

  • Hello! I am currently working on P90X. It is a great program to get you in the best shape of you life. There is a three part nutritional plan that goes along with the program. The first four weeks, the fat/carb/protein ratio is 20/30/50. I know 50% protein of your daily calories is a lot of protein but that is what kicks…
  • I wear a Heart Rate Monitor with caloric burn feature. I have also noticed, I burn more calories post work-out than any other time of day. I too wonder the same thing you do. Should I eat more calories during this time when I'm burning the most calories. Especially for me since I'm trying to gain weight.
  • I use a quart water bottle (several actually). I drink one over about an hour. I can be easily done with meals to get three quarts. Snack time...another quart. Basically, get your quart bottle and drink it every time you eat. Don't force it. You don't have to finish the quart by the time you finish eating. Getting your…
    in Water Comment by a420dreams July 2010