

  • The 1500 is what you should be eating, daily. When you signed up and answered the questions about your gender, height, activity levels etc. the site calculated the calories you use for maintenance, then took away 500 calories per day so you lose healthy weight = ie FAT, not muscle. So if you're only eating 900 calories a…
  • The truth is you DEFINITELY set yourself back yesterday. At most, you can healthily lose 2 lbs of fat a week. The burger alone would have had MORE than your daily fat needs, then you add in the fries an drink and that's over 1000 calories just on that meal, and THEN you followed it up with doughnuts. More empty calories =…
  • Don't stress too much about 5 lbs, that could easily just be water weight. I wouldn't worry too much about what your scale says either, focus more on how you look in the mirror. If you're eating right and exercising there's a chance you could be shedding fat while building muscle mass, which can happen when people start…
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