You are looking fantastic, don't get down on the time frame, you didn't set a goal to get overweight. Your rockin' your new look and shakin' what your momma gave ya!
Smokin Hot! Wow! Great work!
Great Job! You look fabulous!
I'm definitely no expert but weighing yourself everyday can be very depressing, I weigh in only once a week, and sometimes its hard not to see mid week, but I wait. If you are down one day and up the next you may work harder one day and starve yourself to try to make up for the extra weight. I've found stick to one program…
I love McDonalds fast food, but I also realized it was a large benefactor in my weight gains. I have become the once a week, Mac snack wrap with a diet coke, nothing more. We look at the calories, carbs, and protein, sure I can work on that, but the sodium levels are extremely high, water weight will occur. I eat McD's at…
Yeah my spouse does the same thing, I confronted her on this situation and she stated to me that she wanted to see how serious I was on this process of changing my lifestyle to be healthy. Even though I have Yo Yo'd back and forth I have more determination to succeed. She may still make a plate for me for dinner, but now I…