Think I ruined it yesterday...

mrsltobe Posts: 25
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
Hmmm... it's TOTM, I've become very emotional and yesterday I stuffed my face.

I had:

Brekkie: 2 eggs, 2 toast
Lunch: Burger King
Snack: 3 Krispy Kreme doughnuts
Tea: Hunk of white bread, cheese and crisps


I'm hoping it's just what my body needed and today I can carry on as normal...


  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    One bad day isn't going to change everything. Don't beat yourself up, everyone slips up. The ones that make the most progress accept it and move forward.

    If you do gain it will mostly be from water, just try and eat right and it will go back down.

    Stupid TOM
  • The truth is you DEFINITELY set yourself back yesterday.

    At most, you can healthily lose 2 lbs of fat a week. The burger alone would have had MORE than your daily fat needs, then you add in the fries an drink and that's over 1000 calories just on that meal, and THEN you followed it up with doughnuts.

    More empty calories = fat gain.

    That said, it is very important to have a "cheat meal" every week, for sanity's sake, but you need to be reasonable.

    Also, you need to eat more times throughout the day, 5 or 6 small meals, instead of 3 or 4, which will lead to you getting hungry and binging again.

    EDIT: I'd highly recommend researching - this guy has dozens of videos that will break down proper nutrition for you. He also has calorie calculators, and workouts any one can do from home ranging from beginners to experienced gym pros. It is all free and the guy has no hidden agendas, I can't recommend his site enough.
  • Luckymam
    Luckymam Posts: 300
    If you want to be successful, you need to lose the 'all or nothing' attitude. That's one thing I have learned this time round. You have not 'ruined it'. You simply gave in to some cravings. Losing weight doesn't mean that you have to eat a perfectly balanced diet, below calorie requirement, every single day for the rest of your life. You have not been 'bad', 'naughty', etc - you have been a human being. For this to work, you have to be realistic. You AREN'T going to be 'good' (I HATE that term) every day. There will be days that you slip, that you eat too much, that you give in to a craving, that you don't exercise; the important thing to do is forgive yourself. You didn't kill anybody. Just start again today.

    I went out last night. I ate and drank far too much. So what? If people think that I'm going to count calories, fat and carbs on a night out, they are mistaken! I need a life and I'll just start over today!

    Be kind to yourself!
  • randyv99
    randyv99 Posts: 257 Member
    EDIT: I'd highly recommend researching - this guy has dozens of videos that will break down proper nutrition for you. He also has calorie calculators, and workouts any one can do from home ranging from beginners to experienced gym pros. It is all free and the guy has no hidden agendas, I can't recommend his site enough.

    Pretty interesting link!

    But give her a break.
    More important than agonizing over nutrition is to make small healthy changes everyday. If you started off eating fast food 5 times a week and are down to just 3 times, then that's something to consider as a success. Quitting anything cold turkey is incredibly difficult. All changes take time and all habits die hard. That being said, we cannot excuse ourselves our transgressions. This site is every bit as much as providing support as it is about accountability. Don't blame TOTM for today's choices. Own the fact that you chose to eat badly today and then choose healthier options next time.

    It's not all or nothing but you have to hold yourself accountable for the decisions you make for your body. Good luck for tomorrow.
  • Heidi1987
    Heidi1987 Posts: 191 Member
    If you want to be successful, you need to lose the 'all or nothing' attitude. That's one thing I have learned this time round. You have not 'ruined it'. You simply gave in to some cravings. Losing weight doesn't mean that you have to eat a perfectly balanced diet, below calorie requirement, every single day for the rest of your life. You have not been 'bad', 'naughty', etc - you have been a human being. For this to work, you have to be realistic. You AREN'T going to be 'good' (I HATE that term) every day. There will be days that you slip, that you eat too much, that you give in to a craving, that you don't exercise; the important thing to do is forgive yourself. You didn't kill anybody. Just start again today.

    I went out last night. I ate and drank far too much. So what? If people think that I'm going to count calories, fat and carbs on a night out, they are mistaken! I need a life and I'll just start over today!

    Be kind to yourself!

    I completely agree. you had a bad day, move on, life is for living, remember that!
  • Yesterday I ate far too many calories of the unhealthy empty kind. Previously I might have had another day today of thinking 'stuff it, I'll just eat badly again today and start the diet again on Monday'. Now I reckon that one day like that is enough and there are far too many 'startings again' in my life so today is a new day with a new set of calories and I'll think carefully about what I eat.

    I felt rubbish after overeating whereas my body used to tolerate so much more than that. I reckon that's a good thing because I'll think twice about not stopping when I should have next time I feel like that. My personal journey is about learning moderation so it's no bad thing to have my body tell me to just stop!

    I really hope that in your head you can see today as a new day of calories and a new day when you can control this rather than being controlled by it. One day doesn't ruin everything, but thinking it has and giving up definitely will.

    Have a great day today, maybe try and burn some extra calories by doing 5 minutes more exercise and keep going. You can do this.
  • Neliel
    Neliel Posts: 507 Member
    Phwoar that sounds nice!
    No point kicking yourself over it, falling off the wagon one day won't kill you! Just pick yourself back up and carry on counting those calories again!
  • Yasmine91
    Yasmine91 Posts: 599 Member
    Sweety, look I too have that all or nothing attitude but it does have to tone down if you're going to lose weight, yes we need to be strict but at the same time we need to enjoy ourselves.

    Always, and I mean always allow yourself a day in the week or month if you're very strict to have what you want and not feel guilty. It is so beneficial for you. I have been doing it for a long time and I have still lost weight. Lemme tell you what I ate yesterday

    Breaky: branflakes skimmed milk and yoghurt

    Lunch: a croissant and smoothie and sandwich

    Late: a huge bar of chocolate.

    How do I feel? good :)

    I am now continueing with my diet and even peeked on the scales coz im just obsessive like that LOL and it shows that I'm 2lbs down :P so this could either mean I need to be extra careful or my metabolism had a huge lift :D

    Just pick yourself back up and carry on, there's no need to get upset or feel like you've just wasted your time.

    Take care hun x
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    For only being on this site for less than a month 4 lbs is a wounderful number.
    Just for random FYI ovulation=200 calories.
  • HazelDiva1913
    HazelDiva1913 Posts: 194 Member
    you didnt make the best choices yesterday but honestly most people dont on the weekends. dont beat ur self up about it...keep pushing get a great workout in today and you will good girl
  • Just reading the posts made me feel better about my "bad day yesterday, and you're all right. We all need that one day that we don't weigh and measure. I felt terrible at first after seeing the scales this morning, but now I know I need to pay attention again.
  • I have been where u are plenty of times where I felt like I overate. Yesterday, was a day like that for me. However, I have picked myself off the ground after consuming almost two glasses of wine yesterday, mcdonalds nuggets and fries, a dairy queen chocolate dip cone, and a moes art valanday in a bowl, and this put me over my calories even with exercise. I felt bad at first and my boyfriend even remind because I stress out about things alot that u can't emotionally overeat (eventhough this may not be your situation). I am just saying that it is good to allow yourself at least one meal or day where u are not so health conscious b/c it will keep u sane of course. Don't be upsessed with weight loss to the point where it becomes I failed completely situation. Just take it one day at a time and when u have a day and u will where u mess up just move forward. That's what I do.
  • hmm, sounds like you may have deprived yourself a little too much over the weeks. maybe you should let yourself have a treat daily so you don't feel so deprived. you binged yesterday. need to take a look at why. but don't worry, you didn't ruin it. "it" is a process. get back on. you can do this.
  • LilynEdensmom
    LilynEdensmom Posts: 612 Member
    It happens...the most important thing is to learn from it ... LIke I can't keep any type of junk food in the house, or I eat it especially @ TOM, or when I'm upset or stressed...

    its 3500 calories to gain a pound, if you gained anything its probably water weight.

    Today is a new day, drink plenty of water, eat right and workout and just count yesterday as a treat day :)
  • DeanaMarshall
    DeanaMarshall Posts: 22 Member
    hmm, sounds like you may have deprived yourself a little too much over the weeks. maybe you should let yourself have a treat daily so you don't feel so deprived. you binged yesterday. need to take a look at why. but don't worry, you didn't ruin it. "it" is a process. get back on. you can do this.

    I absolutely agree. Something I have done this time around that has really helped: I can eat whatever I want. I just can't eat as much as I want. This sounds dangerous, but a very wise trainer ( told me that the first bite tastes just like all the rest. If you eat whatever you want but in portions, you won't feel like you have to binge so badly all day. Sometimes just knowing you can have it and you have a choice helps you make the right choice and makes you realize you just don't want it. Press the reset button in the morning and move didn't "blow it"- just remember how crappy you feel today and remind yourself that you never want to feel this way again. Pick one reasonable treat per day to work into your daily calorie intake so you don't feel so punished! This is a lifestyle change, so it will take some getting used to. You can do it!!
  • Nothing wrong with one not great day, we all have them. Get back on it tomorrow and move on and you'll be fine. :smile: Make sure to get lots of water though.
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