Mini_Rif Member


  • Hi all.... I'm 34, SW 300 (the heaviest I've ever been and it scared the *kitten* out of me), CW 282, 1st GW is 200 (we'll go from there...). I work at a desk (I'm a children's therapist and in the foster care/child welfare field) and I've just started walking at lunch and at least once in the morning and once in the…
  • Thank you for sharing! This is what I'm *hoping* will be the case. I've been advised by my doctor to give it three months with some major lifestyle changes (that I need to make - this is just my jump start) and then retest to see where I'm at with the A1C. We'll go from there....
  • My LH to FSH rati I've read this research. Yes, I'm obese. But I'm monitored monthly by my RE for ovulation and get blood work on CD 3 and 7 DPO. I ovulate regularly, my progesterone is normal and my husband's SA is normal. I have normal cycles. My doctor has not said obesity is a factor (yet), until 6 days ago when, for…
  • I understand! But I also have the best RE in the Midwest so I'm trusting her opinion (for now) and doing my own research as well. I'm not ruling it out, just getting as much information as I can. I typically over-educate myself on everything (type A personality).
  • Thank you! And great work! This is what I was looking for...someone's positive experience to share. Thank you for being kind and for the helpful information. I'm working with a nutritionist and a trainer and have adjusted my macros and have a plan so hoping for improvement.
  • I know, but I'm not diagnosed PCOS by my Reproductive Endocrinologist or OB/GYN.
  • Thank you! I know with my family history that I'm facing a future diagnosis, but I was just so shocked my number was so high this time since it hovers around 90 and nothing has drastically changed. I just really was hoping to combat it sooner. I guess I didn't get serious enough until it (may be) too late.
  • Yes-all labs are in normal range. Ive had HSG and ultrasounds with saline. Everything is normal. We have unexplained infertility.
  • Yes, we've been TTC for 2+ years so I'm seeing a Reproductive Endocrinologist. I'm not diagnosed with PCOS now because I don't have cystic ovaries and have previously had blood sugars in normal range (until now).
  • Thank you so much!!
  • Thanks, Keith. She did not do an A1C since it was my fertility specialist and not a GP. I didn't anticipate a high reading, but once it came back so high, she wants me to go back to my GP for follow-up. I'm hesitant to see my GP because I don't want the diabetes diagnosis in my medical record right now due to our fertility…
  • I like "Poison"! I've been doing Zumba 2 on Wii for 3 weeks and loving it! I'm just learning all the dances. Good luck!!
  • I have a very similar goal. I'm 5'5, currently at 244lbs and goal weight of 145. Add me, if you'd like!