Stuck at a particular weight?

So first of all here is my stats. I'm 5'7 and seventeen years old, I weigh about 209lbs since my last weigh in, and my bmr is 1819 calories. I try to eat close to that but I work out so intensely that I can burn about 1,000 calories a day if i do two work outs. And by then my net calories are only like 800 something. I try to eat them back but its too much food, but when I go to bed I'm hungry as heck. I started to feel very tired as well which I began to think was because I wasn't eating enough and noticed when I took a day off I felt a lot better. But my weight has been stuck between 209-212. I don't know what I'm doing wrong, should I cut down on such vigorous exercise so much and just do one until I can get the hang of my eating? And will bringing my calories up promote further weight loss? I do notice that when I bring them up occasionally for a day my scale will go down to 209.6 but then I exercise and I'm back at 210.8 or 211[The next morning, I only started weighing myself everyday because i noticed this problem.] It's just confusing and frustrating for me. I think I'm a bit of an exercise freak but i can't eat enough to back that lifestyle up I'm basically lost... and since the beginning of January I've only lost 2lbs. Which is pretty sad considering I wanted to be under 200 by February..I don't quite understand what could be the problem. And I don't know what are some good meals to fix to bring my calories up especially when I feel so full until late at night, and then suddenly I could eat anything. [I try to limit myself to things like carrots or yogurt or apple sauce.]


  • buggin76
    I'm definitely no expert but weighing yourself everyday can be very depressing, I weigh in only once a week, and sometimes its hard not to see mid week, but I wait. If you are down one day and up the next you may work harder one day and starve yourself to try to make up for the extra weight. I've found stick to one program and see after a couple weeks if its meeting your goals. Its very possible you have your body in starvation mode, and if you raise your bmr or cut back on the calories burned you could see the results your looking for. Also, my mornings do not start until 12pm (due to my job), lunch at 7pm and dinner is 1am, can people eat late at night and still lose weight, yes they can! Lunch is my bigger meal, but I still have a decent meal about 1-2 hours before bed. I'm a carnivore, so every meal have some type of meat, but i limit potatoes to none at dinner, some steamed vegs, and yogurt. You should be able to go to bed hungry but not starving!