Low or No Vitamin K recovery Drink
Ok......I am on coumadin for the rest of my life and have to pay close attention to my daily intake of vitamin K. I am doing the Insanity workout series. That is a "Beachbody" product that suggests a results & recovery drink after the workouts. Trouble is, all of the recommended "Shakeology" drinks are loaded with vitamin…
Winter riding
Anybody out there doing the winter commute thing? Studded tires working well. Not very good in the slush....doubt anything is. It warmed up and softened up the shoulder of the road, so I have to wait for the next cold snap which will be in 2 days. Haven't ridden on the beach yet this year. Should be flawless after the…
Trying to lose 30lbs
So.....3 years ago I was traveling around the country doing 100 mile mountainbike races. Then, a dang aortic aneurysm and failed aortic valve made me stop. Dang. No, the aneurysm didn't bust (obviously), but it was ready to when they found it. A couple weeks later they did surgery and I now have a new valve and aortic…