

  • Hi All, Is it too late to join in? I am almost 52 years old and I have about 20 pounds to go. I am post menopausal l and am really struggling with my weight. I had joined WW about 7 years ago and kept my weight off for almost 6 years. Then it started creeping back up. Jan, 08 I was determined to take off the last 9 pounds.…
  • Saw it Saturday. It was a great movie. Made me think about my Dad. He passed away in 2002. :cry: Absolutely worth seeing!
  • I take 3 spin classes a week. Monday morning 5:15am is a beginner class that I take to get my week started. Tues and Thurs at 5:10am is an advanced class! I love it! Have been spinning for 5 years. Take it easy at first and build up. The class instructor will guide you! Make sure you either have or can borrow a gel seat or…
  • I take a spin class 3 days a week, do weight resistance 2 days a week and ride between 10 and 20 miles on my bicycle on Sunday mornings. Hope by keeping a food journal, that will do the trick.
  • I just started using myfitmesspal today. i want to lose 28 pounds by the beginning of June. i have already tried other fitness journals and am frustrated with how slow they run. this one is going well so far