

  • That is AWESOME! My fiance gets pizza frm there when we are both feeling to lazy to cook, makes it hard to stick to the diet, but knowing how many calories are in a piece makes it so I can enjoy pizza with him.
  • If you have given yourself a certain amount of calories for the day say 1200 calories and you only eat 1000 that shouldn't hurt you. If you only eat 500 that is not good, that I would think is verging on starvation. If you have allowed yourself 1200 calories and you eat all your calories you will either maintain your…
  • hey, I am also new to myfitnesspal and so far I love it! I keep track of all my food. I always thought I was a carboholic but I actually eat more protein than is suggested. I wish you luck and hope you can lose your college 30... I am working on my college 50 >.<
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