Worst negative comment about your weight?



  • jerber160
    jerber160 Posts: 2,606 Member
    so sad that this huge post is mostly from ladies. very sad

    maybe I don't remember well but here are 2- i swear my grandmother's 2 favorite nursery rhymes were 'this little PIGGY went t market' and 'higglety pigglety my FAT hen' and i swear she relished speaking them out loud in front of me and my mother.

    Once, in college,, middle of night at mcdonalds..i placed my order, the cashier looked up and noticed i was last in line, reached under the counter and tossed me a mcdonald's calorie guide. if it had stopped me I'd be 30 years ahead of the curve..
  • pamperedhen
    pamperedhen Posts: 446 Member
    My mother~in~law was visiting at our home for a week {that enough can drive any sane person to the bottle!} anyhooooo, I am 5'2" and used to be 102lbs until I turned around 40 and stopped exercise and eating healthy because of health issue and went up to 130 lbs. This was still in my BMI. I got onto a table to change a light bulb and she said, "OH! You better watch the table might break since you gained so much weight." Mind you, she is morbidly obese.
  • cbh142
    cbh142 Posts: 270 Member
    Are we having a baby?
  • tsornoza
    tsornoza Posts: 68 Member
    The worst was being asked "so, how far along are you?" I guess I should have started my journey then. I'm hoping I won't get asked any more. That really hurt my feelings.
  • NicolettetheGreek
    NicolettetheGreek Posts: 246 Member
    Several ppl asked me if I was Pregnant. I was in my late 40's. I cried.
  • NicolettetheGreek
    NicolettetheGreek Posts: 246 Member
    Oh, my mom still comment's on what I am eating, no matter what I weigh. Like "Are you sure you need that?" no, but I need to duct tape your mouth.
  • OseaHello
    A nurse practitioner told me to stop eating doughnuts because I was going to be morbidly obese and dead by the time I was her age...then she poked my arm and looked at me in disgust and said oh yeah you DEFINITELY need to tone ..... p.s. I don't eat doughnuts BTCH
  • jayjaybee1015
    I used to work in a group home for teens. One of the young men said to me, "I hope you overdose on McDonalds and die of high cholesterol!" I couldn't help but laugh but give him props for creativity!
  • kammy92
    kammy92 Posts: 408 Member
    I used to get called Prego! !! :sad: I seriously will not buy the spaghetti sauce because of the name!
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,358 Member
    You are just not attractive to me....

    When I was 260+ pounds - my wife...:sad:
    As hard as that was to take, in the end, I am glad she was honest.
    How many people fear bruising egos or hurting feelings?

    "No dear, you look fine to me no matter how fat you are"

    I think I'd rather somebody just be honest.

    My husband said this to me as well. It's soul crushing.

    After I dropped about 60lbs my husband told me basically the same thing. He said to me "I was not attracted to you 60lbs ago, and if you would not have done something about it, I'd probably end up leaving you." I was hurt and replied to him "So since you are putting on weight and you have teeth problems, I have a right to leave you because I'm not attracted to those things?" He said "Well I didn't think about it that way." I told him that I married him for better or worse and 250lbs was my worse, I will never go back there but for him to say such a cruel thing was not a way to push me in the right direction. Especially since I'm an emotional eater.
  • JT1090
    JT1090 Posts: 79 Member
    No one has ever said anything mean to my face but when I started gaining all this weight I could see the looks on the faces of old friends hadn't seen me in a while. I gained 50lbs so it was really obvious.

    I have this friends who always calls me thick but it never bothered me too much. He called me that when I was as at my lowest of 130lbs so I think he just said it to get on my nerves lol.
  • tiffastar
    tiffastar Posts: 46 Member
    I had a guy I was seeing say, "i was just imagining you skinny." - Mind you he was the one that asked me out so go figure. That was a few years back. A month ago my assistant asked if I was pregnant. Knowning I had given birth to my last and final child 4 months prior, she was saying it just to be rude. On the plus side, I took a long look at myself and realized I needed to get more in shape.
  • Katie41907
    When I got out of Navy A school I went home for vacation. I had gained about 30 lbs because of the Depo shot. My brother looked at me and said, "OMG If I was your size, I would shoot myself."

    I don't think I ate the entire time I was home!
  • stablesong
    My friend nicknamed me Fat in eighth grade, age 13 or 14. (As in, Hey, Fat, what's up?)
    I got asked if I was pregnant in ninth grade, age 14 or 15.
    Told never to wear my favorite shirt again because it made me look pregnant, age 15.
    Poked in the stomach, "You look pregnant." age 17.
    Countless cracks about being "chubby" from my mom, my whole adolescence pretty much.
    My grandmother offering to buy me new jeans if I gave her my favorite shorts "the ones that make your fat hang off the side." Age 14.
    My mom used to take food away from me. If I had a plate of chips, she'd take my plate away and tell me I'd had enough. Now, if I go to take a bite of something that is within my macros for the day and I just want to have a tiny treat for the first time all week or something like that, it's "Is that on your diet??"

    These are all the ones that stood out the most. I think the second one hurt the most. They've all stuck with me. People don't realize that these comments are why I started starving myself or why I never wanted to go to the beach with my skinny friends, go to parties in cute clothes, or be outgoing. I'm just so glad I found MPF because it really helps me set healthy, attainable goals and reach them. It's mostly because of MPF that I'm getting to a point where I feel good about myself.
  • Linz1087
    When I was 9 months pregnant with my son (who carried as far forward as he could) I worked at a car rental place in the airport. I was about to burst I was so pregnant and was scheduled to have my son 3 days later. As I was walking (waddling) through the airport to clock in I heard a woman say "poor thing, she is about to go any day now" and her husband turns and looks at her and says "honey, I think she is just extremely fat, not pregnant." And then they continued to have a conversation on who was right, the woman defending me but still. I walked into our office crying. I just wanted to make the guy eat his teeth.
  • AnneH1977
    AnneH1977 Posts: 86 Member
    My (eternally wispy) younger sister..."Oh, you're ok...you just look like you have a bunch of kids is all." Always helpful.
    My mother "Oh honey...sweats?"
    My teen daugher "Well so and so's mom is round too!"
    And I was asked when I was due while my 2 week old slept in the carrier in the cart. Seriously...
  • dusty8907
    dusty8907 Posts: 350 Member
    Used to be nicknamed penguin because im fairly short (5'7") and used to be fairly overweight. Nickname stuck though lol.
  • Fit_Mama84
    Fit_Mama84 Posts: 234 Member
    You are just not attractive to me....

    When I was 260+ pounds - my wife...:sad:
    As hard as that was to take, in the end, I am glad she was honest.
    How many people fear bruising egos or hurting feelings?

    "No dear, you look fine to me no matter how fat you are"

    I think I'd rather somebody just be honest.

    My husband said this to me as well. It's soul crushing.
    I thought of just leaving, then realized that it was true. I was in lah lah land thinking I was carrying it well.
    The second blow was a picture somebody took where I looked horribly fat.
    Anyway, I used that pain to lose the weight.

    I thought of leaving as well, but like you, he was right and I also used the pain as motivation to lose weight. I lost 25 before joining this site, and am continuing on. I WILL NOT go through that again.
  • KCherry
    KCherry Posts: 61 Member
    My grandpa always says "you better stop eating or your legs will give out. " :(
  • pacrowder
    pacrowder Posts: 2 Member
    My husband was talking about overweight people and said you know, there is nothing sexy about fat. I think of it everytime we are intimate. I lost a lot of weight two years ago. I still need to lose 30 pounds. I will do it for me so that I feel good with and without my clothes.