

  • I totally agree with you. I am not unhappy with how I look for the most part, though I do think we have things we would change if we could! For me it is about being able to do all the things I want to without a struggle. Do stop being winded so quickly when I do a hike, to dance the night away and not wake up feeling like…
  • Just feeling less active was a big one for me. I used to hike quite a bit & now due to my weight I have a harder time. I want to be a healthier version of myself and for the first time in my weight battle I am looking at it from that angle rather than the numbers : )
  • I started at 278, now down to 253 after a year, but my goal is 155-175 so I still have a long way to go. Joined this site to try and track, motivate & achieve my goals....good luck to all of us!!!
  • I agee that it is time for a new doc! My doc does not always agree with my choices, but her attitude is that I should be expending more than I am taking in while eating foods that are good for me. I have changed my diet up quite a bit in the past year and am down 30 pounds so far, 70 more to go! Good luck on your journey…