sgtbrown Member


  • I am on the second round of Insanity. Finished the 2nd month a little over a week ago. Month 2 is definitely harder, and takes a little more time....but it soooo worth it! Yesterday I did the "Upper Body Weight Training" video (extra in my pack) and was able to do the exercises properly and effectively without major…
  • Greetings, Scott. I was one who originally told you I was worried you'd be losing lean muscle. Reading the comments here I see they are literally all over the map in opinion. You are making great progress! Your weekly weight loss is not a dramatic 10lbs a week every week, but seems very controlled. I'd say keep doing what…
  • I did drink my protein drink afterward. They are still challenging workouts.
  • AWESOME job...especially with the commute! I haven't commuted to work on my bike at all since starting Insanity. I think tomorrow is a great day to get back in that groove! Did Max Recovery today.....dang!!! Feel much better afterward!
  • vicky1804, I would definitely upgrade your setting up from sedentary. I'd have to say you are far from that. A 50 minute walk every day is awesome! Sounds like you do "starve" yourself during the day. It's great to see you are losing inches! I thought it was going to be hard for me to follow the meal plan on Insanity, but…
  • I agree with rick_po. You may be dehydrated AND not eating enough. If you don't have enough fuel, your body could go into "starvation mode" and begin slowing everything down. Do you drink lots of water? Replenish electrolytes lost?
  • Thanks. I'll check it out.
  • 1st day of "Month 2" for me! The fit test was a great warm up. The Max Interval Circuit totally kicked my but, and I actually feel great after getting thru it. Definitely hit max heartrate a few times and had to rest many times, but I pushed through it. 1442 calories burned! OUCH! Looking forward to tomorrow's beating!…
  • I listen to everything from Black Label Society to any "old" 70's-80's funk. I totally zone out to the music while riding my mountainbike. Yesterday, Black Label Society helped me climb a huge hill.
  • There are several good workout dvd's out there that you could do in your home in limited space. I am in my 4th week of the "Insanity" series and do the videos in my basement. I never thought I'd be doing exercise videos, but they really do work and you can go at your own pace as long as you are true to your workout and…
  • The best mod you could do to your bike to shave a little weight is by going tubeless. You can use products such as Stans NoTubes, which is what I use. There are other brands out there. The kit is easy to install and you can use your existing wheelset. If you are willing to spend a bit, a lighter wheelset with light race…
  • Welcome! We have all been there...."disappointed in myself". The positive is that you have taken an incredible step in voicing your opinion and taking the next move to do something about it. Don't be disappointed, be PROUD of yourself for taking the leap to improve! At one point I was an ultra-endurance athlete competing…
  • One step at a time! You will get there. I have hit a plateau, too, but will not give up reaching my goal. I've had some ups and downs, and my MFP's have been a great help with their support and encouragement. Add me if you'd like. We are all in this together!
  • Welcome! I have found that the support from others here on MFP really does help.
  • I have one pair of true "skinny jeans". They are black and have a bit of stretch. SUPER comfortable and only worn on stage...any season.
  • Michigan here! North of Muskegon, south of the bridge! Feel free to add me!
  • I am a Caffeine Free Diet Pepsi addict. I am going to try the water with fruit juice approach. My last 2-liter is in the fridge. When it's's gone. Several people have told me that the artificial sweeteners are treated just like sugar in your body. Lots of recent press on this. Not worth the risk.
  • I typically have a small meal before the gig. During the time on stage I usually only drink water or low calorie Gatorade, throw in the occasional diet pepsi. No alcohol. I gave that up looooong ago. After the gig we usually grab a sandwich or something, but I never eat it all. After a gig I usually just want to get…
  • I used to weigh myself every morning, but not seeing results each day got discouraging. I now weigh myself only on Mondays. Keeps things real.
  • 22lbs! That's awesome!! Never give up. It sounds like you already have will-power, and that is probably the biggest battle. I totally understand the way things can easily go the other way and next thing you know you've missed an entire week of workouts, then 2, then 3..... Keep it going! You are off to a great start.
  • I am on Coumadin as well thanks to an aortic root replacement complete with a new mechanical valve (anneurysm 2009). The most important thing is to keep your diet consistent. Being on "thinners" doesn't mean you should treat spinach like the plague, it just means that if you eat salads, or any other form of vitamin…
  • I have made the decision to get healthier not only for me, but for my family. I have 3 children, ages 7 and 3 (twins) and a wonderful wife that does wonders with them. So far, I have survived war, a motorcycle accident, and an aortic aneurysm! I'll be darned if I'm going to let food kill me!! I'm doing can…
  • The snowmobile trails are fun to ride on, but they aren't safe to ride on weekends because some of those riders are worse than some car drivers on the road. The snow gets packed hard from the grooming machine, so you can easily get a good 10 mile ride in.
  • Hitting the trainer tonight. Roads should be frozen enough in the morning to ride into work (about 7 miles). Yee haw!
  • Bass guitarist in Onager.