

  • My mom did it and had to stop after a month because she lost alot of hair and her body went into starvation mode. As soon as she stopped she gained all the weight that she lost from it and more, even though she walked everyday for almost an hour. She doesn't recomend it and neither do I.
  • Big time gamer that's why I'm trying to loose weight , I gained so much after I graduated because I just stay home eat and play games all day. So now I try not to play because once I pick up my controller I can't put it down.
  • I just opened my account yesterday and I love it. I went for a jog this morning and I only ate a banana for breakfast. This website helps a lot. Im sure you'll enjoy it also :)
    in First Day Comment by Goopta January 2012
  • i just started my account today:) so i'm kinda new