You shut your mouth when you're talking to me!
I was diagnosed with the same issue and Dr. prescribed 50,000iu once a week. Unfortunately it was D2 and it caused joint pain. I stick with 2000 D3 over the counter for now.
Check out to see what farms are selling it. Laws differ by state. As someone who is lactose intolerant I can say i was able to drink plenty of raw milk with no issue. It's delicious and keeps quite a while. Here in NY you can purchase directly from a farmer but you must provide your own containers. Practically…
Up your cardio and lift some weights. Most days you are under your recommended fat and protein numbers. I would add some healthy fats and find a way to get more protein. If you are staying away from animal products you can buy plain vegetable protein powder I believe. Awesome job so far!
Whey protein. Make sure it's in isolate form and nothing with added sugar.
Calves 17.5 here. What is your arm measurement? They should be pretty much the same.