adnaram Member


  • I'm with you- took 25 lbs to drop that first size. I'm hoping that the next comes sooner...
  • I agree with a few other posters. you don't have more weight to loose, you need to turn the weight you have into muscle. That will give you the lean firm body you're looking for.
  • 5 ft 9 here. I weighed 256 on October first and am down to 234 now. Every time I have a kid, I gain 50 lbs! I'm done with that, though and ready to loose all of it! Goal weight- 170. I like short-term goals so I'm shooting for 225 by Christmas.
  • for water- I have a big glass before every meal, in the morning, before bed, before every snack. It helps to have a bottle that you like and is easy to carry around with you. I always forget to drink, too. oh! and I drink a full bottle whenever I'm in the car. it's easy there cause there's nothing else to do but drive.…
  • Seriously: it sounds like the changes in your life are making you happier and better. don't worry, the weight will follow. You said you usually do a frozen meal at lunch? I'd try to find something else. Those are usually full of crap chemical preservatives. any lean meat and vegis will take you further through your day. (I…
  • 1. You're NOT a failure. You're taking better care of yourself and probably feel better physically, right? 2. How do your clothes fit? Are you seeing/feeling results that the scale isn't sharing? 3. How is your water intake? I'd try bumping it up some. 4. You go to a gym you said? do they have someone there who can help…
  • I don't have a smartphone. :(
  • you can always add protein in the form of plain greek yogurt with your fruit. My fav is 1/4 c crushed pineapple, half a banana and 1/2 c yogurt. so yummy and the protein helps it fill you up.
  • Awesome! You look amazing! How do you feel?