Worst negative comment about your weight?

So, hanging out with my sister last night and she brings up something she thought I remembered but I can’t:

At a recent family event, one of our cousins comes up to her to chat. They haven’t seen each other in awhile and she reminds him that she is Rebecca. He says, “Oh, yeah. The thin one.”

This made me really depressed at first but then I remembered that I'm losing weight and that I won't be "the fat one" for much longer. It totally gave me the burst of motivation I needed to destroy the treadmill at the gym today.

What is the worst thing someone has said to you or to others about your weight? I think this is a perfect opportunity to take a negative and turn it into a positive!


  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    Before I remember my male classmate would say things to me like I have a coca-cola body.... THE COKE IN CAN. Because I was short & fat.
  • sarahp86
    sarahp86 Posts: 692 Member
    You're a good looking girl but if you lost weight you'd be beautiful.... Thanks (mother)

    You're too fat for sex (ex boyfriend trying to "motivate" me to lose weight)

    You're skin on your face is stretching so your pores look huge!! (mother again)
  • gleechick609
    "When are you due?"

    My favorite! Now that my stomach is shrinking, I shouldn't have that question asked ever again!
  • Pollyfleming
    Pollyfleming Posts: 147 Member
    Oh! I have a lot of these! Once in college, we had to do presentations about the food of Mexico. The first presentation was 'pan dulce' a sweet bread. We were all given a little piece on a napkin. I don't like 'pan dulce' but to be polite, I was going to take the bite and the guy next to me says, "Oh, you shouldn't eat that! You're super fat!"
    btw--at the time I had just given birth to my second child, I was 5'5 and weighed 170 pounds--definitely overweight, but not 'super fat'.
  • buckystars
    buckystars Posts: 129 Member
    You're a good looking girl but if you lost weight you'd be beautiful.... Thanks (mother)

    You're too fat for sex (ex boyfriend trying to "motivate" me to lose weight)

    You're skin on your face is stretching so your pores look huge!! (mother again)

    I get comments like that from my mom, too. And I'm glad you said he's your ex-boyfriend! What a jerk!

    It's terrible the things that come out of people's mouths trying to "helpful."
  • mschmidt76
    I used to play a lot of sport so was in good shape and various injuries / ageing (!) have slowed me down, and when I see people I haven't seen in a while they used to always say "****, you've put on the weight!"!! Duh!! Way to state the obvious!! It used to really depress me and get me down, and I'd want to smack them!
    I'd often reply with a "yeah, but I can lose the weight but you'll always have that face" or something along those lines! haha
    The interesting thing will be whether I get comments now that I'm having some success shredding the kilos again....
  • liroez29
    liroez29 Posts: 221
    "When are you due?"

    My favorite! Now that my stomach is shrinking, I shouldn't have that question asked ever again!

    I got asked this at my largest, and when I told her I was not pregnant, she looked me up and down and said "come on, yes you are!"..........yeah, that's right, she argued with me, for I swear several minutes. I cried a lot that day, but it was a turning point for me....but I will never forget it.
  • vls324
    vls324 Posts: 5
    "When are you due?"

    My favorite! Now that my stomach is shrinking, I shouldn't have that question asked ever again!

    I got asked this at my largest, and when I told her I was not pregnant, she looked me up and down and said "come on, yes you are!"..........yeah, that's right, she argued with me, for I swear several minutes. I cried a lot that day, but it was a turning point for me....but I will never forget it.

    I carry the majority of my extra weight in my stomach so its been the same question for me. I've had several people argue with me when I've said I'm not pregnant....2 were men! The worst is when they see how upset you are and say "Oh, I was just kidding", or something to that effect, instead of apologizing.:noway: It happened again recently and I've been trying to lose the weight, so it hit me especially hard. I just keep telling myself in a few months no one will ever say it again ( unless I actually am pregnant :laugh: )
  • Scorpioangel
    Scorpioangel Posts: 951 Member
    Just people telling me I am too skinny or I need to eat a burger. It's nice that no one said anything when I was overweight and had blood pressure and cholesterol problems! LOL :)
  • blahblah123314
    blahblah123314 Posts: 39 Member
    Wow, I' m reading the above posts and some people are so rude! Death stares to anyone who feels the need to say something negative about my weight.
  • liroez29
    liroez29 Posts: 221
    "When are you due?"

    My favorite! Now that my stomach is shrinking, I shouldn't have that question asked ever again!

    I got asked this at my largest, and when I told her I was not pregnant, she looked me up and down and said "come on, yes you are!"..........yeah, that's right, she argued with me, for I swear several minutes. I cried a lot that day, but it was a turning point for me....but I will never forget it.

    Yeah, I was carrying 75-80% of my weight in my abdomen. So I guess I did look pregnant, but when people ARGUE when you tell them their mistake! That is what really gets me! Good luck to you on your weight loss!

    I carry the majority of my extra weight in my stomach so its been the same question for me. I've had several people argue with me when I've said I'm not pregnant....2 were men! The worst is when they see how upset you are and say "Oh, I was just kidding", or something to that effect, instead of apologizing.:noway: It happened again recently and I've been trying to lose the weight, so it hit me especially hard. I just keep telling myself in a few months no one will ever say it again ( unless I actually am pregnant :laugh: )
  • LilBee82
    LilBee82 Posts: 189 Member
    I grew up with neighborhood kids and kids from schools who teased me my whole life. I was called turbo tank, and a whale, thunder thighs.

    The one thing that will stick with me the rest of my life though, and he passed away last March and we only started getting close the few months before he died, was my dad telling me I was a cow for eating so much at dinner. I think I was around 9 or 10. I started to cry and he told me to go to my room. My mom came in a bit after and she split her meal with me and calmed me down.
  • whencynstops
    whencynstops Posts: 109 Member
    My older brother taunted me all through high school in front of his friends (and my friends) non-stop for years.

    One a slightly funnier side, my little brother who is now nine smacked me on the butt one day and upon seeing the juggle after said "eww ripple".
  • karagav
    karagav Posts: 172 Member
    "you kinda look like lauren conrad....only the overweight version"
  • lr8812
    lr8812 Posts: 111
    People used to call me tomato face, chubby, even comparing me to a pregnant woman. Hey, look at me now.
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,171 Member
    oh here is one, I was at the grocery store with my 4day old daughter (she was in the carseat in the cart that I was pushing" and a lady happens to start conversation with me about how lucky I am that I don't have much longer until I give birth (cause it was hot outside). I was like" I'm not pregnant! This is my baby right here" I mean how pathetic is that! lol
  • wittlelacey
    wittlelacey Posts: 412 Member
    My brother was afraid if I borrowed his mid-calf high Nike socks I would stretch them out with my massive calves.
    My mom would remind me every day that my clothes were too tight, too small and unflattering on me.
    My male best friend said I needed to lose that little belly of mine, and I'd be beautiful if I was thinner and taller.
    My female best friend always rubbed it in that she was thinner. So. Many. Times.
  • LittleMissDoll
    I got "Oh! are you pregnant?" from a girl working the drive-thru window at Wendys. that one stung
  • Smiler106
    Smiler106 Posts: 124 Member
    A few years ago when I was at my heaviest (about 215 lbs) some people that I didn't know slowed down their car & opened the window so that they could yell "fat b***h" at me as I was walking down the street. Ouch.
  • amandahust
    Your hot now but if you lost weight you would be bangin' (exboyfriend, daughters dad)