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  • Yeah. Me too. And beach vacation up in a week.
  • Good luck on the start of your journey! It only gets easier as time goes on :] Just keep up the great work and you will be where you want to be in NO time!
  • Yea I went over by a little yesterday too because of the same reason and I did jumping jacks too haha. But yay because I woke up super early to go do a 3 mile run before I start my day today. You will be fine. I feel the same way. I am sure we won't end our weight loss by one day.
  • Buy a soft medicine ball and some bands. I know it is spending money on those items but it is worth it as you won't have to spend it again. There are zillions of workouts to do with these items and I get all mine from shape magazine or weight watchers. As a female this has worked best for me and running outdoors.
  • Panera is my favorite. Jasons deli has good options too. Also Zoes kitchen if there is one in your area. And chickfila!
  • I would definitely ask your doctor this question. It is not something to leave in the hands of he said she said. Doctor!
  • Two eggs and 3 slices of center cut bacon = +/- 210 cals depending on the brands and it is so filling and who doesnt love bacon! Or Organic Rolled Oats with stevia in the raw and cinnamon Or Thomas Bagel thin whole wheat with melted Brie Cheese Or plain greek yogurt with 1 stevia in the raw pack and any fruits chopped up…
  • I work at a pizza place! Equally terrible! I gained my 20 extra pounds over the last two years working there. It has been pretty easy to get over the cravings for it because I know how many calories are in each thing we have now thankfully since I looked it all up! When I do have to give into the pizza craving I get the…
  • Yea I think its time for some picture comparisons. My overall goal is 130-135 lbs whichever I feel happier with. The other crappy thing is I am a broke college girl who doesn't have money for all the new clothes! So despite wanting to reward myself with a new smaller pair of pants...I can't lol. So baggy clothes it is!
  • I just got done eating a spoonful of the plain fage haha. I use to HATE yogurt my whole life until I started eating the greek style. I started with Chobani fruit on the bottom, nonfat. Those are delicious but have a bit more sugar than some people prefer. I have switched to the plain so I can add my own fruit. I add…
  • Yea I think my big downer is that I know it is bathing suit season and despite my hard work I still don't feel like wearing one :( My goal is to be comfy in my bathing suit and that is when I will know I have reached my goal no matter what the weight is. My friends noticing does make me know that I must look different now…
  • Welcome and I hope you find the support you need here at MFP like I have. Add me if you would like another friend. My dad faces the same struggle with his meds though he isnt off everything yet so I know what you have gone through!
  • Hi welcome!! MFP is the best!!! Best of luck to you on your journey and I hope you get much support as I am sure you will!
  • Thank you all for the wonderful suggestions! I guess it's not so much that I am trying to limit my carbs as I am trying to get more protein for the calories than is offered with all the carby breakfast items. I love love love almond milk, I use to make smoothies with it in the morning I could probably start that back up…
  • I did c25k as well and for the first three weeks I had shin splints every time. I started doing some stretches that actually HIGHLY helped them and now I rarely get a pain at all. Heres what I did: 1. Stand by a wall and prop your toe up against it facing forward, lean into it a bit and you will feel a stretch. 2. Either…
  • THAT is an awesome story :) You look great and healthy and happy!! Despite the strong man pose haha :) Thanks for sharing your story
  • YAY! That is a great difference!! If people don't notice then its because you are probably not wearing new clothes and that makes it hard to tell. Plus they don't see you half naked and that would help them see a difference. Girl you are as tall as me and already at almost my GOAL weight!! I was 152 last thursday's weigh…
  • Add me if you would like! I love all the support I get from my friends here on MFP. I would love some more and be happy to give out some more support :)
  • I can definitely tell in your waist and your face as well! Keep up your hard work :)
  • I am just starting on my training for running a 5k lol. But my brother was training for a half marathon and we were running talking about the gels and he said for a half marathon you would probably want some gels further along in the race as chris said around 8-10 miles you will have definitely burned all the calories you…
  • Hm...I would like to hear the answer to this because since I started MFP AGAIN 7 weeks ago I have started training for a 5k and running every other day of the week...I won't if this is true! LoL
  • YAY! That is awesome!! I love hearing the stories of everyone's success. You are doing great :) Keep it up and enjoy those victory pants!
  • Yea if you are working out you may be gaining muscle. I always measure once a week and weigh then. I often find that I don't lose pounds but lose measurements and that is most important! Do not weigh more than once a week because you do fluctuate and you won't get anywhere by weighing every day. Stop that! :) Keep up the…
  • One day won't end the great work you have done so far! Just remember that you can't keep having days like that and get back on track with your correct calories and you will be fine :) Don't let it throw you off completely!
  • Good job!! You look great :) Keep it up!
  • I've got a bit more to lose so I shoot for 2 lbs a week and for the last 5 weeks I've made it happen but I need some more support so if any of you need it I'm here! I haven't added many friends from the site yet so I am trying to find some who are super motivated to help keep me the same!
  • What kind of low glycemic snacks do you eat? I am looking for ideas too :) Also @runnerduc I am going to try that!! I never knew that taking magnesium would help this craving, but I do have a terrible terrible chocolate craving. @wolfchild - I hope I can get to the point where I never crave this stuff because I know how…
  • Well have you ever actually cut grass with a riding mower? I use to live on a 9 acre property and I used a riding mower. I will tell you that you don't just sit. You actually use a lot of core muscles and it takes a lot to turn the wheel and change gears for 4 hours. I know I was sweating my butt off and exhausted and had…
  • thank you all for taking time to respond! Yea I do eat apples, kiwis, oranges, broccolli, carrots, humus etc for snacks too but I really meant "desert" lol. I do wish I didn't crave it but I do no matter what! I guess my once a day 100 cal stuff is okay as long as I don't only eat that lol.