adnaram Member


  • Speaking of body fat- I found this site that figures out what you'd weigh at your ideal body fat % based on your current body fat and weight. pretty cool! According to this, if I can maintain my lean mass and I'm looking to be 25% body fat (where I'm confident I can maintain…
  • Name:Maranda Age:37 Height:5'9" Start Weight (1st June):191.0 Goal Weight (1st July):181.0 1st June:191. 8th June:185.4 15th June: 22nd June: 29th June: 1st July: Weight lost/gained this week:-5.6 lbs!! Weight lost/gained this month: Successes/struggles this week: Cut out the sugar this week and it made an enormous…
  • Successes/struggles this week: Gaining weight because of shark week! Otherwise a pretty good week. Made it to the gym Wednesday and Friday to lift, and had a pretty good swim lesson! Hopefully I show some losses next week.[/quote] I'm dying of curiosity about how you gain weight because it's shark week?
  • It helps me to remember that EVERYONE (really everyone) has insecurities. Maybe someone else is an amazing runner but feels inadequate about finances or unsure about her relationships. Everyone struggles with something. I admire when people face those fears and that's exactly what you're doing when you get out there. You…
  • banana protein smoothie
  • Doing great! Am seeing pounds lost on the scale, but want to wait until it's been a week so I can see what the balance is after 7 days. Feeling good.
  • I don't need the driver's seat to be so far back any more. my legs aren't any shorter, right??
  • SO TRUE! I see pictures of myself in my early 20's where I'm not all that thin (probably 160/165), but look scrawny and unhealthy. I'm shooting for 175, but I know that I'll be a leaner and healthier 175 than I was when I was young.
  • Carbs- 140 Fat-51 Protein-110 Calories- 1510 I **try** to make most of my carbs unprocessed stuff- potatoes, oats, fruit, veggies. This might be poking a bear, but do you think it makes a difference where your carbs come from?
  • 5'9 SW 256 CW 187 First goal weight 175 Now it's closer to 170 +/- I'm more interested in maintaining a body fat percentage of 25-27%
  • When I see pictures of the "new me" (I have another 12 to go, but I've lost 69) I don't recognize that person. I like the way she looks, but that's not what I think I look like in my head.
  • Whether it's a myth or not, sometimes walking away from something for a while allows you to regain perspective, doesn't it? Are you saying that it's not good to avoid something that you feel is keeping you from achieving your goals? I'm just curious what your plan would be. That being said, I enjoy fruit in moderation and…
  • I'm quitting processed sugar now. I still have fruit in moderation, but feel like when I can't control my cravings I really need to take a break from it to get it back under control. the first few days are always the hardest, but it gets easier and you feel so much better.
  • I'm having a "Junk Free June" with no refined sugars, too! We can do this!
  • So how did yesterday go? I feel like I'm coming down off heroine or something. Should get better from here, right?
  • Name:Maranda Age:37 Height:5'9" Start Weight (1st June):191.0 Goal Weight (1st July):181.0 1st June:191. 8th June: 15th June: 22nd June: 29th June: 1st July: Weight lost/gained this week: Weight lost/gained this month: Successes/struggles this week:
  • I'm in, but will post weight tomorrow. :)
  • I'm doing that, too! Ready to dig in tomorrow!
  • This is so great- I'm almost there, too. Lost 70 with 11 to go. Unfortunately my weight loss has completely stalled, though.
  • I love it. constant temp- not too hot or cold. I hit it and everyone leaves me alone while I watch non-kid appropriate television (love cop shows).
  • My name spelled backward.
  • You're on a journey and not everyone will be joining you. Sounds like he can't handle that you know the extent of your awesomeness now. Any guy who can't deal with a confident woman doesn't deserve her. Let him go deal with his insecurities by himself. Cut yourself some slack and grieve and then be glad that you can move…
  • ^^what he said. our bodies are very efficient. it will learn to work with whatever we're giving it. if you can make your body think it's getting enough, it will stop saving so much. Just try varying your calories day by day, too. like- have 1800 and 2000 calorie days occasionally and still have low days, too.
  • Do you have a way to calculate body fat and muscle mass? Your body might be changing without your weight changing. try keeping some other measurements and use those. I still say increase your protein intake. If your body is recompositioning you want to get more protein so you don't break it down from your muscle.
  • I have degenerative disc disease in my lower back and loosing weight and exercise is helping a LOT. Think about it this way- I'm carrying around 50 lbs less every time I move. Also, my core is stronger and better able to support a weak spine. The problem isn't gone and I constantly have to be careful with overdoing it, but…
  • Right- but your body doesn't process all calories the same way.
  • Try messing with your macros more. Increase your protein and fat and reduce your carbs (not cut them out- but make sure they're super clean and not processed). Sometimes it's all about balance. All calories are not created equal.
  • I'd be your friend and share. My diary is an open book.
  • Just because you loose a lot of weight and are healthy, doesn't magically make your body issues disappear. if you're built with bigger hips/booty, that doesn't go away just because you get thin. Your boobs will, though! Still worth it. Health is what's important to me.