Worst negative comment about your weight?



  • billgiersberg
    Wow. What a thread. Things I've learned reading some of these comments:
    1. Never ask a woman when she is due. It's none of my business anyway
    2. Family members seem to be the most cruel. Be very careful of anything I say to my family. Instead, just be a quiet example. They already know they need to lose weight. They just need to decide to do so like I have.
    3. Say nice things or don't say anything at all ... especially until you look in the mirror first
    4. When you do reach your desired weight, don't replace the fat you lost with puffed-up pride
    5. Women seem to be the object of most of these comments. Do like my Grandma taught me... be polite.

    Worst thing said to me: 30 years ago when I was below my goal weight of today, a girl noticed my stomach was growing even then and said, "You're not old enough to have a gut." The thing about it though is she was right.
  • vacherin
    vacherin Posts: 192
    I forgot this one - I once left my jacket at my friend's house and, when I asked for it back, she said, "Oh, is it yours? It's so big that I assumed it belonged to one of the boys!" At the time I was a UK size 14 ...
  • Diswans86
    Diswans86 Posts: 3 Member
    People should not talk. A woman, who knew I was pregnant, had not seen me in a while. She asked me when was my baby due? Um, I had him 7 months ago, but thanks for asking.
  • kiwianjel
    kiwianjel Posts: 80 Member
    its hard to read how unimaginably mean and insensitive people can be .. and especially family members and so called best friends? One poster mentioned that he would just be a quiet role model and let his family make to decision .. you are so right ..this journey is one you can only make for yourself.
    I have never been really overweight but wanted to lose post baby(2) weight and the results of a chocolate addiction. I have lots of people asking me why I wanted to lose weight 'cos your already skinny'
    Even my brother said to me "thats funny cos I always just thought of you as skinny" But while i didnt have a lot of weight to lose what i have lost had made me so much happier with my body, I feel healthier and better in my clothes .. isnt that what we all want really ?
    You are all beautiful people and I hope you all your journeys are successful ... put all that ugliness behind you (and i am referring to others nasty comments)
    Rachael :)
  • KathieElisa
    2 people from work asking if I'm expecting within the same week -__- then me awkwardly saying umm no I'm just fat.... lol
  • Diswans86
    Diswans86 Posts: 3 Member
    And once, when I was pregnant, a complete stranger asked me, "Are you pregnant?" "Yes" "Oh, Good! I thougtht you were just really fat."
  • EMarvie
    EMarvie Posts: 335 Member
    I think I can beat most of these insults.....

    On my Wedding day, yes my wedding day!!!! My future mother-in-lam said as I came down the stairs in my wedding dress ....

    "Here comes the bride 40 foot wide" My whole day was ruined... I said nothing to my husband at the time as I did not want to ruin his day aswell, i did tell him afterwards and his reply " ah don't mind her, she did'nt mean it"

    I woud of started bawling right there - and walked up to her and told her not to come - litterly - eff off !
    man - i've heard some good ones.. but geeze where does she get off ---- makes me mad.. and then for your hubby to say " awe she didnt mean it... whatever, if she didnt mean it she wouldnt of said it.. Sorry for the rant.. but I'm angry for you
  • SaraTN
    SaraTN Posts: 536 Member
    For me it wasn't a comment it was an action. Always being the thin/small one.. so at Christmas I always had clothes purchased that were "S" then one year they purchased "L" -- I was mortified and then took a look in the mirror and understood why they bought the size L.
  • sarina87
    sarina87 Posts: 400 Member
    Interesting too. I work in retail and i notice that if you say no to a customer for any reason and if they don't like it. They will insult the way you look to make themselves feel better. The other day my supervisor was doing a return and had to wait for her manager to come and approve it and during the wait the customer asked her how far along she was. She litterally just came back from having a baby and told the customer that she just had a baby. The customer said "oh so your just fat". I was just walking by and i heard that and boy did it bring back memories from my closet. Stuff like that happens alot in retail and its really sad that a majority of my customers are shallow and cruel. I use to get comments like that all the time when i was bigger but now that i am smaller they just talk about my sense of style. People are just really shallow in this world and i wish those jerks would hear themselves but again if they did. Do you think they would really care? I don't.
    This is a toughie because you can't be mean back because it's your job. You could try, "excuse me madam, were you the that wanted those jeans in a size 28?" "no? oh... [looks at woman's jeans disapprovingly]"

    Exactly, you can't insult them back. What i use to say when customers use to call me fat or you'd be so pretty if you lost weight at work. I would sarcastly say oh you are so funny. The customer would feel under attack but technically they are not. They would either do 3 thing.
    1. the Customer would Justify to me why i should listen to them and not get offended. I would just keep repeating oh you are so funny and then they would eventually give up and go talk to my manager and tell them how they called me fat and think I'm offended. Its hilarious to me when i see them admit to my manager that they are jerks
    2. The customer would applogize. This has happened to me maybe twice and i would dismiss it and say have a great day or would you like a bag. Changing the subject is key if you really wanna make them feel bad.
    3. They will walk away.
  • little_gothic_girl
    little_gothic_girl Posts: 22 Member
    back in high school i was watching some boys play hacky sack and i told this one guy who was built like a brick wall that he was really agile for being so big, and i meant it in a complementary way and he rolled his eyes and said "oh yeah? well your pretty ugly for a fat girl"

    and once my friend (who is 105 dripping wet, and like 5 foot) and i were walking down the street and this chick yelled out a car window "look out blondie! shes gonna eat you!!"
  • jdbeckers
    One of my customers once told me she was going to go to her church and light a candle for me and pray to Jesus and Mary for me to lose weight. lol She's a little coo-coo so I didn't take it personally.
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    You are just not attractive to me....

    When I was 260+ pounds - my wife...:sad:
    As hard as that was to take, in the end, I am glad she was honest.
    How many people fear bruising egos or hurting feelings?

    "No dear, you look fine to me no matter how fat you are"

    I think I'd rather somebody just be honest.
  • elledo
    elledo Posts: 80
    Wow. I am so sorry that people are so cruel. I had no idea that so many other people had the same horrible comments permanently burned into their memory. I have so many examples of this.
    My next door neighbors dad nicknamed me nugget when i was about 6. I had a near fatal accident when i was 8 and remember hearing a nurse say "She's lost a kilo from the trauma" and being ecstatic. How sad is that. Some boys at high school called me FB, which stood for Fat B****. A student I teach, yelled across the playground "She should go on the biggest loser". I have been asked if there's "a baby in my tummy" and "Are you expecting?". Walking past my dad in a towel- "Jeez you better lay off the junk food" . My mother in law sends me clothes that are too small and asks if I'm still going to the gym with the very subtle subtext of....don't stop yet because you're not done!. The other thing i hate is when people think it's somehow less offensive to call you "bigger" or a "big girl". And the very common kicker......You're so pretty but......
  • rhouser9021
    I remember in middle school people telling me that I could "skip a meal". My grandma telling me that I need to lose weight. I've always been called "big guy", and I hate that. I know that my build is a little bigger than most, but I hate that people call me "big guy" or stocky because I'm fat.
  • tinksmommy2006
    When I was 8 months pregnant with my son...at my baby shower my cousin made a comment in the kitchen (thought I couldn't hear) about how HUGE her effing thighs are(about me). the messed up thing is she was bigger then me weight wise and after i had my son...I had lost 30 lbs from the weight I was before I was even preggers. But it still hurts when i think about it. Who says something like that?? Just rude:/
  • sarina87
    sarina87 Posts: 400 Member
    One of my customers once told me she was going to go to her church and light a candle for me and pray to Jesus and Mary for me to lose weight. lol She's a little coo-coo so I didn't take it personally.

    I've had a similiar customer. those ones are those most annoying and they love obama jokes
  • alliesun53
    alliesun53 Posts: 160 Member
    I love kids because they speak the truth no matter what....but its still heard to hear, especially in front of peers of yours. "Are you having a baby?" "why are you so big". While at work...in front of the kids parents and coworkers...completely embarrassed me, but made me realize that if they're saying it, other people are thinking it.
  • rsolomonuk
    I once had girl say to me that she thought I was the perfect guy for her except that I was just too big.
  • sarina87
    sarina87 Posts: 400 Member
    I remember in middle school people telling me that I could "skip a meal". My grandma telling me that I need to lose weight. I've always been called "big guy", and I hate that. I know that my build is a little bigger than most, but I hate that people call me "big guy" or stocky because I'm fat.

    The best part is when your grandmaw tells you to lose weight and then she goes and makes a cake. that made me crazy.
  • electrokate
    It was always my mother giving me "advice" on my weight.

    -You'll never get married because you're too fat.
    -You'll never get a job because you're too fat.
    -You'll never accomplish your goals because you're too fat.
    -You'll never be accepted because you're too fat.
    -You'll never be happy because you're too fat.

    Well I did all of those things. The only thing fat has ever kept me from is moving quickly and cute clothing.