

  • I love the Ken's Steak House Dressings...light options. My favs are Raspberry Pecan, Raspberry Walnut, Honey Mustard and Honey French. They have many choices that are low-cal.....sure there will be one that you would like.
  • Okay...this may be a silly do you log in your Zumba workout in your exercise? I do not do the Wii...just DVD. Each time I type in Zumba or Zumba fitness it comes up nothing available. Help, please!
  • I can honestly say I have not been 'ravenous' since I started my lifestyle change....I am making sure to eat healthy, whole foods, protein and watching caloric intake. I suggest to take a look at all the food choices you are making and see where, perhaps, you could make some choice changes that will make you feel fuller…