

  • I love my red meat, so of course I had to give it up lol! I make turkey brugers on the grill, and now I prefer them to regular hamburgers...
  • I've had a similar problem with logging "Total Body Sculpt" workouts I DVR from Fit TV. Since they don't have that specifically listed, I went a little more general and logged it as Aerobics, as that was the category I thought it best reflected. Maybe Zumba would be something similar to that...
  • I'm no expert, but your running shoes are a necessity. I've lost 30lbs, but I still weigh 305 (ish), and from what I understand, you need to change your running shoes out every 6 months at least, especially when you're our size. Otherwise you could be hurting your joints feet etc. Just a thought, keep up the good work!