katiepen Member


  • Hi I use the MFP app and Endomondo to track my workouts. Endomondo has most sports listed on it, its great for me as it includes horse riding which is one of my main activities Hope this helps x
  • No shame at all in walking it! I did the UK based 5 k Race for Life in July and was hoping to run for all of it but ended up walking for bits of it and still had a massive grin on my face when I'd finished. Go for it and enjoy it
  • A small village in Leicestershire, UK :-)
  • Bless you, snow is rubbish when you are trying to get outdoors! I started running on the treadmill in our garage in January this year. I did intervals using the nhs choices podcasts (I'm uk based) and am now running for a much longer amout of time on the treadmill. I've been out for a few outdoor runs over the past month…
  • I'm in Leicestershire, add me if you like! x
  • Hi I'm doing the couch to 5k app to! I find it really motivational and even tho the first run of the new week is tough I find the last one a bit easier, I'm due to do my 3rd run in week 4 today. I'm running on a treadmill in our garage at the mo as I'm not a natural runner and at least the treadmill makes me keep going…