Im feeling very discourgaed =(



  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    My deit has been good. I eat all bran cereal in the morning with fruit in it. Lunch I usually eat a salad or tuna mayo.. or whatever else is good for you . My snacks usually consists of baby carrots, laughing cow light cheese 25 calories, hummus, fruit, raw veggies. Yesterday for dinner i had half a turkery sauage, salad, 1/2 of rice. And water. Sometimes I will have a fruit smoothie for breakfast with avocato and mix with water. So I think over all my eating has been good.
    that all sounds like healthy stuff, but are you getting enough calories? do you hit your goal mfp has for you? do you eat your exercise calories? while i agree with everyone else that 3 days is nothing - in the long run, these things are important
  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    dont be discuraged and dont compare yourself to others! I'm similar to height as you and started at 184 lbs...getting to 165 is very do-able. Take a deep breath and make sure you are 1) logging everything and 2) staying active. Be careful with that "if every day were like today..." tool because it doesnt really work out like that. For example, if you eat 500 calories net it will say you will be very light in 5 weeks BUT that isn't must eat to lose weight. I know that sounds backwards, but it is true. If you make healthy choices and eat in moderation you WILL lose weight! Activity is a bonus that speeds up your metabolism.

    Keep doing what you are doing and the weight will come off. even if you dont meet your goal exactly, you will be better off in the summer overseas than you are today. Just take it one decision at a time!
  • Steph_Marie29
    DO NOT GIVE UP!!! You can do this!
  • parvati
    parvati Posts: 432 Member
    Be patient, it doesn't happen over night! Make sure you are eating clean, not starving yourself & eating processed foods & getting lots of exercise in.
  • Surisaddai
    Surisaddai Posts: 142 Member
    Definitely check your inches. I went through same thing. Scale would not move. I felt like I was fighting it. I stopped weighing myself. Had my WW leader watch and warn me if I was gaining (my safety net) Then I joined a gym, upped my work outs to 5/wk, concentrated on nutrition. 90 days later I had lost two sizes. I don't know how it happens but I think if we get too fixated on the scale it can actually interfere with progress. Numbers do not tell the whole story. One person can be fit and trim and another overweight at the same height and weight!
    I agree, this is the same that happened to me. I did not lose 1 lb while on the challenge but did go down a whole jean size and got way stronger. My arms for the first time in my life started to gain muscle and my legs are freaking power houses now. Don't focus so much on the scale (easier said than done) but how your body is looking. Nothing is going to give you a change in 3 days so do not stress. I actually do believe that stress makes you fat, and when you stop freaking out about the scale then it will all come together.
  • avk9802
    avk9802 Posts: 84 Member
    Don't give up! It's VERY hard at first. I know this. I wasn't seeing much results in the beginning but 3 months later I am 24lbs lighter. Just continue to do what your doing. Watch your sodium intake. That can make you feel bloated and make your body retain water weight.
  • beckih10
    beckih10 Posts: 5 Member
    Make sure that you switch up your exercise routine, don't always do the same thing. And like others have mentioned, try using measurements to track progress because as you gain muscle, the scale number does not always move but you're still losing body fat. A lower body fat percentage and higher weight would be healthier than being at your goal weight but having a higher body fat percentage. Thin people are not always healthy, they still can have a high body fat percentage and have health risks just as an overweight person would.

    "Like" my facebook training page, "Becki Hill Personal Training" for more information or motivation!
  • dovesgate
    dovesgate Posts: 894 Member
    You only need to lose 10lbs... are you eating enough or do you have your weight loss set for 2lbs per week?
  • brookepenni
    brookepenni Posts: 787 Member
    How long did it take you to loose the 23 lbs?

    In more than 3 days! Miracles dont happen sweetheart - you need to keep at it!
  • weaverfit
    weaverfit Posts: 124
    I haven't done the 30 Day Shred but I'm planning on purchasing it soon as people seem to be getting great results with it.

    I found the 30 Day Shred DVD at Target for $9 just last week. If you want it, I think that's a pretty good price for it.

    RE: OP motivation
    Try something entirely different. Shock your body with a really different type of workout for a couple of day. Try a martial arts class or some extended walks in the outdoors (yes - I know it's winter here in the US/Northern Hemisphere - but the cool temps may help you burn some cals). Try some meditation, focusing on intention --- "I intended to lose 10 lbs. by the time I leave for Overseas" - and some visualization of how happy and cheerful you'll be on your trip in the new, leaner, trimmer you.

    (Not trying to promote sunshine & rainbows here. I just happen to think that visualization/intention help.)
  • n_soares3
    Yah I do have it for 2 lbs a week. I want to lose about 15-20 pounds in total but my goal is 10-12 pounds before March 4 when I go to Europe.
  • SherryFT
    Don't be discouraged at all!!! This program WORKS, WORKS AND WORKS. I've tried everything under the sun and this is the first time anything has really worked easily and I don't have to take any supplements, participate in any bull**** or start cooking food in a manner to which I'm not acustom. YOU DO NEED TO WORK OUT. I have been doing this since Jan 1st, it's only been 14 days and I've lost 6lbs. The first lb didn't come off until day 5 or 6, but the rest have been following nicely. I eat pretty much what I want, though I do tend to always make healthy choices (mines all about portion control). I log on at the beginning of each day and complete food portion, this way I'm sure to stay within my limits. I go back in at the end of the day and make any changes. Most of the time I'm within my calorie limit and on occassion a few calories over. I do any kind of exercise I can fit in that day. Sometimes I go to the gym (I only spend 30 minutes there, I chose either cardio, or just arms or just legs), sometimes I can't get to the gym so I stretch at home for 15-20 minutes or take the dog for a 20 minute walk. Some days I just can't fit it, but I don't beat myself up about it, that's life. I'm focused on this though and if you remain focused it will work. I have always been heavy, one other time in my life I lost 125lbs in a little over a year doing karate and eating only once per day. It took many, many years but it found its way back on my body. I tried other things and it was hard getting the lbs off, but this thing is convenient, so simple.....IT'S ALL PHYSICS AND SCIENCE. IF THE ENERGY OUT IS GREATER THAN THE ENERGY IN, YOU'LL LOSE WEIGHT....Good Luck, you can do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • ComeAroundSundown
    ComeAroundSundown Posts: 69 Member
    I haven't done the 30 Day Shred but I'm planning on purchasing it soon as people seem to be getting great results with it.

    I found the 30 Day Shred DVD at Target for $9 just last week. If you want it, I think that's a pretty good price for it.

    RE: OP motivation
    Try something entirely different. Shock your body with a really different type of workout for a couple of day. Try a martial arts class or some extended walks in the outdoors (yes - I know it's winter here in the US/Northern Hemisphere - but the cool temps may help you burn some cals). Try some meditation, focusing on intention --- "I intended to lose 10 lbs. by the time I leave for Europe" - and some visualization of how happy and cheerful you'll be on your trip in the new, leaner, trimmer you.

    (Not trying to promote sunshine & rainbows here. I just happen to think that visualization/intention help.)

    Thanks for the heads up! :)
  • SherryFT
    Sorry...I'm not doing any 30 day shred (shed)...I'm just doing the myfitness pal login and keeping track of calories. Anything else is all a gimmick. Save your money and your aggravation and just work out and keep close track of what and how much you put in your mouth!!!
  • Justkf
    Justkf Posts: 208 Member
    I agree with the measuring part. I have not been losing as quick as I want lately but yesterday, jeans that were very fitted 2 weeks ago were really baggy. So even tho the scale has not bugged, something redistributed. I think that is worth feeling good about and knowing that the direction is still the same. I feel like hiding my scale too!
  • n_soares3
    The 30 day shred is a workout.
  • Tawanda190
    Tawanda190 Posts: 27 Member
    Just know that slow weight loss is the best, The faster you drop weight the more chance you have of it coming back on. Make sure you are not drinking to much water, you could be bloating yourself. Also make sure your calories are nutrionist and that you are actually eating your daily calorie limit, eating less does not make you lose weight. Also stop getting on the scale daily, your weight flucuates on a daily basis getting on the scale daily will drive you crazy! Believe me, i have done it.
  • apple2107
    10-12 lbs in 2 months is totally reachable. I lost 10 lbs during 30DS too, so you don't have to sweat over it. Keep a food journal as well, it will help a lot. Other than that, just stick to what Jillian is giving you, first 3 days in easy mode, and then transfer eventually to hard mode and you will reach your target before you knew it.
  • vitamon
    Exactly what and when are you eating. Maybe an experienced and successful FitPal can preview it for you. Go to diary set up and allow your food diary to be viewed by a "friend." Just a suggestion.
  • dovesgate
    dovesgate Posts: 894 Member
    Yah I do have it for 2 lbs a week. I want to lose about 15-20 pounds in total but my goal is 10-12 pounds before March 4 when I go to Europe.

    This is why you aren't losing weight then. Try changing to .5 per week so that your body will let go of the calories you're eating now. The less you weigh the more you have to eat.