Vitamin D deficiency?

Does anyone know a lot about Vitamin D deficiency? For the past few months I have experienced a lot of exhaustion, headaches, and being hungry all the time. I ignored this because I was nursing my daughter and figured it was due to that and being up at night with her. After I quit nursing her my symptoms got much worse so I went to the Doctor last week to have blood work done. I have also not lost weight in the past month and over the past 6 months my weight has just fluctuated a few pounds even though I eat very healthy and exercise. All my blood work came back normal but my Doctor did say I had a vitamin D deficiency and I needed to take 1000IU a day along with a multivitamin and iron supplement. The past couple days my exhaustion and headaches have been much much worse and when I called back today I was told pretty much tough luck it takes 4-6 weeks to feel better. Has anyone else been through this? I'm not sure if I should just tough it out or try and find a different Doctor who will help me more. I have 2 very young kids and am a full time student so I really don't have time to be feeling this badly for 4-6 weeks if their is something that can be done. Any advice or information is appreciated, thanks!!!


  • Aquarian
    Aquarian Posts: 1,094 Member
    I was treated for this last year. I was told to take vitamin D3 and calcium supplements plus a multivitamin. I was also told to get more sunlight exposure at dawn and dusk.

    It didn''t work miracles within a few days, but within a month I stopped having my headaches, body aches and other difficulties including sleep problems and exhaustion. Hang in there!
  • smartblonde529
    smartblonde529 Posts: 61 Member
    Thanks! It's just frustrating because I'm outside at least 30 minutes a day plus I get vitamin D from my multivitamin along with it being in my milk, cheese, and other foods. My levels weren't that low as normal is 30-100 and mine were 33.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    I had a Vit. D deficiency and I am taking 1,000 IU daily. However, I never had any of the symptoms you describe. I suspect that the fatigue, etc was more due to your low Iron and other vitamins.
  • Aquarian
    Aquarian Posts: 1,094 Member
    Thanks! It's just frustrating because I'm outside at least 30 minutes a day plus I get vitamin D from my multivitamin along with it being in my milk, cheese, and other foods. My levels weren't that low as normal is 30-100 and mine were 33.

    I think it only helps in the morning and the evening because the slanting rays of sun are the ones we need... In any case, mine was just an abysmal 9 as against the requisite 30, so you could probably see changes faster than I did. :)
  • millesun
    millesun Posts: 209 Member
    I had symptoms like yours and my level ended up being 7. It took me about 3 weeks to notice the difference and stop having headaches. For the 1st two months I took 2000IU plus my multivitamin(with 200IU) once my level got up to 45 I dropped down to 1000IU to maintain. I live in Oregon where we don't get much sun fall-spring and everyone here has a deficiency. My MD says that even though the national recommendation levels are 30-100 that the recent research shows that women really should have a level of at least 50 or higher.
  • jamk1446
    jamk1446 Posts: 5,577 Member
    Thanks! It's just frustrating because I'm outside at least 30 minutes a day plus I get vitamin D from my multivitamin along with it being in my milk, cheese, and other foods. My levels weren't that low as normal is 30-100 and mine were 33.

    Even though 33 may be in the range of "normal", you are borderline. Getting that number up to 50-70 may help you see some relief.
  • daisiemae123
    daisiemae123 Posts: 277 Member
    Been there. Unfortunately it did take a while for my body to notice the change. I was taking 2000IU and it took more than a month for symptoms to start subsiding.
  • LesleeBeAlive
    I have a vitamin d definciency, but no headaches. Just exhastion.
  • jchester101
    jchester101 Posts: 6 Member
    I was diagnosed with the same issue and Dr. prescribed 50,000iu once a week. Unfortunately it was D2 and it caused joint pain. I stick with 2000 D3 over the counter for now.
  • lauralind5
    lauralind5 Posts: 133 Member
    Even though you may be out in the sun, if you are overweight/obese your body doesnt use it the way that it should.
  • gatorginger
    gatorginger Posts: 947 Member
    I have a B12 deficiency and it makes a world of difference to do what the doc says. I however get the B12 shot once a month given to me by my husband and I take the B12 every day and I can tell such a big difference so listen to your doctor and give it the time he said he would take
  • bsuew
    bsuew Posts: 628 Member
    Mine was down to 14. I did have the same symptoms as you do. It did take a while for the Vitamin D3 to get into my system. I was on a prescription from the doctor for 3 months and now take a b3 suppliment. The only thing was it did take a while for me to tell the difference. Hang in there!
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Takes time. I was deficient too, and it took about a month. I was really shocked that I was deficient since I CRAVE sunshine for my mood and spend as much time as possible in the sun and use full spectrum lights in the house.
  • Heather_Rider
    Heather_Rider Posts: 1,159 Member
    Does anyone know a lot about Vitamin D deficiency? For the past few months I have experienced a lot of exhaustion, headaches, and being hungry all the time. I ignored this because I was nursing my daughter and figured it was due to that and being up at night with her. After I quit nursing her my symptoms got much worse so I went to the Doctor last week to have blood work done. I have also not lost weight in the past month and over the past 6 months my weight has just fluctuated a few pounds even though I eat very healthy and exercise. All my blood work came back normal but my Doctor did say I had a vitamin D deficiency and I needed to take 1000IU a day along with a multivitamin and iron supplement. The past couple days my exhaustion and headaches have been much much worse and when I called back today I was told pretty much tough luck it takes 4-6 weeks to feel better. Has anyone else been through this? I'm not sure if I should just tough it out or try and find a different Doctor who will help me more. I have 2 very young kids and am a full time student so I really don't have time to be feeling this badly for 4-6 weeks if their is something that can be done. Any advice or information is appreciated, thanks!!!

    I suffer from social anxiety disease, due to my other health issues and not leaving home causes me a vitamin D def. I take TEN THOUSAND UNITS per day. Yep, my Vit. D was almost non existant. Well, after 5 years and sick of taking pills.. the doctor said.. "you know, you could take care of this with sun exposure." Sure enough. Take a timer outside and set it for 15 minutes per day. That is ALL the sun exposure you need to cure this! Use the time to meditate, read, whatever! I started feeling better within 5 days! (with the vitamin D pills (mine were even prescribed.. it took me TWO MONTHS to even feel a "little" better) and even now in the winter, i dont have to take more than a multi vitamin with an iron suppliment IN IT. no extra pills! YAY!

    Edited after I saw your post about being outside for 30 minutes a day. Make sure you arent covered up, and you dont have sunscreen on. You NEED certain amounts of pure sun exposure. (those lights in the house dont work.. tried them. pfft. waste of money!) Good luck!
  • denezy
    denezy Posts: 573 Member
    I don't have a vit d deficiency, but do take a supplement and have felt amazing ever since I started about 6 months ago. Got rid of a nagging cold, I sleep better, better skin, hair, all around better looking and funnier.

    Ok maybe not those last two, but I swear by vitamin d. And I'm outside for at least an hour every day.
  • theologynerd
    theologynerd Posts: 264 Member
    Just a random piece of advice- some people don't tolerate Vit D supplements well. When I take them, or if a multi-vit has too much Vit D for me, I get really dizzy and have weird spells where I feel completely disconnected from my body. Sometime (if I continue taking the higher doses despite my symptoms, like when I didn't know why I was having them) I even feel electrical "pulses", like a current of energy originating in my head and traveling down my arms into my hands. Most multi-vits are ok, like 400 IUs (100%), I handle just fine. But Alive brand, which I otherwise love, has 1000 IUs, and after a day or two of those my dizziness and spells come back. I only realized it was from the Vit D after googling my symptoms, so it must be a common enough reaction.
  • Weebs628
    Weebs628 Posts: 574 Member
    I had blood work done a few years ago and found out that I had a deficiency. In the summer I'm fine, but in the winter I take vitamin D because I don't go outside a lot. It really helps keep my energy up.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    I had a Vit. D deficiency and I am taking 1,000 IU daily. However, I never had any of the symptoms you describe. I suspect that the fatigue, etc was more due to your low Iron and other vitamins.
    I didn't have symptoms either, or at least not noticeable ones like you OP. Last tested mine was 6, pretty low! So just doubled mine, and then I take a Calcium/vit D supplement as well and a prenatal vitamin I take more than likely has some in it as well.

    Some ppl simply have a deficiency even while getting sunlight, eating eggs etc., and taking supplements, I seem to be one of those ppl. Not many foods to choose from that contain Vitamin D. :/

    Thanks for bringing it up, glad to see others thoughts on this topic.
  • smartblonde529
    smartblonde529 Posts: 61 Member
    Thanks for all the replies! I am not overweight and have a healthy BMI of 23.4 and I usually get 30 minutes at least in the sun as I walk 2 miles a day and also play outside with my kids very often. Vitamin D is in milk, cheese, eggs, some fish and fortified cereals so I was getting it in my diet along with my daily multivitamin. Hopefully this additional vitamin supplement will help!!!!
  • MFPBrandy
    MFPBrandy Posts: 564 Member
    I won't say I know a lot about it, but I HAVE noticed a difference, so here's my story. I've got a back injury, and the muscle pain was just getting worse. My exercise physiologist pointed me to some studies showing a link between muscle pain and vitamin D deficiency, some even going so far as to suggest the effect was so severe as to cause false fibromyalgia diagnosises.
    I started taking it, and it took a while to kick in, but I did notice a difference. I still have pain, because I'm injured, but the all-over muscle ache is noticeably less. I take a heck of a lot more than 1,000 IU/day, though -- the studies we read suggested 5,000-8,000 IU/day.
    For fatigue, iron and protein could also play a role.