Male Rewards for weight lose

Topbobdog Posts: 55 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
Some info about me currently im at 374lbs and i have lost 7 lbs. I am still active i have been walking with my wife for my weight loss along with various other activities
Ok so i see all these weight loss rewards but they are all women, such as at 25lbs lost manicure, ... I am actually looking for some ideas for some male weight lose rewards this is what i have so far

25 new running shoes
82 Celebrate the under 300 with
Goal Cruise skinny honeymoon
(avoid buffet this time aroud and actually find out where the gym is)

Yes i know that isnt much well its just a bunch of goal numbers with a final goal but i need some suggestions for some smaller goals. I am a manly guy so getting a manicure and pedicure really isnt my thing. Im more into camping, concerts, outdoors and sports. But i want them to be cheap goals not like go to a concert or go to a sports. Something that could happen year round whenever i reach that weight. I hope that makes sense input would really be appreciated.


  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    I havent really done rewards, but I want to go Bungee Jumping once I am below the weight limit and get a tattoo once I am done
  • Roboguy
    Roboguy Posts: 25 Member
    Here's some ideas:
    25 sex
    50 more sex
    75 even more sex
    82 Celebrate the under 300 with lots of sex
    100 at this point she is jumping you
    125 a day off from sex
    Goal Cruise skinny honeymoon to have sex on a boat
    (avoid buffet this time aroud and actually find out where the gym is and then have sex in it)
  • StephieWheats
    StephieWheats Posts: 88 Member
    Here's some ideas:
    25 sex
    50 more sex
    75 even more sex
    82 Celebrate the under 300 with lots of sex
    100 at this point she is jumping you
    125 a day off from sex
    Goal Cruise skinny honeymoon to have sex on a boat
    (avoid buffet this time aroud and actually find out where the gym is and then have sex in it)

  • Sherry1979
    Sherry1979 Posts: 457
    What I try to do for goal rewards is either get myself something that will further my success (for instance for one goal I got a heart-rate monitor) or get myself something that I have been wanting but have put off buying because it wasn't really something I "needed" (like my last reward was a pair of earrings I had been wanting. . .they were only $30 earrings but I wouldn't buy them because they weren't a necessity so using them as a reward was a way for me to get them without feeling guilty). So I would say this would work for male or female. . .hope this helps and congrats on the weight lost so far!!! :smile:
  • I'm no expert, but your running shoes are a necessity. I've lost 30lbs, but I still weigh 305 (ish), and from what I understand, you need to change your running shoes out every 6 months at least, especially when you're our size. Otherwise you could be hurting your joints feet etc. Just a thought, keep up the good work!
  • janicelarab
    janicelarab Posts: 7 Member
    I am all about free rewards as well. What about downloading a new batch of songs to listen to while working out? or, a healthy picnic in a local park with your wife? Or a weekend at home with no chores?
  • lethwin
    lethwin Posts: 18 Member
    I just started 2 weeks ago and havent thought about rewards before. Sounds kinda cool. Currently I'm at 217. Been wanting one of those heartrate monitors for the cardio. Maybe I'll make that a reward for getting to 200 ;)

    Good luck on your goals!
  • Some of the things I've thought about are video games or perhaps riding gear for the bike but my best reward is just seeing the scale go down. Other than that I guess I'm thinking along the lines of Roboguy.
  • Topbobdog
    Topbobdog Posts: 55 Member
    Thank you all for your comments but unfortunately i am still left scratching my head. I dont really want a heart rate monitor my wife has one and i dont think im that big of a fan of it. I guess i still dont know maybe i will just go with like a new wardrobe i see that as a lot of goals toward the end.
  • zenzoes
    zenzoes Posts: 187
    Something will present itself. Whatever you decide make it something you find exciting,fun,or new to you! After all it's a reward :)
  • NH_1970
    NH_1970 Posts: 544 Member
    What do you like to do? Examples of rewards could be, if it's reading maybe favorite latest book by your fave author. If you like using a wii or xbox/ps then getting a game, mmorpg's buy a sub instead of game cards, Maybe it could be a some, free weights/for lifting at a certain weight. Like sports, maybe tickets to your fave local teams game, instead of just catching it on t.v. Could be a new ipod, or any kind of electronic gadget that's within your budget range between my brother, my brother in law and my dad, I know you guys like gadgets and tools, even if it's one of those all purpose pocket thingys with the pliers that pop out on them. Maybe some really good cologne, if you like to golf maybe a new club or shoes or any of the golf gear they have out there. Could be a box set of movies if you like movies that you've been meaning to buy but haven't. You could buy a label maker, I got this idea off the net but bought one for my brother in law a few year ago and he went nutso with it, all of his junk in the garage was super organized after with sticky labels everywhere, I also bought him a rechargeable battery operated nose hair clipper thing and he loved that too. If you have a favorite kind of clothes, for my dad it was the professional sports jackets (like dallas cowboys - not professionalsports work jacket), pick something out online and get it when you hit the goal weight.
  • Motleybird
    Motleybird Posts: 119 Member
    Buy pieces of gear for a sport you like to play, and then when the weather is nice, go out and see how well the new you plays!
  • nhendri
    nhendri Posts: 236 Member
    OMG that is awesome!!!!! I really like that reward!!!!! Hopefully my best "friend" will be up for it lol.
  • p90xokc
    p90xokc Posts: 66
    I would highly recommend a heart rate monitor that tracks calories burned during your workouts. It's just another tool of knowledge on your journey
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    Go for a massage! I had to almost drag my boyfriend in for his first, but now that is the only gift he wants! Uhh... no happy endings until he got home though.
  • Roboguy
    Roboguy Posts: 25 Member
    Uhh... no happy endings until he got home though.

  • Cool sports equipment if you play one. My husband and I play racquetball - that is one of our main exercises for our weight loss. So we recently went out and got racquets (we'd been renting from the gym before).

    I would say a massage would be a good one. I know this sounds like a girl thing, but if you're working out hard, your muscles will thank you. My husband loves getting them.

    My hubby rewarded himself with new suits at one point as well.

    X dollars to shop with for a new wardrobe (however much you want/can afford) would be a good one as well. I mean, you always need new clothes in this process, but personally I always feel bad buying them, wondering if they'll fit tomorrow. So even if it's a trip to someplace cheap, clothing that fits properly makes you feel great.

    See if your wife will cook you a fancy, yet low calorie romantic dinner, followed by Roboguy's sex. lol. A little reward from the supportive spouse is always good. I recently made my hubby a big batch of cookies that are pretty healthy.

    Other than that - CDs if you're really into music. Treat yourself to a box set or a compilation album or a wicked cool live concert (I have a Zeppelin concert compilation DVD that is AWESOME). The plain music would be good for working out, but the DVDs are just wicked. All the joy of live music (in my case, from the 60s) without having to be there (or born a few decades earlier).
  • Sauchie
    Sauchie Posts: 357 Member
    My better half is into games. Video games, get a new game or something for that game. if your a reader get a book. or a new movie. Or a night out on the town...
  • StuAblett
    StuAblett Posts: 1,141 Member
    When I get down to my goal weight, I'll be buying my self a new road bicycle, the 22 year old Cannodale I have will still see daily use, but the road bike will be nice for monster road rides! :bigsmile:
  • blankiefinder
    blankiefinder Posts: 3,599 Member
    My dh lost 70+ pounds 3 years ago, and has kept off all but 5. Some of his rewards along the way: A dvd he wanted, new clothes at certain milestones (dropped from an XL to a medium, so new clothes were definitely necessary!), and sports equipment because as he lost weight, he became more active. For sports equipment, he got things like a more comfortable seat for his bike, new pedals and shoes for bike, new gym clothes as he outshrank them, a pull buoy for swimming, etc.

    The way he lost all of his weight was by going to the gym 10 times per week. 5 evenings of running 1 hour and 5 of weight lifting 70-90 minutes approximately, varying zones each day, and spreading out the 10 over the 7 days so some days he only had one workout, but most, 2.
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