Worst negative comment about your weight?



  • katiebythebay
    katiebythebay Posts: 611 Member
    My father used to "joke" with me when I was in high school, that I was fat. (I wasn't back then, but it still hurt, coming from my father.)

    My mother still says things like, "oh, you can't wear that anyway", or "that probably won't fit you."

    The first comment came out of her mouth a few weeks ago... I was devastated.

  • elbandito
    elbandito Posts: 157
    A few years back, just as I started on my weight loss journey, one of the directors of the organisation I worked for at that time sat next to me and said "gosh, sitting next to you makes me feel SO SMALL!".

    I don't think she meant it spitefully... it just came out that way.

    And an hour later I thought of the perfect comeback (as you do). I should've said "and sitting next to you makes me feel SO SMART!"
  • kerrifair
    kerrifair Posts: 30 Member
    My grandfather once said to me (and I know he had good intentions...) "wow, Kerri, you look pretty! Usually you look real fat. But today you look nice!" gahhhhhhh.

    I hate the "when are you due" comment. I have not been pregnant for a long time.. :(
  • bigdawg025
    bigdawg025 Posts: 774 Member
    Many years ago... A girl who was hanging out with my roommate once called me Homer Simpson.
  • Seamoan87
    Seamoan87 Posts: 106
    When I gained 40 pounds and was nearing 200 if I gained another 30:

    Me: Omg, I didn't realize I gained so much weight. Most of my clothes have been fitting fine.
    Mom: Yeah you need to lose weight. How could you not tell? You're getting stretch marks around your knees.

    Cheeeeee -_- mom.
    I lost around 25 pounds after that was said.

    Funny thing about my mom, she's brutally honest but when I lose weight and it's obvious she doesn't say anything but stare.
    Like since I've been working out lately and toning up, she just keeps looking at my body. And now whenever she gained weight I point it out lol,
    Like mother, like daughter right?
  • I can't believe some of the things your mothers have said,how cruel ! Your suppose to help motivate your child not insult them,my daughter is also on a diet, and doing well i might add.When she has a bad week or gains a little,i don;t say negative things to her when she calls.I try and encourage her to keep going and not give up.Parents are suppose to help their children in every way need be.I love my daughter very much and stand behind her weight loss journey all the way.

    Good luck to all of you and remember you can do it!!!!
  • lrnpage
    lrnpage Posts: 27
    my negative comments always seem to be backhanded with something slightly positive.
    "I like how you dress for your body type, it annoys me when fat girls try to dress skinny" - friend
    "yea, not gonna lie, in the first few weeks of freeshers you were huge, but you look more glowing now" - housemate
    "congrats on loosing weight, but if you could just stop eating bread your tummy and thighs would go down too" - mother

    plenty more where that came from!
  • NikkieLite
    NikkieLite Posts: 126 Member
    In middle school a girl told me I was too fat to wear skirts. She said she was just trying to be nice by letting me know. She was a terrible human being and she was just trying to get a rise out of me but I took it seriously and never wore a skirt (unless it was a long one with jeans under it) in school ever again. The sad thing is that I wasn't even really that fat. I was just kinda pudgy and went through puberty earlier than other girls.

    And more recently (although at least 40 pounds lighter than I am now) I was getting ready for my brother's wedding with my grandmother in our hotel room and when I squeezed past her she made a comment about two fat women trying to get ready at the same time like it was just ha ha so funny. As if she was bonding with me by saying we were both fat. I'm ridiculously sensitive and started crying and my dad spoke with her and she apologized to me but ugh, I'll never forget it.
  • when I told my mum I was engaged and her first words were "how can you get married looking like that?"
  • pamperedhen
    pamperedhen Posts: 446 Member
    He is THE funniest comedian EVER!! I LOVE him!
  • Zarebeth
    Zarebeth Posts: 136 Member
    Nothing lately, but about 60 less pounds ago, my Mom told me if I didn't tuck my shirt in then my gut wouldn't stick out too much. As much as that hurt, nothing hurt worse than having the man I was with for 15 years stop wanting to have sex with me while he became addicted to internet pornography.
  • Faith2FeelFabulous
    Faith2FeelFabulous Posts: 46 Member
    I've had weird looks at church. CHURCH!! Of all places. There was this lady in choir with me and I could see her out the corner of my eye checking me out in a discusted manner when I was at my highest weight last year. I looked over at her and caught her in the act for a brief second then she gave me this fake smile. She runs and is in good shape so I guess the sight of me discusted her. My exhusband told me I was fat and ugly on the phone and his new wife was laughing in the background. I may be fat but diffentally not ugly. I knew he was my ex for a reason. Some people are just as rude as rude can be. Their parents must have raised them to act like *kitten*.
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    Not long ago I was coming out the car in a parking lot and the guy who was sitting in his car to the right of me decided to roll down his window and call me all sorts of names and made some comment about I had to be a virgin, I was too fat for a guy to "keep it up."

    I think the worst ones came from doctors, though. I have a joint disorder and have gone into the ER over the years with pain only to be told I was making it up or it was my weight. One particular time I went in with pain in my calves, I had torn the muscle weeks before in high school band camp from being made to walk backwards on my toes for hours and ended up not being able to even walk the 3 blocks home after school from it. Doctor came in the room, squeezed one calf, then says there's nothing wrong with me, I'm just fat. I was 13 at the time.

    Another bad one, I'm in a long distance relationship and used to attend a forum about them and I had spent 3 days with my boyfriend and we didn't ever leave the hotel room. When I told the forum about the trip, one girl blatantly told me, "well he's obviously embarrassed to be seen with you, that's why you were forced to stay in the hotel. He was just too nice to tell you that you were too fat." Nevermind we're still together a year later...

    There's one I kind of get annoyed by: "you have a pretty face." I kinda feel like people think that's the only compliment they can give on my appearance or just a way to say something nice and not outright say "you're fat".

    But generally I get a lot of straight up, "you're fat" or some variant. I just look at them and point out an obvious fact about them and then ask if they want to play Captain Obvious some more or can I just go about my business.
  • pamperedhen
    pamperedhen Posts: 446 Member
    John Pinnette, the comic, said he would mention he lost 100 lbs, and be told "ya, I can really see it in your face".
    "what was I before, walking around with a head the size of a manhole cover, was I Mr Koolaid!"

    BEST comedian EVER!!!! LOVE him!!
  • LushLoni
    LushLoni Posts: 161 Member
    A few years ago when I was at my heaviest (about 215 lbs) some people that I didn't know slowed down their car & opened the window so that they could yell "fat b***h" at me as I was walking down the street. Ouch.

    I've had this... several times over. It hurts so much, it comes from nowhere and slaps you in the face, it's humiliating. The only way to rationalise it, is to think that if they see a girl in a short skirt they will call her a slut or something, because they are cretins and generally awful people.
  • I had always been overweight as a child. When I was in middle school, I lost like 30 pounds by exercising and counting calories. I got down to a normal, healthy weight. I thought now no one could say anything mean about my body and I could just fit in with everyone.....nope. Someone spread a nasty rumor around the school that I was anorexic.

    It just made me feel really badly about myself and like nothing I did was ever enough. Looking back now, I wish I could tell myself to not care what ANYONE thinks about you and that some people will never be happy. I wish I could also tell myself that I didn't need to lose the weight for anyone else but me. The goal should not be to try to be "good enough" for them, but to take care of myself because I deserve to treat myself respectfully - no matter if others continue to be disrespectful. It's their problem, NOT MINE. In fact, I think that the situation proved that it had never been about me anyway.
  • An old boyfriend used to tease me by calling me "Tubby" everytime I ate.
  • kerrifair
    kerrifair Posts: 30 Member
    John Pinnette, the comic, said he would mention he lost 100 lbs, and be told "ya, I can really see it in your face".
    "what was I before, walking around with a head the size of a manhole cover, was I Mr Koolaid!"

    I love him!
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    A few years ago when I was at my heaviest (about 215 lbs) some people that I didn't know slowed down their car & opened the window so that they could yell "fat b***h" at me as I was walking down the street. Ouch.

    I've had this... several times over. It hurts so much, it comes from nowhere and slaps you in the face, it's humiliating. The only way to rationalise it, is to think that if they see a girl in a short skirt they will call her a slut or something, because they are cretins and generally awful people.

    Seconding that. I've had people stalk me in stores (namely the grocery store) and either jab and run or chase after me and spew insults. Twice I've had people try and literally run me over, laughing about how they wanted to see "how far the fat ***** would smear" on the road.

    Unfortunately a lot of people grow up with twisted morals or a sense of entitlement that's as false as bleached blonde hair. These are the folks we should pity, because with minds and mouths like theirs, they'll be lucky to get through life without someone doing to them what they do to us just to nail them in their coffins.
  • deadstarsunburn
    deadstarsunburn Posts: 1,337 Member
    My sister and I have always been told we look alike. Some kid in her grade (she's three years younger) told me I looked like her except my face was bigger...I told him "thanks *kitten*."