

  • I suppose it takes motivation to get going initially, but you are fortunate enough to have gym access, so make the most of it! maybe thinking of me jogging around in the freezing English rain will help! Lol :)
  • being prepared the night before, so that i don't just grab unhealthy food from the shop. Also, me and my friend are going running together, so we can keep each other motivated :) Really, i feel like I need to be really honest with myself about what i'm eating- so hopefully this should help with that..
  • I know how you feel. I've just decided to rejoin myfitnesspal. Over the last year, i've put on 10lb's. I just looked at the scales and had a bit of a heart attack after seeing i was at 150lbs!! Not great for 16, it seems over the past few years the weight has stopped falling off like it used to! i'm surrounded by skinny…
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