Edumovich Member


  • Pumpkin spice muffins 1 box super moist spice cake mix 1 can pumpkin mix and fill muffin cups 2/3rds full bake according to box 84 calories a yummy!!!
  • Good luck!!!! Hopefully the acupuncture helps!!!! Let me know if it does!
  • I'm going thru the same thing right now. Injured my IT band 8+ weeks ago. I rested for 2 weeks, then started back on the elliptical then slowly started running. Got up to 6 miles and it started hurting again. Had to take another 2 weeks off. Can now run 3 miles without pain but no where near I want to be for my training. I…
  • I give you credit for training on a treadmill..................I could never do that because I hate it too much. I would much rather be really cold and run outside. Good Luck!!!!
  • Good choice!!! That's exactly what I'm going to do!!! Good luck, you will love it!!!
  • I ran my first half this past fall, I found with training that you have to see what works for you. A lot of people suggested the gels to me but they made me absolutely sick to my stomach. I found that gatorade was just too sugary during a run also. Water worked best along with the jelly belly beans every couple miles or…
  • Since your race is so far out I wouldn't do the 12 week program over and over..........once you get up to the double digit miles it is really hard on your body. I would just continue running 4-6 miles a couple days a week, strength train, work on weight loss and you will be good to go come 12 weeks out from your race.…
  • I did my first half October 2011..........I am now addicted!!!! I would like to do 2 if not 3 halfs in 2012, my first is in May. Training will begin mid February but until then I am just going to run 4 days a week anywhere from 3-5 miles at a get my body used to running in the cold, I am also strength…