mickandmin Member


  • My motivation is seeing the scales going down, feeling much healthier and fitter, fitting in to nice clothes, positive comments and being slimmer for my holidays. Do still have off days but get back to it the next day.
  • I do kind of plan for the day ahead but only log it is I eat it. My breakfast is usually the same every day, lunch and tea vary.
  • I have a stubborn 5lbs I would like to lose that is not budgin but if I don't I am not too bothered as I feel comfortable at the weight I am now and feel proud that I have lost what I have.
  • Hi ya. Finally found the group. Thank you for setting it up. I am more or less maintaining now though have a stubborn 5lbs that I would love to lose but it doesn't seem to shift. Still use MFP religiously as know how easy it is to slip back to bad habits. Wouldn't have managed to lose all my weight without MFP (and the…
  • For me it is training my brain and just going. Once I am there I just get on with it and the 60-70 minutes go quickly. I treat it like going to work, it is something that I have to do and I have no choice if I want a nice life. I get changed in work and go straight to the gym on my way home. If I waited to get changed at…
  • I love my carbs, especially pasta and I really had to weigh them to cut down. I weigh pasta, rice, potatoes, vegetables, cereal, porridge, basically everything. I changed to wholemeal pasta and brown rice, bought smaller bananas, ate more vegetables and cut out chips. I also bought smaller sliced bread and cut back on the…