Worst negative comment about your weight?



  • forgetmenot5683
    forgetmenot5683 Posts: 8 Member
    Ex boyfriends. One refused to tell his parents, his brother, or any of his friends that we were dating, was never seen in public with me, never once complimented me on anything, and the last month of our relationship he didn't speak to me at all.

    The other told me after we started dating that he was a chubby chaser. But constantly bugged me to lose weight and clear up my acne. This is coming from a dude who ate 4 fudge rounds and bags of chips for lunch!

    So I've been left with severe self-esteem issues. My current boyfriend isn't doing much better than the first one I mentioned and I'm trying to think of a way to end it with the least amount of hurt. I know it's not necessarily a healthy goal, but I want to look better so this ^ stops happening.

    Those guys don't deserve you at all. I have self esteem issues too and used to let guys use me often. Now I am trying to stay away from relationships for a while and trying to bring my self esteem up first. I suggest you do the same, the right guy will come along. No one can fully love or appreciate you until you love and appreciate yourself.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Ex boyfriends. One refused to tell his parents, his brother, or any of his friends that we were dating, was never seen in public with me, never once complimented me on anything, and the last month of our relationship he didn't speak to me at all.

    The other told me after we started dating that he was a chubby chaser. But constantly bugged me to lose weight and clear up my acne. This is coming from a dude who ate 4 fudge rounds and bags of chips for lunch!

    So I've been left with severe self-esteem issues. My current boyfriend isn't doing much better than the first one I mentioned and I'm trying to think of a way to end it with the least amount of hurt. I know it's not necessarily a healthy goal, but I want to look better so this ^ stops happening.

    Those guys don't deserve you at all. I have self esteem issues too and used to let guys use me often. Now I am trying to stay away from relationships for a while and trying to bring my self esteem up first. I suggest you do the same, the right guy will come along. No one can fully love or appreciate you until you love and appreciate yourself.

    Could not agree with this more.

    Choose better men. I would also suggest taking some time for you to get yourself the way you want and learn to appreciate yourself. You are worth more than this.
  • anabell31
    anabell31 Posts: 268
    I would like to choose better men, and I always think I'm choosing better. But after a while I get so tired of being alone that I'll take anyone who gives me a second glance and try to make it work. But you're right. I think it's time for a break. How can anyone love you if you don't love yourself, right?
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I would like to choose better men, and I always think I'm choosing better. But after a while I get so tired of being alone that I'll take anyone who gives me a second glance and try to make it work. But you're right. I think it's time for a break. How can anyone love you if you don't love yourself, right?

    Gotta work on enjoying time with just you. Try spending more time with friends or making new buddies to do things with! Don't worry about being with someone if he's not right for you. It's better to be alone than to be with someone who doesn't care about you.
  • Leiki
    Leiki Posts: 526 Member
    "Ms. Kim, are you pregnant???" A student that was dropped from my class at the semester, and haven't seen me in a few months. Great, thanks kid.
  • coke_zer0
    "You're not fat, you're just chubby" - friend after I called myself fat
    "You need to lose about 10lbs" - mom after I worked up all of my courage to come out of the fitting rooms trying on jeans..
    I ended up losing over 40lbs after these two comments I received in the same week.
  • MUByM
    MUByM Posts: 208
    -I had the typical school comments especially because I had a cousin who hand moved to my town and was stick skinny with big green eyes and everyone would say how can she be your cousin you are so fat. In 6th grade a guy who was a "friend" asked me if I had a boyfriend and I said no and he said of course not because you are too fat. Another one was my boy cousin used to call me elephant and then as we got older he got really heavy and now his wife is bigger than me. Another one from school was this girl that lived down the street from me, at school she called me fat as my friends and I were walking in the field and I stopped and turned around and said did you just call me fat? She said yeah. I said ok B**** Ill show you fat and I knocked her down. Last one from school and most traumatizing is a guy that would poke my arm and it would jiggle. He did it every class I had with him. I couldn't handle it anymore so I talked to the counsler and he got suspended. To this day I avoid wearing short sleeves.

    -My husband is the worse one. When we are laying in bed he puts himself all the way on my side and I tell him to move over and he says I'm on my side, it's not my fault you take up more room and don't have space left over. When he gets mad he tells me I'm a fat lazy B****. He says if it wouldn't have been for our son I wouldn't have married you. I respond I didn't force you to marry me, I could have raised him on my own. Go B**** at your mom for making you marry me. Since I've lost weight he calls me "neck" because he says I have a neck now. I don't know how to feel about that.

    I've never gotten the when are you due and my mom has always been supportive. Sister is more supportive ever since she had her kid and gained weight.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Some jerk in a pub: "Fat *kitten*!"


    Me: "Dumb *kitten*."
  • Stacey_c123
    Stacey_c123 Posts: 78 Member
    I hadn't seen my friends brother for a couple of years, and at her birthday party, he completely blanked me.. Then later on he said "oh sorry, I didn't recognise you. You've really put the weight on" I have never been so embarrassed in my life!
  • tnorth82
    tnorth82 Posts: 186
    I always get, it suits you being big,at least you have a pretty face!
  • HelloRevvie
    About two weeks ago, my supervisor at worked told me I looked pregnant... :/ But, you know what? I was bloated and Around that time I had started eating healthier and drinking ALOT more water so of COURSE my tummy will be a little bloated at first...I was making major changes to my eating habits.
    Still, it hurt really bad but I turned it around and used it to motivate me even more!
  • Tivo8MyNeighbors
    Tivo8MyNeighbors Posts: 151 Member
    My ex-husband's mother (my MIL at the time) and drove to the city to see a musical together. During intermission, we went to the restroom together, and it was there she informed me I was "a little bit 'hip-py.' " It wasn't a comment on my political leanings.

    Man, I don't miss her :)
  • VonRockette
    VonRockette Posts: 159 Member
    Uggg soooo many growing up. But we shall ignore those :P

    The best one was at a bar when I had just turned legal and was packing on some extra beer lbs. A sloppy, drunk comes up to me and whispers in my ear: "I just want you to know I LOVE fat chicks. You are so hot."

    Gee, thaaaaaaaaaaaanks.
  • CallieM15
    CallieM15 Posts: 910 Member
    Ive gotten asked when Im due multiple times....

    Its such a horrible feeling.
  • Robyn_T
    Robyn_T Posts: 540 Member
    My dad, being ever tactful, told me "it's a good thing you grew a little taller. For a while there, you were starting to look like a barrell" when I was about 10 years old.
  • cryingangel
    Having coffee at my supposed best friends house one day, talking about our kids. She looked at me without saying anything for a while and I asked her what........... She then said I remember when my belly sat on my legs, I feel so sorry for you.

    I was totally P!$53D!!
  • Sophie983
    Sophie983 Posts: 119 Member
    -My husband is the worse one. When we are laying in bed he puts himself all the way on my side and I tell him to move over and he says I'm on my side, it's not my fault you take up more room and don't have space left over. When he gets mad he tells me I'm a fat lazy B****. He says if it wouldn't have been for our son I wouldn't have married you. I respond I didn't force you to marry me, I could have raised him on my own. Go B**** at your mom for making you marry me. Since I've lost weight he calls me "neck" because he says I have a neck now. I don't know how to feel about that.

    That's freaking horrible!
    That's abuse (in my opinion). Don't let him treat you this way. You deserve so much better.
  • cloud2011
    cloud2011 Posts: 898 Member
    A co-worker of my mother's at her retirement party some years ago: "My you're looking...robust."

    My mother, thinking she's giving a compliment to my sister who lost a few pounds, "Well you've lost that 'puffy' look."

    In the store, with a twentysomething guy working in women's department, holding up a pair of 18 pants (my size): "WHO in the world would wear pants this big!?" (I had just tried them on).

    My boss, upon hearing the news of my cousin's untimely death: "Was SHE overweight?" (I think that's the meanest one...or maybe not...try the next one).

    My cousin in her casket...my Mom later, " You know, even though she had lost some weight, her stomach still looked BIG."
  • cryingangel
    Ive gotten asked when Im due multiple times....

    Its such a horrible feeling.

    ^ This has happened to me at least 6 times since I gave birth to my last child.
  • amoment
    amoment Posts: 40 Member
    I'm also one who carries all my extra weight in the tummy so I get the "when are you due" or "congratulations" all the time (even get ppl offering me their seat on the bus).

    Which my comeback is always "I'm not pregnant I'm just fat"..always shocks the other into silence....which makes me laugh.