ddavies919 Member


  • Hi! I LOVE CLX!!! I've done 4 rounds and that's the program that got me into heavy lifting! I was skeptical about Body Beast myself but I absolutely LOVE it! And if you like CLX, I'm positive you'd like Body Beast! Don't worry about bulking up; you can't. I mean, unless you're taking certain supplements. Otherwise, you…
  • Hello ladies! I'm so sorry I've been inactive here but glad to see we have some new comers! I am 13 weeks post surgery and my hand/arm/wrist are doing pretty good. I am still not cleared to lift heavy at all and it's driving me nuts! I'm starting the 21 DF Extreme tomorrow so excited about that! I've also been doing Les…
  • Great job girl! You could try using a chair maybe? Or, just stand and do the shrugs. How are you feeling overall so far?
  • Way to go girl! So, Build Legs is extreme your first few times around!!! It's killer! I mean, if you really push yourself in the Pointe Class, I might skip it and do it Friday instead just to be safe. Then, when you do it, you'll know how intense it is for the next time around.
  • Welcome audiolove! If you're looking to fall in love with lifting, this program should do it for ya! I know it did for me! Even after 5 rounds of P90X, I love Body Beast best! Right now, I'm having to take some time off from lifting due to a median nerve entrapment in my arm; having surgery next month and it's driving me…
  • Hello beastettes! Sorry I've been MIA lately. Been super busy! Love to see you all still bringing it! Wolffie: I have always loved an egg white & spinach omelet for lunch and sometimes, I'll add a couple turkey sausage links too!
  • Welcome! The weights kind of depend on where you are currently with what you're lifting. In the beginning, I used anywhere between 5-15lbs and increased from there. You'll find that you'll definately get stronger, quick! What size weights do you have now? And yes, you can use bands for pull ups; that's what I did with…
  • It is a closed group but you should be able to still request to join, right? Let's do this, here's my personal fb page: https://www.facebook.com/debra.davies.39 Send me a friend request and maybe I can try to add you to the group since I'm already in it.
  • Hello ladies! Some of you have wondered about the Facebook group too; here is the link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/535897616423248/ It's a great group of supportive ladies! How is everyone doing? I feel like it's dwindelling a little in here!
  • Welcome ladies!!!! Woo hoo! I love to see more strong women doing this program! Today is Beast Cardio followed by PiYo Buns for me! I absolutely LOVE this combo! I have been adding in extra cardio only because I know I need it, but also eating enough too so not to deplete my muscle. How is everyone doing today?
  • Hello ladies! Happy Sunday! Today is my rest day! Whoot! Whoot! Yesterday I completed my very first mud run, obstacle course race and it was a blast! I'm hooked! LOL Have any of you ever done one? I'm now looking at the Tough Mudder next! I wish I wouldn't started these sooner in the summer season! I am looking forward to…
  • I used to measure every 30 days but haven't in a long time. As far as the scale goes, I weight myself only about 1-2x per month. I try not to let that "number" mess with my head! LOL I would wait until at least you're 30 days in before you measure/weigh, especially since you just started; you don't want to lose momentum…
  • Welcome Tanika! So, how did you like your first Build Legs??? Killer, huh? Glad to have you in the group!!!
  • Where you at Beastettes????
  • Hey girls! How's it going? It's almost Friday! Whoot! Whoot! :drinker: :bigsmile: How is everyone doing with their workouts? Today was Beast Cardio and PiYo Buns for me and then I did about 30 min on the elliptical too! Feeling good! Oh and I signed up for my first "mud run!" I'm soooo excited! This kind of obstacle stuff…
  • Have you looked through the Beast book to help you? It has the calculations in there to help you. And welcome to the group!!!
  • Hello beastettes! How was everyone's weekend? Mine was good, I ate too much crap yesterday! But you better believe I worked it off today! Back at it! I had a good sweat fest today! Turbo Fire 30 followed by Body Beast Bulk Legs! DNA removal at it's best! How is everyone doing with the program???
  • Welcome!! I also add extra cardio too as I've got some pounds to lose! I find that it's working! I started with only 5,8 and 10lbs but have increased that on certain moves. I always go heavier on my legs. How are you liking it?
  • Good morning ladies! Well, today I did Bulk Arms and my PiYo Buns! I sweat almost as much doing Buns as I do when I do Beast legs! It's crazy but such a good workout!!! I am hoping that by adding it in 3x per week, my tush will be tight and lifted in no time! How is everyone doing with the program? Seeing some results?…
  • So, for a substitute for pull ups, you can do one of two things, either use bands, if you have something to attach to your door or a place to attach them to or you can use free weights and basically do a bent over row with palms up; does that make sense?
  • Happy Monday ladies!!! It was Bulk Chest for me today! One of my favorite workouts!!! I love working chest! And that quiver that you get in your pecs is awesome!!! Good stuff! :bigsmile: Hope everyone had a good weekend! Push play and do whatever it takes!!!
  • Yeah!!!! I would start BB whenever you want and continue on with T25; seeing as how you want to lose some weight, extra cardio can't hurt! I do extra cardio now with my routine too.
  • Hello ladies! So, for those of you who are including PiYo into your routine. Here's my suggestion based on experience! LOL NEVER do PiYo Buns on Body Beast Legs day! LOL I could barely make it through Buns! I will say that I think the combo of these programs is amazing! If you think about building muscle and then leaning…
  • Welcome ladies!!! :drinker: :bigsmile: I can't wait to hear how you like all the workouts! Wait until Beast Cardio!!! It's not your momma's treadmill! LOL
  • Welcome!!! You will love Body Beast! Yes, either ball or weight bench will work. I use both, depending on the exercise. I don't follow the nutrition plan to a "T" but I do try to get my macros balanced; that's the hard part.
  • I kicked my own *kitten* with my own workout today! I like to put myself through my clients' & members' workouts so I can not only feel their pain but it also helps me format routines. This one was a doozy! Feel free to try it! Remember, there's no magic pill here, just get up and move! Happy Friday! 3 Rounds (1:00 min…
  • Sure, no problem! It depends, sometimes I use the stability ball, sometimes the bench.
  • Welcome! I follow a partial paleo diet; I'm not strict about it but it can work. Are you currently following a paleo diet?
  • Hello ladies! How is everyone doing? Today was Beast Cardio! Man, I love that workout! I also added in Turbo Fire abs, my favorite ab routine ever! I had scheduled also PiYo Hardcore On The Floor but with my wrist/hand issue, I just can't do anything that involves putting any pressure on it! It sucks and it's frustrating!…
  • Beast Build Legs again today! I actually love having two leg days in a week! It's kind of a love/hate relationship but I am LOVING the results and the tightness and lifting I'm feeling in my tush! :bigsmile: How are you ladies doing? Later today, I'll be trying racquetball for the first time! I'm excited to try something…