carpsm1 Member


  • I also had surgery in (June) 2002. I went from 340 to around 205 and last July had reached 282. I managed to get back down to around 220 by 1. making myself go back to surgeon to get checked out and alleviate my fears 2. getting back to basics and doing what the dietician said (they have found out a lot of things in the…
  • I LOVE 1c plain greek yogurt with berries and chia seeds or ground flaxmeal and 1-2 truvia packets! Sometimes I mix in jello sf/ff pudding to 4c of the yogurt and eat it for 4 days. YUM! I have it for breakfast every day. Susan
  • Thank you Dannadl for being so detailed in what your rules are. It really helps me to find out if people who had surgery more recently are being told differently from in 2002. I REALLY appreciate you saying how you did not like to exercise before but now you do. I hope that will happen for me. Susan
  • Thank you all for your welcome and support, and for sharing with me the "rules." I saw that I had put that I got down to 110!!! That is a TYPO. I got down to 210. I have been doing ok this week, drinking about 9 cups of water a day, and staying under 1200 calories. I remember my surgeon said 3 meals a day with nothing in…
  • Thank you for your welcome and support. I am doing ok now with the water and protein for 2 weeks now, and have lost about 9 lbs. I just realized that I wrote that I got to 110 lbs...It was actually 210!!! Wow like I would ever see 110. I have been very hungry during the past 2 weeks but am having an upper GI done in a few…
  • I am new here. I had RNY June 2002 and went from 340 to 110. I was up to 240 by 5 yrs. out, which kept steady until about 5 years ago when I started a very stressful time. I was up to 282 on July 29, when I decided I needed to do something. I am now 275. I did 1 week fast on Almased and lost the 7 lbs. but the past 3 days…