

  • Saw this post on the side of my home screen ... AMAZING! You look beautiful! Keep up the good work!
  • I finished Week 1!!!! I'm so proud of myself, and I love the program so far and I've also been walking with my hubby and the baby. My older daughter and I are doing yoga together twice a week as well with my cousin. This week was great. I promised myself I wouldn't get on the scale until I'm in week 4, or rather at the end…
  • Hi everyone! I started C25K this week on Tuesday, tomorrow is my day 3. I'm loving it so far. I have a lot of family members that are into running and a lot of friends who did this program and loved it. I'm a product of Generation X so I keep hoping to see immediate results lol. Hopefully I don't get discouraged. I'm…
  • HI everyone! I started W1D1 today as well. It was hard but I pushed through. I have a bad knee, getting it checked out on Tuesday (8/14), but this is the only program I really am interested in getting into. I have numerous friends who were like me, just needed something to get them back into shape that wasn't a dvd or an…