, or whoever the equivalent is for you younger folks), and that's always going to make it challenging for reporting and competing. Some people are really into teams and being part of active supportive groups, and some people aren't, and maybe the ones that aren't are naturally gravitating toward Slytherin, and if you put some cheerleader types in there, you might create a more active group, but it wouldn't be 'Slytherin', if that makes any sense...
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Hey Ravenclaw! Quick check in then its off to bed. I had a really long day of homework yesterday (4 am to 1 am) and need to do some serious catch-up sleeping!

    As far as slytherin goes, I'm happy here and don't want to leave :flowerforyou: - I've been here so long that I'm used to the comings and goings in our common room. I would feel out of place anywhere else. I do hope they can get a larger group going though. I'd like to see all of the houses as active as ours.

    Well - good night all. :yawn:
  • CivicSista
    CivicSista Posts: 459 Member
    I don't mind if I have to move. Just as long as there are challenges and the head of house is active.
  • datenshi
    datenshi Posts: 840 Member
    Hi All,

    Just a quick check in for now. Today was supposed to be a little chilly but sunny and when I left for work it was lightly snowing...grrrr....lol. :laugh:

    I am so glad it is Friday!!! My weekend is mostly free of commitments for a change so I can go hiking and have some time to myself. The following weekend I am going on a field training exercise with the Air Cadet squadron I work with so I won't be able to post all that weekend.

    I hope you are all having a great Friday too!!

    Take care,
  • datenshi
    datenshi Posts: 840 Member
    I completely agree with what you said up there ^ and I know that Bron is looking into other ways to try to inspire participation with the group (or finding out why it might be lacking). I'm sure there are tons of different factors, but I had the same ideas as some of what you said as well.

    On another note, glad my profile helped persuade you to join and didn't run you off instead! :flowerforyou:

    Another idea might be if members of other houses post in the Slytherin Common Room occassionally with words of support etc so that it is more active which might entice new members. Kind of goes against the idea of House common rooms but if it would help...

    Take care,
  • korkster
    korkster Posts: 181 Member
    Bad day yesterday. Co-worker kind of threw me under the bus, and I'm trying to get over it. Didn't get home til 8pm last night, and was so exhausted that I didn't exercise. :grumble: Stayed within calorie limits, so hopefully that helps.

    I'm glad it's Friday. I needed it to be Friday. We were hoping for a sunny weekend, but all I see are storm clouds.
  • CivicSista
    CivicSista Posts: 459 Member
    Bad day yesterday. Co-worker kind of threw me under the bus, and I'm trying to get over it. Didn't get home til 8pm last night, and was so exhausted that I didn't exercise. :grumble: Stayed within calorie limits, so hopefully that helps.

    I'm glad it's Friday. I needed it to be Friday. We were hoping for a sunny weekend, but all I see are storm clouds.

    Had when people do that. Today is a new day, start fresh
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,038 Member
    hey Ravenclaws!!

    I'm with Sue on the not leaving Ravenclaw- I've been here since the beginning and feel like we're all family. I couldn't imagine getting to know a whole new group.

    On another note- I mentioned in one of my classes on Wednesday that I,loved peanut butter and chocolate together (don't know why/how it came up- one of my teachable moment tangents). I wasn't at work yesterday (grading state exams). I came in today and had 3 rees's peanut butter cups on my desk (with cards) and another girl actually made graham crackers with peanut butter and melted chocolate over it . . . and this is why I teach. No not because I get free fattening food- because they are "my kids" and I love them- even when they drive me crazy and I feel like I am on their case non stop . . . they can be amazing. Its so hard to put into words but its more than just facts that I am giving them and they nare in return giving me
  • brittlynn07
    brittlynn07 Posts: 386 Member
    Hey Everyone! I'm so glad it's Friday!! Work has been so boring this week and I'm so ready to go home to see my parents. The only thing that sucks is that it's a four hour drive and it's supposed to storm all afternoon! It seems like every time I go home it storms but I guess that's just Mississippi weather. Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

    @momofJandA- That's so sweet!!
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Happy Friday Ravenclaw!! It seems like everyone is glad to see this week come to an end! :laugh: Coming up on end of term has been stressful and this week was a crazy one for me. I'm looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow and wasting some time being totally lazy!! :bigsmile: Enjoy your day!
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    I don't mind if I have to move. Just as long as there are challenges and the head of house is active.

    I think this is a huge part of their problem. A lot of people want it to be more active, but think it's my job as headmistress to manage those things. I personally intended for the HoHs to manage their Houses (because I have a House to manage, too!) and the Headmistress is just the overarching organizing figure.

    Just like Kelly said, I don't want anyone to leave their Houses! So even if you're willing, just hang tight for now.

    I so wonder what you all think about breaking people up arbitrarily so the Houses are even? It's how this group started way back when. The people that didn't get the House they wanted weren't happy, but the challenge was more fair. I don't love that, either. The Head of Slytherin is very against breaking up their House, which I don't blame her, but if the students aren't putting in the effort I don't know what else to do.

    Thanks for your input so far guys!
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    I don't mind if I have to move. Just as long as there are challenges and the head of house is active.

    I think this is a huge part of their problem. A lot of people want it to be more active, but think it's my job as headmistress to manage those things. I personally intended for the HoHs to manage their Houses (because I have a House to manage, too!) and the Headmistress is just the overarching organizing figure.

    Just like Kelly said, I don't want anyone to leave their Houses! So even if you're willing, just hang tight for now.

    I so wonder what you all think about breaking people up arbitrarily so the Houses are even? It's how this group started way back when. The people that didn't get the House they wanted weren't happy, but the challenge was more fair. I don't love that, either. The Head of Slytherin is very against breaking up their House, which I don't blame her, but if the students aren't putting in the effort I don't know what else to do.

    Thanks for your input so far guys!
    Bron - I would take exception to arbitrarily breaking up and re-sorting this house. During the original HP challenge, Ravenclaw became a very close-knit group. When the challenge was over, we didn't want to lose the connection we all felt with each other and decided to keep the common room going for our own enjoyment. The same core group of people has been together in this house for a year now. If anyone wants to move voluntarily, that is up to them. But I don't think that it would be right to break up the Ravenclaws that have been together from the beginning. Just my two cents...
  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    How did I miss two days posting?! Super, super busy work week taking its toll I think. I hope we don't get all split up either, I love our Ravenclaws! If people want to move because they're motivated to help another group though then that would be awesome, very much in the original spirit of Hogwarts...


    Challenges from our prefects this weeks, CivicSista and Lord Bezoar:

    Food challenge: Make one of your meals veggie - dairy ok but no meat or fish. Each day you have one vegetarian meal, earn one OWL. If you normally have one veggie meal, aim to have two instead to earn your OWL.

    Exercise challenge: Up your minutes! However many exercise minutes you get in this week, aim for 35 more. Sounds a lot, but its only 5 minutes more per day. One OWL for each 5 minutes more than the previous week you do, up to 7.

    Spirit: Post!!!

    Happy weekend everyone!
  • Matchamatcha
    Matchamatcha Posts: 158 Member
    Yeah I'm not keen on moving houses either. I don't know what I would necessarily get sorted into Ravenclaw if I did a quiz - I was sorted here at the start when it was a random allotment, but we've made a good group here :flowerforyou: . Even though I'm not the most prolific poster I really rely on you guys to keep me on track.

    I've been terrible this weekend. I binged on so much food yesterday and today. This evening my bestie wanted to come over for a movie night, and I had to make my excuses because I feel sick from eating so much! :sick: Ugh. So disappointed in myself. This is harkenening back to when I started on mfp, when I really couldn't control my eating and was bingeing due to stress/boredom/whatever. Sigh. Tomorrow I will have to get back on track and eat like a normal person.
  • korkster
    korkster Posts: 181 Member
    Gooood morning Ravenclaws!!! :flowerforyou:

    Forgive this post if it's a little too cheerful... I'm working on 2.5 hours of sleep.

    Last night my co-workers and I went out dancing (sort of). It was a lot of fun AND I stayed within my calories! Even when we went to that diner that had chicken and waffles. :glasses:

    I joined Ravenclaws because my friend Sandra was one and she said you guys are awesome. I stay because you guys ARE awesome! I'm not moving.

    5 extra minutes of exercise a day, huh? Well, my co-worker invited me for a 7 mile jog tomorrow. I think she's trying to kill me, but perhaps this is a sign to join her. Afterwards I'll pay her back by taking her to zumba. :laugh:

    Guess what?? I LOST! YIPPEEEE! :drinker: I'm down another 2.4 or something, and it feels great. But, that could be a lack of sleep.

    I remember when I still had that 55+ pounds on me. I wasn't going hiking (which I LOVE), I wasn't dancing, and events like going out with co-workers wasn't even considered (or offered). It's only been a few months, but my life is so much different than it was when I started. And I think a lot of that comes from the group support here. So, THANK YOU! :bigsmile: :heart:
  • CivicSista
    CivicSista Posts: 459 Member
    Just wanted to pop in and say that I can tell my "bloatyness" has gone done. I have cut out drinking beer since monday. :) Many of you don't know, but I work in a beer bar and we can drink beer shots while working. I haven't had a drop of beer since Monday night!
    I'm excited to get on the scale on Monday....

    That is all- enjoy the weekend.