

  • Yes especially now as we are getting ready for inventory at work,hate it! But im gonna be good and exercise to the wii tonight.Maybe i'll burn some of that stress off.
  • As a former weight watchers member,i did the same thing a few times.I learned in my meetings as well as from my doctor,you burn calories but you also build muscle when you exercise.Muscle weighs more than fat so their for you may not lose as much if any at all while building up muscle.Hang in their give it a few days and…
  • Nope,once is enough for me.
  • I can't believe some of the things your mothers have said,how cruel ! Your suppose to help motivate your child not insult them,my daughter is also on a diet, and doing well i might add.When she has a bad week or gains a little,i don;t say negative things to her when she calls.I try and encourage her to keep going and not…
  • Hello, Glad to have you on board.I think you will really like this program,I'm fairely new myself,3 weeks now and i cant brag enough about it.I'ts nice to have someone to help in courage you along the way who also has same weight issues.Good luck with yours as well and keep in touch,let me know how it works for you.
  • Hi , yes i was always over weight and joined weight watchers last year,lost 50 lbs,but due to econmy my hours are cut back so i had to find alternative.I joined my fittness a week ago and so far i love it i think you will too just follow your daily intake as directed drink your water,and do some exercise.Im walking on a…
  • Hello, sorry to here about your injury hope you recover soon. As for some exercise i done sit ups on my bed,leg scrunches,( laying flat knees bent ,pull in as far as you can straighhten back out repeat),laying on your side,knees bent raise leg up and hold to 10,repeat ,same on other leg and do some weight lifting with…
  • Proud parent of 6 small dogs,and one well cleane=ed home lol.
  • Hello, I too am new to this sight and so far am loving it.My first week i lost 2 lbs. Was happy since i put my weight loss at 1 lb. per week so i can take it easy and go slow and not gain it back in the future like i have done before on other weight loss programs.. I think you will really enjoy this sight and if you have a…
  • I want to thank you for your post.I too am a night eater only i want to snack all night before bed time,I also have leg issues I found propping them up on a couple pillows helped.I also got a prop made of foam, for my back and neck that looks like a large triangle and started useing it to prop my feet while i sleep.,more…
  • Oh my gosh congradulations,you are so going to be my inspiration.You really look good and im taking your advise and taking pics,what a great person you have become you look awsom!!!!!!