

  • People laugh at me sometimes at how careful I am with tracking my calories (i.e. pulling out the measuring cup, tracking every bite I eat). But I find that when I slack off and stop tracking my calories, the weight sneaks up on me again. A couple of years ago I did Weight Watchers online and had good results from it. So…
  • I gained about 40 pounds during both pregnancies, way back in the mid to late 90's (my kids are now 12 and 15). I dropped the weight after each one, but still had the tummy issue. For me, it's the way my skin is--it just doesn't have the elasticity to return to its former state after all that stretching (my first baby was…
  • Does it count if the "baby weight" you're trying to lose is from kids who are now 12 and 15? I also love knitting and indie music, and know I should do yoga (I am extremely inflexible, muscle-wise). I just started here a little while ago and was bummed this morning to weigh myself and be exactly the same as last time I…
    in moms? Comment by KitKate68 January 2012
  • My absolute favorite exercise Wii game is NFL Training Camp. It uses the same sensors as EA Sports Active 2, which I also like a lot, but I give the edge to NFL, even though I'm not a football super fan. Part of it is that I play it with my 12 year old son, who is ultra competitive and loves to play it with me. He gets me…
  • I just started Zumba classes a month ago, and loved them so I bought the Wii Zumba 2 game to do at home. In the Zumba 2 game, it lists the calories burned after you complete the workout. Today, I burned 189 calories, according to the game. It was my first try with the game, and so far so good. I think it helps a lot if…
  • And then there's always Supersize Me. My daughter, a high school freshman, just watched that movie in health class at school, and swore off McDonald's...for about a week. Now she says she's fine with it :-P
  • I was teeny tiny in high school--weighed around 90 lbs when I graduated. This is no longer the case--like my parents told me, I'd someday reach the age where I couldn't just eat whatever I wanted! Back then (1986), I told them I'd cross that bridge when I came to it. Which I am now doing...