PJBisbee Member


  • Hi Cindy, I don't follow an AIP diet, but I've found a couple blogs that have wonderful recipes: http://hewontknowitspaleo.com/#sthash.laDrXnkU.dpuf http://aiplifestyle.com/ And this blog isn't AIP, but I think many of her recipes are/or can be AIP, and I love using the spiralizer - so much fun:…
  • I'm back - I was on vacation and just returned last night. Feels good to be home :) YF - sorry to hear about your injury but glad you're getting back to working out. Hope you start to feel better.
  • Well I just blew the "losing" streak because I didn't lose any weight! Sorry guys.... I'll do better this week!!!
  • I added swimming to my workouts this week. I'm getting up 30 minutes earlier and swimming before work. I like it, but it's hard to get up earlier! Now I need to get my eating dialed in..... my diet has been awful this week. I'm afraid the diet may be canceling out my workouts --- we'll see tomorrow how I do.
    in Week 1 Comment by PJBisbee August 2014
  • I'm excited about the 10 week challenge too. I weigh myself every morning. This is good/bad I suppose. Sometimes I'm down a pound (:happy: ), then the next day I'm up a pound (:sad: ) --- even when I've been good with my diet this happens. But I know that consistency is key when losing weight so I don't get too discouraged…
  • I lift weights a the gym about 3 days a week. I jump on the bikes or elliptical once a week. I struggle with cardio - find it boring. I try to walk at least 5 days a week too.
  • Starting weight 149. Goal 133.
  • Abbey - let us know how you like that hand held spiralizer. I've been looking at the various types wondering which one is best. I'd rather have something smaller that I can fit in a drawer. Also let us know if it's easy to clean.
  • This is a bit off topic, but does anyone use coconut milk in their coffee? I had some left over (canned coconut milk) and used it up by adding it to my coffee during the week plus added a bit of coconut oil. Loved the silky smooth texture of the coffee, and the taste. But is it healthy to drink coconut milk everyday like…
  • Wow! Congrats to you both. Keep going - so many more happy discoveries to come.
  • Thanks for all the suggestions. I'm heading for the grocery stores today.
  • Hi Guys, I'm going to use the You-tube links for this challenge - it looks great. I have silly a question..... for week 1, do I do the same video for 5 or 6 days in a row? Then week 2, do video #2 for 5 or 6 days in a row?
  • Hi - I'm starting late. I'm starting officially on Monday. I did a whole 30 in January, lost 6 pounds. I have been eating Paleo off/on since and I've put 4 pounds back on :( I read another post where they said that on the website 'clothes that make the girl' (or something like that) there's a plan where you cook on Sunday…
  • You look Amazing and Happy! Congrats!!
  • Great video, good info! I'll definitely keep watching your progress. The bridge/glute exercise you describe is called a hip thrust. Look up Bret Contreras' blog. Not sure if I spelled his name right. But it's a really good blog - he's also known as the Glute Guy. I love your comment "you need to train, eat, sleep, and…
  • Definitely a difference - you look radiant! Congrats!
  • Great Story! Congrats!!