

  • It's easy to tell yourself that you are busting your butt, but the reality is very different. I thought I was busting my butt 3 times a week at the gym and wouldn't lose any weight. Fact is, that it wasn't till I made a real sacrifice and started going 6 or 7 times, getting at least 5 days of cardio for 45min-1hr, that I…
  • It does get easier... you're just gonna have to make some sacrifices early on. Meaning, there will be some pain involved... Ask yourself, is it unbearable after 5 minutes, or just very difficult? If it's very difficult, push yourself an extra 5 minutes... 5 agonizing minutes is not gonna kill you. Then, as mentioned here,…
  • I calculated my BMI today and it tells me that I'm in the over weight category. I don't disagree with this, as I weigh 184 lbs and I need to be at 165 lbs. However, my question is, how accurate do you guys find the BMI calculator, especially if you do a lot of strength training, like me. The reason I ask is because even at…
  • yeah, the circuit training is not that accurate, but at least it accounts for something... good enough for me. Thanks.
  • The weight training log. You can burn a lot of calories weight training but all this tracks is cardio. I like everything else about the site, but I wish they would fix this. When you input cardio categories, such as, running... the site gives you an option for 6mph, 6.7mph, etc... then asks you for how long you did it and…
  • I gained 5 lbs from one day to the next because of all the junk I ate during the Superbowl.