germ881 Member


  • LOL, I refuse to believe I am one of few here who actually gets some serious urges around TOM. Talk about frustration.
  • I found that exercising consistently helped lessen the pain and general PMS symptoms, but the pain still came and in full force. Exercise means squat diddly if one cannot physically get out of bed. Kind of hard to go running for 20 mins if just taking 20 steps hurts. God bless my birth control pills..*clasps hands together*
  • Considering my cramps usually ended with a trip to the ER before starting birth control, I disagree. There is no universal measure of pain. Your 10 out of 10 may be someone else's 10000E+10 out of 10. Besides, if someone decides to not exercise because of TOM ("legitimate" excuse or not)...big...frickin...woop. It wouldn't…
  • God forbid someone stick up for a sibling LOL. My older sister is protective of me as well. Sometimes being a good friend, sister, relative, etc can mean sticking your nose where it doesn't belong. IMO you should not have in this situation, but speaking in general if folks just started minding their own business all the…
  • No, I joined because I thought it would be a great way to track my calories and assess how I was eating. I didn't start reading the forums until later and found that it can be a great resource of information when needed. And entertainment lol.
  • I'm not a huge oatmeal lover but once in a blue I get a craving for it. When I do I can stop by McDonalds and grab some in the morning. I eat with the sugar and apples. Tasty and fills me up. To me, McDonalds is not the devil and I enjoy it when I want to. I may try the Jamba Juice one someday. Didn't know they made it…
  • In my last semester of graduate school if that counts?I lost the freshmen 15 my first year in undergrad but grad school made up for that because I gained 12 last semester. I work 40+ hours/week between my job and internship, and take 4 courses a semester so my days usually go from 7a-10p. Didn't have time to think about…