srhug Member


  • I have a similar knee situation. I was in a lot of pain the night after my runs and all the following day. I always take an extra day to make sure my knee feels strong again. The good news is that the pain has decreased over the course of the program (I am just finishing week 5) as my knee got stronger. It always helps to…
  • W4D2 felt better. I'm not gonna lie, the first five-minute interval felt like dying. I was spent half-way through it, my eyes stopped focusing. By the end of the workout though, I felt great. I even kept running an extra 2 1/2 min to finish the path I was on. I think I just started way too fast. I am still learning pacing…
    in Week 4! Comment by srhug February 2012
  • The important thing here is: HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Sixty is something to celebrate. One day of indulgent eating is not going to ruin you, I promise. Weigh in anyway--there is no point in hiding from it--but don't take the number to heart. You don't need to apologize for enjoying yourself on your birthday.
  • W4D1 was the first time this program has felt hard for me. I think it is because 5 minutes gives me enough time to start talking myself out of finishing. Somehow I managed to keep going--I know my pace really dwindled toward the end. I made it through though and got myself back to the couch with a bag of frozen peas on…
    in Week 4! Comment by srhug February 2012
  • I think the biggest benefit of getting healthy with myfitnesspal is that the website gives you the tools to be accountable to yourself and makes that process easier. The first week of logging my food was eye opening for me, I ate as I normally would but logged everything in my food diary and was absolutely blown away by…
  • whole medium pizza plus an entire dessert pizza....while watching the biggest loser...
  • Tortilla chips and Salsa. Whenever I let myself buy a snackfood, I go for the chips and salsa and I eat them til they're gone.I wish I had an alternative here. Ideas?