

  • I shoot for 10-12 glasses a day. I generally follow the half your body weight in ounces rule, but it's not super strict. I carry around a camelbak water bottle and drink from that all day. If I drink the whole thing, that's 3 glasses right there, so it's pretty easy to stick to.
  • I also don't really like running, but I know it's good for me, so I do it anyway. And I run a half marathon every year. Ok, maybe not run, I run/walk a half marathon every year. My goal in the half marathon is usually 1) to finish, and 2) not be last. And so far, I've finished all of them and I've never been last. I think…
  • There have been lots of studies on this: They aren't equal, you burn more at a run then you do at…
  • Strength training will help you burn calories at a faster rate than cardio alone. I'd say you should be doing some kind of strength training 2-3 times a week, even if you start small and just do some push ups and sit ups at home.
  • I make chili in the crockpot a lot. I don't have a specific recipe, I just throw in what I have on hand, generally some tomato sauce, diced tomatoes, chili seasoning, corn, kidney beans, and then let it all simmer for a few hours. So good.
  • I would say that it's such a small amount you probably don't need to worry about it.
  • Yes, I had an add for an Arby's Red Robin, and Chik-Fil-A coupon. I mean really?? The worst part is there is an Arby's in the building I work in. Took everything in me not to rush down there for lunch.
  • Meat isn't the only source of protein there are lots of fruits and vegetables that have protein:
    in Protein Comment by MrsSki February 2013
  • Wow. Seriously great advice in here. I will think about bumping up my lifting to more than one day a week. I'm running 4-5 days a week because my cardio is bad and I need to work on it. I find if I don't run, and I bike or elliptical I take it easy on myself. Which is not what I'm trying to do. When I said I'm a beginner,…
  • What type of sports bra are you wearing? I find that anything that's not considered high impact is too bouncy. Make sure you aren't just getting a run of the mill sports bra. I always test mine in the fitting room by jumping up and down and running in place. I might look crazy, but I'm not about to spend $50.00 on a sports…
  • Thanks for all of the really great advice. I'm running 4 times a week for the first 6 weeks, then it bumps up to 5 times a week for the last 14 weeks of my schedule. That's why I'm lifting just once a week, I need a rest day before my long run, and most of my time for hitting the gym is during my lunch at work. I have a…
  • This sounds like a great fix! Thanks! I plan to get a new pair of shoes as well, between the two hopefully this will help. Thanks everyone!
    in Blisters Comment by MrsSki February 2013
  • I love being bare foot, but I live in Chicago, so about the only opportunity I get to be bare foot is in my house.... Also, I have kind of high arches, so being bare foot for too long is painful.
    in Blisters Comment by MrsSki February 2013
  • Cotton socks cause blisters?? I never knew that. What kind of socks should I be wearing? Is there a guide to how soon running shoes should be replaced? A certain amount of mileage?
    in Blisters Comment by MrsSki February 2013
  • This is amazing! Run one for me! I also added you so I can follow your progress!
  • I way overindulged on NYE, so I've been mostly non-drinking since then. Also, my husband broke his leg a few weeks ago, and he can't drink because of the medication he is on, so I don't want to drink when he can't. I think alcohol is like everything else, it's ok in moderation if you want to have a beer with dinner. But if…
    in Alcohol Comment by MrsSki February 2013
  • Pretty much what everyone else said, start off slow. I run a super slow 13 min mile, according to MFP that's not even considered running or jogging, but a fast walk! But that's ok, because I can get through an entire 5K at that pace, running the whole time and not feeling like I'm going to die. I'm anemic too, and I…
  • I'm running my second 5K of the year this Sunday, I plan to run a 5K at least once a month this year, probably even more often than that. I, like you, can't run the whole thing, but I really surprised myself by running the whole first mile of my first 5K this year. I set little goals for myself, make each race faster than…
  • Strength Training doesn't calculate calories, it's really just a place to log what you've done. You will have to log them separately under the Cardio, they have a bucket for strength training there that will count toward calories.
    in push ups Comment by MrsSki February 2013
  • I'm in for 168 miles. I plan to average 6 miles a day. Since I have a sedentary job, I am going to log all my miles (I wear a pedometer every day). Let's make this happen!
  • When you have a bad eating day, just shrug it off and move on. It's hard sometimes, but you can't do anything about it now. It's most important to not totally fall off the wagon and stop eating healthily. If you find that you get hungry during the day, start breaking your meals up, so you're eating 5 or 6 smaller meals so…
  • Keep up with your exercising, take walks on the beach, go swimming, etc. And stay away from the mixed alcoholic drinks! They will have a ton of calories, stick to beer and wine. Use your common sense while eating, eat until your full, don't overeat, etc. Most importantly, have fun!! It's ok if you come back a pound or two…
  • Shake It Off! 207 again this week. I'm just happy that I didn't gain weight. Had a rough weekend with visitors in town, always makes it tough to stick with my diet.
  • Week 2 weigh in for Shake It Off: 207.8 .2 lbs lost, not much, but I will take it!
  • Shake It Off! Week 1 weigh in: MrsSki: 208 lbs CharityLynn: 209 Thanks, and sorry for the delay!
  • Nuts, nuts, nuts! They're great to add to a salad or to eat plain as a snack. They're filling, have lots of protein and are high in calories! I eat everything: walnuts, almonds, pistachios, peanuts. Just stay away from pre-salted varieties.
  • 1) Not packing my lunch - we have a mall style food court in my building at work, I always eat too much 2) Not working out right away in the morning - If I don't do it first thing, it usually doesn't get done 3) Alcohol - I love to go and drink with my friends, but the calories do add up!
  • Mondays Challenge: 30 minutes of cardio - Done. Rode my bike to work, it's 10 miles each way. under calories - Should be pretty easy since I have bootcamp tonight after work. :-) Good luck everyone!
  • Can you post the challenges for this week?