emmab_73 Member


  • I really don't know what to say other than WOW!! I came on to the community boards today because I'm PMSing up a storm, and I wanted to find someone to argue with (!!!) but I clicked on your story instead, and I am ever so glad I did!! You are a beautiful inspiration. Thank you for sharing your story, and thank you for the…
  • Wow, wow, wow!! You should be so incredibly proud of your hard work and determination. You look like a totally different person, but I know that it will take some time for you to truly see that. I hope that soon you're able to see what we all see...strength, beauty, and inspiration!
  • 1. Italy 2. Ireland 3. Wales
  • I do Billy Blanks' PT 24/7 tae bo DVDs every morning (I take a break once every couple of weeks), so I usually down a couple of glasses of water, to replace the three gallons I've just sweated off, and then walk around the house trying to think of new not-so-swear-words that I can utter in front of my preteen daughters!
  • I hear your pain my friend...since being on Metformin for PCOS, I've developed a lactose intolerance. I find that dark chocolate doesn't have any negative effect on me. I hope you're still able to enjoy some chocolate! Happy Weekend!
  • I have a couple of pieces of dark chocolate a few times a week. You're not doing yourself any favours by denying yourself certain foods, because one day you're going to snap and then binge. I buy the large (250g) Cadbury's Fruit & Nut Dark or the Lindt Excellent Dark bars, and will have 2 squares. Because it's dark…
  • We'll be that voice in your head, cheering you on and supporting you!
  • I am going to be completely honest with you, but the one thing that is driving me hard right now is the thought of my reward once I hit my goal weight...my pair of cherry red, 14 hole Doc Martens. I'm almost 39, and have wanted a pair since I was 13! Of course I want to be healthy, and I want to live a long and happy life.…
  • Wow, this is such a bloody profound thing to say!! You're so right, it's the little things like this that keep you going. Thank you for saying this, it's given me more of a nudge!
  • I'm a technology plebe, and don't know how to post a picture (please help if you can!!) but I was in love with Bowser from Sha Na Na. I thought he was just the coolest guy ever to walk the earth! I'd watch, every Sunday evening, and even remember that the show was brought to you by Downy!!!
  • I used to have the Donny and Marie dolls, wearing the feathery purple outfits. I can remember watching their variety show on Sunday nights, I loved him!!
  • Swoon! I would drop everything to watch Joannie loves Chachi!!
  • Oh my gosh, I LOVED Andy Gibb!! He was definitely the cutest (by far) of any of the brothers!
  • Most definitely yes to both. Every time I watch Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, my heart breaks for River Phoenix.
  • Too funny!!!
  • LOVE!!!
  • I love that!! MJF would be so proud!
  • Ricky Schroder in Silver Spoons (I know, I'm old!!!). I would also buy last year's calendars with pics of James Dean, cut off all of the pictures, and wallpaper my room with them. I rented Rebel Without a Cause for my 13th birthday party, and I was officially in love with James Dean!!!
  • welcome to MFP from a fellow Canadian!! We rock!!
  • I'm glad I'm not the only one who has to eliminate dairy all of a sudden! Let's just keep on keepin' on!
  • Hello all! I have PCOS, endometriosis, fibrocystic breasts, and severe anxiety disorder, so I'm listening to everyone's stories and nodding my head! I hate the idea of taking meds, but I've been on Prozac for the anxiety, visanne for hormones, and metformin for PCOS, and I tell you, I've never felt better! I'm motivated,…
  • I've been on metformin for a couple months now, and am finding it's working with my PCOS. I've lost 13.4 lbs so far (been at it for just over a month) and I'm more motivated now than I've ever been. The metformin does upset my tummy sometimes, but if I make sure I take it with food it's okay. I've noticed that I've had to…
  • They sound like fantastic goals!! Can't wait to follow your journey!
  • I'm 5'1", so I hear you honey!! We can do this together!
  • I believe with all of my heart and soul that you can do this! You WILL reach your goal. We will all be here to support you, but the reason why I'm convinced is because of how determined you sound. You've caught whatever it is that kicks us in the *kitten* and gets us moving. Please add me as a friend, and we'll keep…
    in Scared Comment by emmab_73 August 2012
  • Wow, you are such a beautiful person, inside and out! Thank you for sharing your story and pictures...you brought me to tears!! And you're so totally right...we can all do this! :happy:
  • Wow, you look fabulous!! You are a true inspiration, and I thank you for the encouragement! Even though we're strangers, you've made a big difference in my life today!
  • I know this sounds like a bizarre fix, but I find if I'm having killer cravings (why did I say 'if'!! I mean 'when'!!), I have a bowl of oatmeal with raspberries and 6 dry roasted almonds, and it kills the cravings. Just throw 1/3 cup of rolled oats in a bowl with 1/3 cup water, and 1/3 cup milk or soy milk, and throw in…
  • A huge congratulations to you girl!! You should be incredibly proud! You inspire me, so thank you for posting your success. Have a beautiful day!