jwergland Member


  • Okay, I've only been back "on plan" for 5 days, but I do a variety of exercises as I get bored easily. I do DVDs at home....Jillian Michaels is a favorite, I have several of hers. (I have to build up to those, though, because I'm so unfit & she knocks me out so much that it's hard to excercise for a day or two afterward!)…
  • Hi everyone! This looks like the right group for me, so many of the issues you've posted are so familiar. I'm a 44yo at home mom with four kids (14yo stepdaughter, 9yo & 7yo daughters & 6yo son). I never had a weight issue in younger years....overate constantly, exercised only sporadically, & didn't gain weight. I…
  • I can relate to the "disgusted with myself" title, so I had to respond. I am down on myself all the time about my weight, but then give up after a week of good eating because "it's too hard". Yet I know that's baloney, really. Trying to take the long view of how much better I'll feel when I get there. My best friend also…