

  • Here's another consideration most people don't take into account. If you are cooking with a tablespoon of olive oil, you are not ingesting a tablespoon of olive oil, same for butter. Most people cook several servings, so that tablespoon of oil or butter is spread around to each serving and there is usually some left in the…
  • Sorry...I'm not doing any 30 day shred (shed)...I'm just doing the myfitness pal login and keeping track of calories. Anything else is all a gimmick. Save your money and your aggravation and just work out and keep close track of what and how much you put in your mouth!!!
  • Don't be discouraged at all!!! This program WORKS, WORKS AND WORKS. I've tried everything under the sun and this is the first time anything has really worked easily and I don't have to take any supplements, participate in any bull**** or start cooking food in a manner to which I'm not acustom. YOU DO NEED TO WORK OUT. I…
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